how to add countdown timer to shopify


Golden Tia

Updated on Feb 01,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to add countdown timer to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add countdown timer to shopify

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how to add countdown timer to shopify catalogs


hey guys welcome back to my channel my,name is tia and if you're new please,don't forget to subscribe,so today i'm going to be doing a,business video for you guys,and as you guys can tell my background,is different because i'm home right now,for a little bit,and i need to film videos so yep,but i will be updating you guys on my,life,in an upcoming video i don't know when,but,so stay tuned make sure you're,subscribed anyways let's just get right,back to this video,so um today i'm gonna show you guys how,to add,a notification bar to the top of your,website so the,specifically the countdown timer bar so,if you're interested in that definitely,keep watching,okay so the first thing that you guys,want to do is go to your shopify app,store as usual,and you're going to want to go onto the,search bar and type in,countdown timer bar,i'll have the link in the description,box in case you want to just click that,but this is where you would go to find,apps for your store,um this one is specifically my favorite,so that's why i'm sharing it with you,guys,so it's this one the countdown timer bar,you're gonna click it,and as always scroll down to the bottom,and make sure this is okay for you so,they do have a free plan,you guys know i always come through with,apps that have free versions,so um honestly in my opinion you don't,need the paid version the free version,is more than enough,but if you are wanting to pay that 9.99,a month and it seems like the best thing,for your website you definitely can go,ahead and purchase that plan,however the free plan is fine um then,you'll go back up click,add app and it'll be in your,app section so you're going to just,scroll down to the app click it,so countdown timer app timer bar,all right so now i'm just going to show,you guys how to add it to your website,and then at the end i'll show you guys,how it'll look on your website,from a customer's point of view so,you're just going to click create new,bar,it'll bring you down here and since we,have the free version we can only use,the basic templates which,honestly i think is more than enough,these kind of look a little tacky to me,in the premium template,but if that's your style then you know,you'll have to pay for these,so you're just gonna click one of these,so um,which one i'll do this one trust me,so then it'll bring you down here and it,has a preview of how,it will look on your website,so you see how it says our anniversary,cell,and in so you can customize this text as,well as the text on the right side,and you can change the text of this,button as well,so let me just go step by step with you,guys,okay so um in this content configuration,box you can customize everything like i,said,so this first one says name so you can,name,the bar that you're creating so let's,say this is for,a summer cell you can do that with,summer cell,message before timer it's pretty,self-explanatory,so the message before timer you can put,our summer cell,will end in and it'll update as soon as,you,go ahead and do that and then the,message after the timer,you do like 15 percent off of,off for all orders right here,so this button that you see right here,that says shop now you can take that off,if you want you'll just click,make the entire bar clickable and then,people will just be able to click this,bar and go straight to the cell page,or you can put do not make bar clickable,and it still won't show the button,and the notification bar won't be,clickable,or you can add the button and for the,purpose of this video i'll just leave,the button,and you can change that text,shop or what's something else shop all,so for link url pretty much this button,when a customer clicks that you can,choose which,part of your website you want to direct,them to so,i'll just put a random i'll put,wholesale our wholesale,link so you guys can see when i click it,and you can also put to open the link in,the new tab after clicking the bar,or not you can just click this and it'll,do it,you can include the close button and the,close button is just that x,on the side of the notification bar that,they can just x off and it will go away,i personally don't like putting that,because you don't want your customer to,forget that you're having to sell on,their website and you want to build that,what's it called like that oh i have to,get this now i can't remember what it's,called but,you guys know what i mean so um,select a display position for this one,you can put it on the top of your page,put it on top of the page and it stays,there while a customer is scrolling,um the bottom of the page the little add,to cart button there's so many places,you can put this,i usually just leave it on the top of,the page and allow it to,stay there as a customer is scrolling,and that's pretty much it for this first,box pretty straight to the point,the next one would be the timer,configuration,so this is where you set up how long,the timer will be on your website for so,depending on how long you're having that,sale,so right now um let's say you want it,from july 11 to july 17th so yeah you,want to click this first one for the,first date and the second one for the,second date the start time 12 a.m the,end time let's do,11 59 pm,so again depending on when you want to,start your sale when you want to end it,you can also,go ahead and um add that customize that,the only one that you can use is the,type a,with the free version but honestly like,i said it's fine,so the countdown from the defined start,time to the end time that's,actually the best one i think in my,opinion so,now that's pretty much it for that one,the next one is style configuration,so this is where you can go ahead and,play this is why i say the basic isn't,really that bad because,the basic templates for the bars you can,go ahead and change the colors,changes text colors the button colors,and all that,so we can change the background color,let's make it like,an aqua green or see green color,make the button like pink,i don't know you didn't really just play,with this,the timer background color we can leave,that,in that goldish orange color,the text color let's see what do i want,to change it to,let's put green just so you guys can see,it oh that's the red,and again like i told you guys you can,scroll up and you'll be able to see,you see like the preview of your bar,so this is the color that i just added,these colors look so ugly,but um yeah and you can change the,background,color of opacity so let's do zero let's,see how that looks,i never tried that,oh cool if that's the look that you like,you can definitely go ahead and do that,i'm gonna leave it at 100 or 1 for this,video and these are the other templates,that they have if you,upgrade your account and they have,different ones for different,holidays but like i said it's not really,necessary and if you check out my other,videos by the way,i have like the the images falling down,on your website,you can go ahead like for valentine's,day and out of hearts falling down on,your website and then just add a,red countdown timer bar and that's,pretty much enough because you don't,want to,overdo it you can change the fonts for,free so that's cool they have different,fonts right here which i actually didn't,even know,they have some nice fonts and,you can change the language you can,change the font size,the bar padding and the bar having just,the space,on top and under so let's let me show,you guys so you guys can see,so let's do 30.,so you see how it just became thick as,hell so,if you want your bar to be thicker you,can go ahead and add more padding to it,but i think it looks better without the,padding so so here,you can do the seconds to this way,before retraction so that's just,how long you want it to show before it,goes away,interval seconds between displays on,different pages you can go ahead and add,that if you want,but these you can just leave at zero,um so the targeting,configuration so you can target which,page you want your bar to show up on,so if you wanted to show up on your home,page only you can go ahead and add that,and you can go ahead and only target it,to a,collections page so if you're having a,cell on your lashes,and you have like other products you can,have it only show on that lash,collection page,but it's usually better to just show it,on any page so that,people who aren't even looking for a,certain product they'll be like oh this,is on sale let me grab this you know,so you can do that the resto you would,have to pay for,these you have to pay for and then,custom code configuration speaking of,coding,i do need to post some more how to code,videos in my coding series,but it's just right now i'm in like a,little transition so i'm waiting till we,get like settled down,so that i can focus on more on that,but anyways that's this so this you,would have to pay for it to like,customize your,bar with coding but if you're watching,this video i'm sure you want something,simple so you're not going to need that,and when you're done,you're just going to click save,so i'm going to save that and let it,show,is it the 11th year so it's going to,show on my website,so you're going to see right here so let,me show you guys how it looks on my,website,sorry guys my camera just stopped i,think i'm running out of storage,i might have to delete some stuff but,let's try to finish this video,so as you guys can see right here on the,top,i need to show you guys how to do this,bar thing the free shipping on all us,orders over 50.,that's for a separate video but anyways,this bar the countdown bar is showing,right there on top of my page and as i,scroll down,it's still there and it shows,on all different pages,like isn't that cool but,um yeah so i really love this when i'm,having sales,and also if someone isn't subscribed to,your email,marketing like you can go ahead and,get new customers to purchase from,yourselves once they go onto your,website,and look when i click shop all it brings,it to the link that i put it on which,was my wholesale,i hope you guys found this video,informative um,this is my first time filming in my room,at home,so i hope the lighting was okay and you,guys could hear me properly,um if you guys have any questions let me,know down below as usual i'm here to,help,and if you guys have any video ideas you,want me to do let me know,and yeah that's pretty much it for this,video y'all this video was not difficult,like this is such an easy thing to do,um yeah so don't forget to like,comment and subscribe if you're new to,my channel and i'll see you guys in my,next video,bye,you

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