how to add email link in shopify

How To Hyperlink Email Address hey guys this is Maggie from a paper,copy and you can find us on,www.

Rock Paper Copy - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 14,2023

How To Hyperlink Email Address

The above is a brief introduction to how to add email link in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add email link in shopify

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How To Hyperlink Email Address

hey guys this is Maggie from a paper,copy and you can find us on, we can help you with,social media marketing SEO and website,optimization and in this video I'm going,to show you how to a hyperlink email,address so if you want to have your,email address active on your page I what,I'm going to show you how it looks like,without the activation so basically this,is a contact email address that is not,hyperlink that it's simply not active so,if you want to hyperlink it we go back,to the page to edit it and we will need,a special code which is in the video,description and this is a very short,code you can find it on the by going to,Google and searching for hyperlink email,address what I'm going to do I'm going,to click command C which is copying the,text I'm going to go to the HTML editing,section of the page,and I'm going to paste underneath and,then this is the code and we have to,replace example email and email us with,this email address I'm going to click,ctrl X we're going to cut it and I'm,going to paste it right after mile two,and yeah,so dot-com actually there should be so,that was wrong but come muggy at rock,paper copy that calm so mail to those,two microfiber copy that come and if you,want to leave it as email us which I'm,going to show you how it looks like you,can leave it as text of your choice like,email us or I prefer to leave it as an,email address so I'm going to change,email us into the actual email address,and that's how the email address is,activated now going to show you how it,looks on the life,Paige so we're going back to the page.i,refreshing it and now I'll see the,market of paper Toby calm it is,activated if I click on it my email form,is being open and I can email me,obviously this is not configured on my,laptop but basically you have an idea,and you can email me you input subject,line if your email address or if your,customer email our inbox is configured,on their laptop they can they can even,use vitamin from your page so this is,very useful and it's very good for use,with unions and how accessible is your,website so I hope you liked it please,click like under this video please,subscribe to my youtube channel for more,tips on how to optimize your sugarpie,store and how to run on first page of,Google and also follow me on social,media on Facebook Twitter Instagram and,Google+ at paper copy thank you so much,why

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