what's up everybody welcome to my,channel in this video today i have a,great one for you i will be sharing with,you how you can accept visa master,debate and credit card payments on your,shopify store in jamaica or anywhere in,the caribbean now if you have set up,your shopify store you would have,realized that the only option available,to you is through paypal and i know,you'd want to receive the return credit,card payments and in order to do this,you need to enable the shopify payments,option on your store but when you enable,the shopify payments option you'll,realize that it's asking you for a bank,account so that's the problem we're,going to be solving in this video so the,first step is to get a u.s bank account,which i will be sharing with you in this,video and you don't have to fly you to,go and get this and you don't have to,have a social security number you can,get this for free like this is one of,the best options available to you to get,a usbank account we don't leave in the,country and having a social security,number so we're going to be using wise,transfer wise transfer allows you to get,an account is one of the major countries,around the world like our us bank,account canadian great britain a jpy,account you name it you can get a bank,account from one of those countries with,wires so,the first thing you need to do is click,the link in the comment section and the,description and head over to wise.com,once you're there you can create your,account however when you're in the sign,up process you're going to be needing,two devices so it's best to use a laptop,and a mobile phone so you sign up on,your laptop and then you use your phone,to scan the qr code so just take up your,camera emit the qr code and then it will,take you to the wise website to complete,the process i'll leave a link to a,step-by-step tutorial or you can sign up,your account,so these are the various methods that,you can use to create your account you,can create script google facebook are,your apple id so i already have an,account so i'm just going to log in,now as you can see under my account,section i have a us account canadian,account and a great bidding account so,what you need to do is select the us,account once you're there,so in order to get the us account,details you would actually need to add,money to that account so once you select,add it will then take you to another,screen that asks you how much money you,want to add to your account,and then once you complete the process,then you decide or you're going to make,your payment so you can use a wire,transfer i recommend a debit our credit,card because that is way easier and then,you select continue to make the payment,however i'm not going to proceed because,i already have my account details,now once you're there just select your,us account details,and then you'll see your routine and,your account number,so now that you have your us account the,next step is to go over to your shopify,store and enable the shopify payments,now once you're in your shopify,dashboard scroll down to the bottom and,select settings,select payments,so you already have mine activated so,what you can do is select manage so,these are the various payment methods,that you can receive on your website,once you enable the shopify payments,so i do recommend enabling all of them,and here is where you'd specify your,account so in my case i'm gonna say,change account,the u.s account and i'm just going to,grab my account and wrote in number and,then once you do this all you need to do,is just scroll down and select save,and then you'll be seeing,your bank account being reflected here,as involved bank and shots,and then you can select your payment,schedule or afternoon payments also,every business day,every weekday or every month and nothing,sweeter than when you get those,notifications that you have receive a,sale or a payment,so i definitely recommend enabling,notifications,now the next payment option that is,available to you and you should enable,is the,paypal option so i'm just going to,select payments again,and then i'll be selecting the paypal,method here so what you need to do is,just click activate paypal,and then what will happen is that what,will happen is that when you select,activate paypal express checkout it will,take you to the paypal website and then,ask you to log into your people so i'd,recommend creating a business paypal,account so when you're under paypal site,instead of selecting personal you will,select business account,and then that should enable the paypal,checkout on your shopify store,now the next option you need to do is,enable manual payments for the manual,payment you can create a custom payment,method for example you can access,payments using link just specify the,instruction on how to pay,with link as well as you can select the,bank deposit and then you provide about,details,for your stores so you're going to just,provide all the relevant details for,your bank account for you to receive,payments and then select activity by,deposit,and,for the paypal you can also use the wise,account and then link it to paypal and,then you can withdraw from your,to your wires are called and then you,can withdraw straight to your jamaican,bank account and this works for almost,any country in the world so even though,i say jamaican bank account if you're,outside of jamaica this method still,works for you so let me go over to the,shopify store and attempt a checkout and,then let's see if i get these options on,my website,so i'm just going to select a random,item on my store,slip add to cart,continue to check out,and then here you can see that you have,the option for express checkout which,shall be our google p but we're not,gonna do that specify the shipping,information continue to shipping,continue to payments,and then here you can see that the,credit card option is now being,reflected on the website so we have the,visa mastercard mx discover and the,headers that we previously discussed so,so that's pretty much all you'd activate,shopify payments on your website now,let's go over to wise and then simulate,or you would actually withdraw money,from your wise account to your local,bank account,so once you're in your wise account all,you need to do is select send money,select your wise currency balance which,you want to send the money from,specify the amount that you want to send,so let's say i'm gonna send 10,and,you can send in usd to usd because what,what will happen here it will if you,have a us account it will then send you,yes account if you just have a jmd,account or wherever you're from,then that money will be converted to,your local currency,select continue,and then i'm going to be sending to,myself,and then here,it's saying local bank account this is,because it is expecting like a us bank,account so what we're going to be doing,is selecting the swift option then,specify the swift code for your bank and,then your bank account number and then,confirm,so i already have an account on file so,i'm just going to simulate that using my,account select,select your reason for our transfer,other,continue,and then this is an overview of the,transaction so this is the swift code,for ncb and this is my account number,and it's giving me an expected delivery,day so this will definitely be within,your account within three business days,and once you it's send and confirm it,will be asking you to provide a pin,which you set up when you are creating,your account and then here because i,have the mobile app it's asking me to,authorize this transaction with the,mobile hub,so because i have the mobile app enabled,it will be asking me to approve this,transaction from the mobile hub,otherwise you will be asked to specify a,thing that you are set up,when you're creating your account,so i'm just going to cancel this because,i'm actually recording my phone right,now make sure you check out my other,content my videos are mainly on personal,finance and investing and if that's not,well that's something you should be,interested in so make sure you check out,some of my other videos and then,consider subscribing to my channel thank,you for watching see you oh wait and,before you go make sure you share this,video to other business owners who you,know have their shopify store because it,will definitely benefit them i know,they're wondering how they're going to,get this done but here's a solution,don't keep it to yourself no make sure,you share it with friends or this will,benefit again thank you for watching see,you in the next video
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