hey guys welcome back and if you're new,to this channel my name's stuart thanks,for joining me today,in this beginner's tutorial i'm going to,show you how to set up,and add your facebook pixel to your,shopify store,and walk you through how to track,conversions on facebook,now just quickly before we get started,with today's tutorial if you're new to,this channel,consider subscribing to stay updated,with weekly actionable videos and,tutorials,designed to help your small business,thrive online with that said let's head,over to my computer and let's get,started,and one last thing if i'm speaking too,fast feel free to click on the gear icon,below the video,and reduce the speed of this tutorial i,hope this helps,okay first things first before we can,set up and add our facebook pixel to our,shopify store,we need to head over to our business,manager now if you don't already have a,business manager,just head over to business.facebook.com,and click this link here and that's,going to take you to,this page here if you don't already have,a business manager,then all you need to do is head over to,create account,but because we've already got a business,manager we're going to skip through this,section,because it's very simple to do so and,then what we're going to do is meet you,at your business,manager so if we click on this link here,and this will take us to our business,manager,now all we need to do is come down here,and click,go to business settings now the next,step is to create and add,an ads manager account so to do that all,we're going to do is click add,and come down here and click create a,new ad account,then what you want to do is come up here,and add your business name so for the,purpose of this tutorial,we're going to use a business called,stuart's,source because i love my hot sauce so,that is going to be,the fake business that we're going to,use today for this tutorial,then just come down here and select your,time zone and then,your currency so we're going to leave it,as it is and come down here and click,next then just come down here and select,my business and come down here and click,create,then here what we want to do is add,people and set,permissions so i've got my account here,i'm going to click my personal profile,and come down here and give myself,complete admin,access then what you want to do is click,assign,and congratulations you have just,created your ads manager,and that is now connected to your,business manager,what you want to do now is actually set,up your payments but we're not going to,talk about this because we want to jump,into,actually setting up and adding your,facebook pixel,to your shopify store so we're going to,come down here and click close,and then we're going to navigate down to,data sources,and then we're going to come down and,click pixels,then we're going to navigate over here,and click add pixel,now down here we want to name our pixel,so ideally you want to name it the same,as your business so we're going to type,in stuart,source here then we want to come down,here and add our website url,so if we head over to our shopify store,and then on our shopify backend which is,where we are now,we want to look at our store and get the,website url,so to do that we can come down to our,online store and view it,then all we need to do is come over here,and copy our website url,and then head back over to our facebook,pixel setup,and once we're back here all we need to,do is paste our website url,in here and then click continue then,come down here and select setup pixel,now,and then because we're using shopify we,can actually add the code using a,partner integration,meaning we don't have to touch any code,and this is great for beginners,so click this option up here and then,come down here and click,shopify then here we want to make sure,that,we've turned on automatic advanced,matching and then click,continue and here we just have a brief,overview of how to install the pixel,but we're going to continue through this,because we're going to show you how to,do it,and now that we're on the paste pixel id,all we need to do to install,our pixel is to copy this code down here,and head back to our shopify store and,then in our shopify back end,all we need to do is head over to online,store and then come down to,preferences under preferences all we,need to do is navigate down here till we,find,facebook pixel and then we just need to,copy that pixel id,in here and come over and click save,then once you've saved your settings,here just navigate back over to the,facebook pixel installation,and now that we've pasted this id into,our shopify store,we can come down here and click continue,now all we need to do is put in our,website url again,in here just to test that the pixel is,working properly,so once you've got your website url,again just paste it down below here,and then come across and send test,traffic to see if your pixel is working,properly,what this is going to do is open up your,new website,and test that the traffic is working,test that the pixel is working correctly,then all you need to do is head back to,that pixel installation process,and it should only take a few moments to,show that your pixel,is active and when you see this little,green active,notification down here come across and,click continue,and congratulations you have just,completed the initial setup to,adding and installing your facebook,pixel on your shopify,store now what we want to do is track,conversions,so we need to set up some events so to,do that what we're going to do is come,down here and click close,and then come over here and click open,events manager,and come down here and just paste your,website url in here again,and click open website then navigate,back to that page we were just on,and you can see that there was a page,view so all this is now,working now what we want to do is track,conversions happening on,your website so to do that all we need,to do is head over to overview,and remember this is with the facebook,pixel so we want the pixel to send us,information,when someone has purchased something,from our website,so to add a purchasing event on our,website to track those conversions,all we need to do is come down here and,click add event,and then click on from the pixel,now using this event setup tool this is,a relatively new feature,this is one of the easiest options to,use the,pixel the facebook pixel to manage and,track,events happening on your website for,example a purchase,on your website so to get started all we,need to do is come down here and click,launch event setup tool then here we,just need to add our website url,once again and click open website,then what you'll notice on your website,is this little facebook event setup tool,this little tab,up on the left hand corner that you can,move around now what we want to focus on,is events on particular pages so,essentially what we can do is use all,events so,there are currently no events set up for,this pixel so we're going to focus on,events on this page now to do that all,we're going to do is focus on,track new button because when someone,when a customer clicks a button,for example buy now that's going to,notify facebook that's going to notify,the facebook pixel,that a customer has purchased a product,and they have,converted and that's exactly what we,want to track now if i click,track new button you will see this,little notification down here,click on a highlighted button to set up,your event so for example if,i wanted to track add to cart i could,click this button here and then i could,come across here,and select add to cart and,confirm so for example now if someone,clicks on this,button up here the add to cart tracking,code will,fire and the facebook pixel will notify,me that someone has added a product,to cart but what we want to focus on is,we want to focus on,purchase so what we need in order to,track the purchase,is head all the way over to the purchase,the final page,that the customer will land on before,they purchase a product,so we're going to quickly do that now so,we're going to click cancel,and then come down here and click on,this one product that we have,stewart super hot source and then we're,going to come down here and click,more payment options and then here what,we're going to do is quickly add our,information our contact information here,and this is the page where we want to be,because we want to track,when a customer converts and to do that,we want to track this pay now button,so if a customer clicks pay now they,convert,into a customer a paying customer,and that is what we want to track so,that when,someone does click on this button and,they do convert,we can track that through the facebook,pixel and we will be able to,identify when a customer converts from,facebook,so to track conversions all we want to,do is click track new button,and then click the pay now button and,then select an event so we're going to,select,purchase now because this is a,beginner's tutorial,we're just going to choose a value on,this page,so we want to come up here and select,the total amount,over here now because we're in new,zealand the nz dollar,is the amount we're tracking so we're,going to select 23.,that is the value on this page and then,we can change the currency if we like,but we're going to leave it as usd,and then all we need to do now is come,over here and click,confirm and as you can see that has been,completed the purchase event is live,and being tracked so congratulations we,have now set up your facebook pixel,and we are now tracking conversions that,are happening on your shopify,store and it's as simple as that to add,your pixel,and track conversions and now i just,want to quickly show you when you start,advertising with,facebook you can start tracking those,purchases,those conversions for example with this,ad set here with this ad or this,campaign here,we had 10 purchases which amounted to,21.52 per purchase,and that is all recorded because of the,facebook pixel,and because of the purchase event that,we had just set up,so you can track and manage your,purchases versus how much you're,spending,per ad to see if you're making a,positive roi,return on investment and there we have,it it's as simple as,that and that is it for today's quick,tutorial you should now have your,facebook pixel installed,and tracking setup on your shopify store,now if you have any questions about this,process make sure to leave those,questions down below,and with that said thank you so much for,watching this video through to the end,if you got value make sure you leave a,like below this video,and if you haven't done so already make,sure to subscribe and that way i will,see you in the next video take care guys,you
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