how to add header image in shopify

How To Add Custom Header In Shopify 2022 | Full Guide!(2022) hello everyone and welcome back to our,

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Updated on Mar 18,2023

How To Add Custom Header In Shopify 2022 | Full Guide!(2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add header image in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add header image in shopify

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how to add header image in shopify catalogs

How To Add Custom Header In Shopify 2022 | Full Guide!(2022)

hello everyone and welcome back to our,Channel today we are going to talk about,how to add a custom header in Shopify in,this video we will demonstrate all the,steps needed to create a custom header,in your Shopify store how to create menu,items how to add it to the header and,how to customize the header so watch,this video till the end to better,understand all these steps,after logging into your Shopify store,click on online store in the left side,bar and then click on the navigation tab,menus or linked lists help your,customers navigate around your online,store you can also create nested menus,to display drop down menus and group,products or pages together,here you will see all the menus and its,items that have been created for your,store,by default there are two types of menus,first is the footer menu which is only,one item that is search,and the second is the main menu which,has three items that are home catalog,and contact you can create your own menu,and customize it according to your,preferences and requirements,to add your own menu click here on the,add menu Link in the next page here,enter the title for your menu we are,entering demonstration menu and now add,the items in this menu you can create,any item and Link it to any page in your,store whether it is your product page or,your any personal page or any page of a,Blog to do so click here on the add menu,item link a pop-up window will open here,enter the name of your item we are,entering demo one and in the links,section select the page that you want to,link to it and then click on the add,button,now you can see that the created item,has been added to the menu items,you can repeat the same steps for,creating more items according to your,requirements we have fast forwarding,this part,so these are the main menu items under,the main menu,you can arrange its position by dragging,it from the left side you can also,create a sub menu under any menu item,to do so move your cursor at the left,corner of the menu item and move it,below the main menu item which you want,to create as a sub menu,and then drag it little towards the,right side and drop it it will be,created as a sub menu under the main,menu,you can even create a menu under the sub,menu item just follow the same steps,and when you're done with creating and,adding all the menu items click on the,save menu button,now here you can see that the menus that,we had created have been added to the,menu list with the menu items that we,had created,now click on the themes tab under online,store in the left side bar,to make any changes in your current,theme we recommend you to make a copy of,your current theme,to do so click on the three dots here,and then click on duplicate your theme,will be duplicated and Shopify will,start copying your theme,at any time if you want to restore your,theme you can use this publish button,now let's move on to adding a custom,header to our Shopify store,click on the customize button,this is the template editor page here,you will see the preview of your store,in the left sidebar there are many tabs,of categories for your store there are,tabs for announcement bar header image,Banner Rich Text featured collection,Collage Video,multi-column and footer,these are the default sections of your,store if you want to add a new section,then just use this add section button,now click on the header tab from the,color scheme drop down you can change,the background color of the header let's,try all the options here,if you select the first option which is,accent 1 you will see that the,background color of the header has been,changed to Black,if you select accent 2 then the,background color of the header will be,changed to Blue,if you select background 1 the,background color of the header changes,to White,if you select background 2 the,background color of the header changes,to light gray,and if you select the inverse option,then the background color of the header,will be changed to charcoal black,here we are continuing with the accent 2,option,now next is the logo section,if you had already added a brand logo to,your Shopify store under the profile,settings then it will be shown here and,you can apply it,but if you haven't added a brand logo,yet then you can do it using any image,as a logo for your store,to do so click on the change button and,click on select image under the library,tab you can upload any image and use it,as a logo or else you can also use the,free stock images under the free images,tab,now select the category suitable for,your store here we are going ahead and,selecting women's fashion,then scroll down to find a suitable,image for your logo and once you find,one just click on it,you will see its preview on the header,and if you have finalized it then click,on the select button,and your selected image will be shown,under the logo section,you can also use this slider to adjust,the width of the logo,next is the desktop logo position from,the drop down you can either select top,left or top Center or middle left or,middle Center,next is the menu section here you will,see the active menu on the header to,change it click on the change button and,select Change menu,here you will see all the menus that,have been created in your store,we can also see our menu that we had,created earlier select it and then click,on the select button at the bottom of,the page,next is the mobile layout section from,the drop down you can change the mobile,logo position to Center or left,and below are some spacing,customizations like bottom margin top,padding and bottom padding,now we are done with customizing the,header so click on the save button on,the top right side and your changes will,be saved and will get applied to the,store,now click on the exit icon on the top,left corner to go back to your themes,page,now let's take a look at our store click,on view your store on the top right side,and your stores page will be opened in a,new tab,here we can see that the header has been,customized with the logo that we had,added to the store and here are the,menus items that we had created,this is the desktop view of your store,but if you want to view a mobile preview,of your store minimize the screen to,almost half and it will be optimized for,mobile view,you can view the header menu by clicking,on the lines at the top left corner,and so our Shopify store is now live,with our customized header,with this we have completed our tutorial,on how to add custom header in Shopify,this brings this video to an end we,truly hope you benefited from it if you,have any suggestions or want us to make,a video on any specific topic feel free,to comment below we will see you soon in,our next video till then stay tuned and,stay subscribed to our Channel

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