how to add amazon products to shopify

How To Add Product Reviews on Shopify hey what is up guys it's Brennan here,and today I'm going to b

Brennan Valeski

Updated on Jan 27,2023

How To Add Product Reviews on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to add amazon products to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add amazon products to shopify

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how to add amazon products to shopify catalogs

How To Add Product Reviews on Shopify

hey what is up guys it's Brennan here,and today I'm going to be showing you,how to add product reviews on Shopify,I'm going to be showing you step by step,exactly how to do this and it is all,completely for free with a app provided,directly from Shopify so that's gonna be,showing you here in this video tutorial,today ultimately the ultimate goal on,your website is to have it look like,this demo store here where you have your,star reviews and ratings showing up,which helps you know prove that you have,customers it helps show social proof and,it allows people to go in and actually,add the customer reviews and being able,to add reviews to your eCommerce store,your online store and your product,listing so that is what we're going to,be achieving in today's tutorial and,exactly step by step how to get this,showing up on your Shopify store once,again completely for free directly,through an app created by Shopify now,don't already have a Shopify store and,you do want to get set up I do have a,link down in the description box below,that first link in the description take,you right over to a Shopify free trial,we're going to start with Shopify for,free today if you don't already have a,Shopify store once again that's at,Brandon Shopify take it,right over your Shopify pre-trial and,without further Ado let's go ahead and,dive into the tutorial so first things,first you're going to want to make sure,that you are on your Shopify dashboard,all logged into your Shopify store next,you're going to come over to the section,here called apps and you're going to,want to search for review now there's,going to be or review reviews there's,going to be a bunch of different uh,results that come up the one you're,going to want to look for is the product,reviews app by Shopify I will leave a,link down in the description box below,as well in case you can't find it but,really just searching for reviews on the,Shopify App Store uh it's the product,reviews by Shopify this is the one that,we're looking for this is the you know,free to use one completely 100 free and,it is created by Shopify now it's a,little bit more basic than say some of,the other product review apps but it is,completely free and very simple and easy,to use once again you know it helps,increase sales of reviewed products you,can improve your SEO results and a,flexible design as well the product,reviews app has gotten some updates as,well more recently to work with,shopify's latest themes and to make sure,that everything looks sleek as you can,see here,within the demo store that the Shopify,product reviews app has so you can,actually get your star ratings and put,them exactly where you want I'm going to,be showing you just a second so that is,what we are achieving here as you can,see you have an overall back end you can,have your reviews set up you can import,them export them as well just nice and,simple and easy to use a very you know,Bare Bones basic just easy to understand,so I'm showing you how to add them into,your online store in just a second but,ultimately that is the app that you want,is the one created by Shopify so all you,have to do then is click on add app and,then this will add it to your Shopify,store,once it loads as you can see here so,product reviews by Shopify we're going,to add that to the test store here we're,going to click install app,and boom then you now have the reviews,app in your Shopify store so before,reviews will actually show up on your,online store there's a couple steps you,do need to take in order to get,everything working on the front end of,your site of course so you do need to,customize the theme which I'm going to,be showing you right now how to do that,here to get everything that you need for,the blocks now it's important to mention,you it may or may not work for you,unless you make sure you click this,button here to verify and continue you,know verify that app blocks are actually,working I know some people have problems,with that so just make sure you know,verify that the blocks are actually,working you know you have to add them in,so we're going to go ahead and do that,now before actually you know clicking,the button but you're going to want to,make sure that you know your products,are unhidden and you actually have the,app added to your product page for the,product reviews so what we're going to,do is go into theme customization,stations we're going to go ahead and,click on online store,and then it will bring up the themes,we're going to click customize on the,dawn theme this will bring up the editor,then we're going to want to go over to a,product page so we're just going to,select default product so this will just,take you to any of your product listings,then you're going to go in and add the,block here and now as you can see here,you have reviews and star ratings,popping up in your app Block so this is,how you test to make sure everything is,working properly so all you have to do,is then click down here to add block and,you can then add in the star rating here,right underneath the product description,boom and then it loads in there and then,that is showing here is basically the,same type of setup you can either add it,under the product pricing under the,product title just depends on what you,want to do you know you can move it down,to the next position depending on where,you want your star ratings to appear so,we're going to leave it there right,below the pricing after the shipping,calculated at checkout of course there's,a variety of different places depending,on your theme setup that you may want to,place this but we're just going to save,that there so we have star rating,of course there's currently no reviews,on this product specifically but this,will then update on every product,listing you have as long as they're,within a default product setting in your,templates now if you just do things,basic and you don't create any custom,templates then it should apply to all,the products that you have just in your,online store by default so you add your,star rating there and of course you also,have additional customization so you can,you know increase the star size to see,hey maybe you want your star ratings to,look a little bit bigger you know you,can improve the sizing there you can,have them centered you can also have,them left or right Justified with the,alignment so we're gonna go left,Justified sort of because that's kind of,like the overall layout here,and then you can also change the star,color so you can have it as black you,could have it as blue or even gold like,most people probably want something a,little bit more yellow or gold colored,sort of like a more like a I guess sort,of like an Amazon Star maybe a more bit,of an orange so you can kind of do that,here as well if you want it to stand out,a little bit more than just a default,black so you can say you know badge text,with no reviews it's going to say no,reviews you can also customize it if you,don't want to say no reviews you could,say like write a review or something,like that if it has,no reviews then you know you could you,could suggest people to write a review,uh if they've maybe already purchased,that product or something like that so,that's one way to you could do that and,customize the text there so you have a,lot of options here with how your star,ratings actually look on your product,listing as well which is really cool uh,that you have that additional uh,flexibility depending on how you want it,to look on your specific eCommerce store,on your Shopify store so boom so we have,that there and then next what we're,going to do to add the detailed uh,section here is you're going to want to,scroll down a bit,after product information so we have,image with text we also have the share,button so underneath image with text,that could be like additional uh,settings or something like that you have,a you know different blocks you could,add theme blocks so we're going to go up,here and then add in the reviews so this,will add in the detailed reviews section,as you can see here there it pops up now,this once you have actual reviews it,will then show up as you can see here on,the demo store with the specific,customer reviews laid out as well,in detail so instead of just having the,star rating you know people go and click,on this and then it will bring them down,here into the more detailed review,section where they can also write a,review and look at those reviews as well,so that's the next thing you're going to,want to add is make sure you add that,reviews block now generally it needs to,be within the product information tab,for it to show up as you can see you,know adding it within the image and text,it did not work so make sure you add it,in there now if you go into the reviews,section as you can see here not really,much customization there the majority of,the customization is here with the way,that star ratings look of course it's up,to you depending on how you want that to,look but then you're going to want to,just make sure you have the detailed,customer reviews here so they actually,populate on the page as well so there,once you have that you can go ahead and,click save,and currently I'm using the dawn theme,with Shopify this does work on other,Shopify themes as well as long as,they're on the online store 2.0 setup,then you know you basically have that,same technology there so we're going to,go ahead and click exit and then next,we're going to go back to the product,reviews app as well just to go in here,so as you can see we haven't rece,received any reviews yet you can also go,into your settings for the reviews and,change whether or not you want them to,be automatically published on your site,or if you want to manually publish them,you know I I would suggest personally do,it as disabled so that you know you have,to manually publish new reviews just in,case you know you might get review,spammed or someone might leave uh you,know spam really ultimately that's a,good spam filter is just so that you can,make sure that these are legitimate and,whatnot and so that you know you could,also just leave it on on automatic but,you know because the new reviews are,check for spam but you know sometimes,that spam filter may not catch,everything so it in my opinion it's good,to just be able to manually publish them,make sure that they are good uh genuine,reviews you can also select to have an,email sent to you whenever a review is,submitted as well which is cool and then,in here of course these are for you know,older themes if you need them to be a,custom color or theme color like I,showed you in today's tutorial that is,on the dawn theme which is in the online,store 2.0 theme so you edit that,directly in the theme settings like I,showed you this would be if you have an,older theme that isn't on online store,2.0 then this is where you would edit,your star icon color whether you want to,be gold blue black whatever color that,you want you can edit that here if,you're on an older theme then as well,you also have the uh settings to edit,the review listing layout uh as well so,this is where you would edit that,section down below here this is where,you would edit that section if you want,to look a little bit different and,change out like the padding or the,reviews per page as well as the colors,as well you can also edit the text as,you can see here now personally I like,to leave a lot of that stuff default,because you know it's pretty solid just,leaving this as default but if you want,to go in and edit that of course if you,want to change the headline customer,reviews write a review if you want to,change those things you can do that and,you have the option to do that here as,well and then you have review form text,you know seeing the author's email you,know making sure that that is entered in,making that required the author's name,and the message as well as the review,star rating and the title so just having,all of that information here depending,on you know each step of the process if,you want to add any custom things like,you know by default it'll just say thank,you for submitting a review you know you,can say,you know thank you for uh submitting a,review and then you could even add in,like here's a 10 off coupon code uh for,you you could leave that here as well if,you wanted to give them like a 10 coupon,code just because they ended up leaving,a review,um you know that's an option there if,you want to do something like that uh,just depends on how you want to operate,your store if there's any other uh,things that you want to add in of course,you can reset the settings here or,export uh reviews as well so we're gonna,go ahead and click save as well here so,then that is pretty much it for product,review settings,um you know you can import reviews as,well if you want but this is really just,a solid reviews app to make things nice,and easy and simple within Shopify it's,once again directly through Shopify it's,completely free to use and you can add,these reviews in and yeah pretty good,setup so this is how you get product,reviews on your Shopify store once again,if you don't already have a Shopify,store and you're just looking at it,things I would recommend checking out,that first link down in the description,box below we'll take you right over to a,Shopify free trial that's, Shopify we'll take you,right over to your Shopify free trial if,you want to get set up with them and,you're just doing some research but guys,I hope you found this video helpful if,you did be sure to smash that like,button hit the Subscribe Button as well,and notification Bell so you're notified,whenever I upload a new video but anyway,guys that is all for today's video and,I'll see you in the next one peace out

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