hey what is up guys it's Brennan here,and today I'm going to be showing you,how to add store policies and legal,pages on Shopify and in this video,you're going to learn how to add your,terms of service shipping policies,privacy policies and really every type,of policy that you may want or need in,Shopify and there are a bunch of,templates and free to use templates that,you can customize as well to make it,nice and easy I'm also going to be,showing you how to add that into your,footer into your navigation Pages as,well so it's easy for your customers to,quickly and easily find these policies,listed on your Shopify store now if,you're brand new to Shopify you don't,already have a Shopify store I do want,to mention that first link down in the,description box below you can go ahead,at brambleeski.com Shopify we'll take,you right over to a Shopify free trial,we're going to start with Shopify for,free today on that free trial that's,that first link down in the description,box below and without further Ado let's,dive into the tutorials so first things,first you're going to want to make sure,you're on your Shopify home page in your,dashboard the Shopify dashboard on the,home next you're going to go down to the,bottom left hand corner click on,settings that will take you into your,store details and settings then what,you're going to want to do is scroll all,the way down here into policies so the,policies section here then that will,take you over to the store policies area,where you can easily add and edit the,store policies for your online store so,next as you can see here we have the,refund policy privacy policy terms of,service shipping policy as well as,contact information so all you have to,do within Shopify is Click create from,template now it's important to mention,that of course even Shopify mentions it,here that these templates aren't legal,advice you know by using these templates,you agreed that you've read and agreed,to the disclaimer so the disclaimer,basically saying hey these aren't legal,advice these are just templates for your,store policies it's up to you to you you,know edit them and customize them,specific to your business needs and any,other you know legal requirements of,course you know consult your own lawyer,as to you know what you want to have in,these maybe what you need for your,specific business but all you have to do,is Click create from template and as you,can see here then it will easily create,these policies from a template which is,really really nice makes it super easy,for you to be able to get these up and,running on your Shopify store as you can,see here you have your refund policy you,know by default you have a 30-day refund,policy so you know of course if you,don't agree with any of the things in,these templates be sure to edit them,yourself and make sure that they follow,you know your specific needs for within,your business feel free to edit them of,course you know insert an address for,returns or you know anything that you,may need or maybe you don't agree with,some of these things make sure to edit,them you know add your specific contact,us emails or Pages things that you,specifically need within your business,business and then all you have to do is,click save of course and that will then,save that policy it will save the store,policy I'll be diving into how to access,this policy and make it you know,available in your navigation as well for,customers but that is all you have to do,for refund policy you can go in here and,edit it as you please and you know as,you can see here template is generated,then next we have our privacy policy,we're going ahead and click create from,template so as you can see here you have,your contact us area you have your,personal information section as to like,hey you know sourcing any collections or,you know purposes of the Privacy Paul or,the um,yeah the privacy policy or any you know,personal information that you're,collecting this is generally speaking,like above board you know Shopify of,course if you're using it you're,agreeing to their terms of service that,you know this is what you're including,here as far as like all the different,Legal Information uh when it comes to,privacy and things like that so,generally speaking this is a good,template to go by of course you know,edit it specifically for you but you,know this is from the Shopify team so,you know they have really covered a lot,of the general things that you would,need in a privacy policy as well as far,as like,specific regions such as like California,or the European Union you know gdpr you,know things like that ccpas things that,you would generally need so overall it's,a great template to use but you know be,sure to customize it specifically for,your needs next we have the terms of,service click create from template boom,you have your terms of service so as you,can see here you know this website is,operated by a test store for tutorials,99,so then you have your online store terms,Journal conditions uh you know accuracy,tools personal information prohibited,use disclaimers anything you may need as,well as like contact information you,know business information that you want,to include there make sure you go in and,edit this yourself make sure that you,agree with everything that is included,next we have our shipping policy now for,shipping policies this is one that does,not actually have a template because it,is fairly specific for every business,however I will include a link down in,the description box below as well to,shop shopify's blog posts they have a,blog post on shipping policies and they,also have a template here so that's what,we're going to be pasting in here in,today's video their General shipping,policy so we're just going to copy this,template here now of course it's up to,you to edit this specifically for your,needs and this covers generally you know,everything you may need,as far as a template goes like I said,before this will be linked down the,description box below as well if you,want to copy this template is directly,from Shopify from the Shopify blog for,the shipping policy so you can feel free,to edit it you know this covers,everything from domestic rates explained,now it's also important to mention if,you are doing Drop Shipping I know a lot,of you guys on my channel are drop,shippers be sure to make sure that you,include the specific shipping options as,well in accordance to the suppliers that,you're using within your Drop Shipping,business if you're doing that of course,if you're not Drop Shipping then you,know of course just include your maybe,your USPS shipping rates or UPS shipping,rates that X whatever you're using as,your primary carrier include that here,in your shipping options in the template,just so that everything is accurate if,people need to check that or if they,want to check it so obviously local,delivery if you offer that if you don't,just delete that section same with,in-store pickup you know international,shipping maybe if international shipping,is different than your domestic shipping,options make sure to include that as,well because that's another thing you'll,want to cover as well when it comes to,shipping as far as tracking orders you,know you can check if you need order,tracking as well maybe you link out to,an order tracking service that you have,available there's a variety of different,like order tracking services that you,can use in your Shopify store or you,could just link out to like a USPS,tracking if everything comes with USPS,tracking just link out to the to the,tracking Services page from USPS you,have you know PO Boxes refund policy,type stuff like that so we're just going,to go ahead and paste that in here,uh as well so boom there we go and we,have our you know status of order,shipping policy everything you need here,so that is another template uh of course,you know feel free to add this exactly,what you need and then as far as contact,information of course this is required,if you're selling into the European,Union that one you can create from,template right here so boom you also,have your you know your trade name,information contact information uh as,well so you have that now you know that,is a little bit different from like a,contact us page just mentioning that,difference there this is just general,contact information like email and,things like that whatever you've,included in your Shopify store so then,all you have to do is click on Save then,all these policies are saved within your,Shopify store now to actually add these,so that they are visible on your Shopify,website all you have to do then is go,ahead once they are saved then you go,over to online store,then next you're going to scroll down,here to navigation so online store,navigation once you're here then as you,can see you have the option between the,footer menu and the main menu we're,going to be adding it to to primarily,the footer menu but if you want to add,it to the main menu you can do that as,well it's important as well that if you,want to add things like uh maybe a,specific about us page you can do that,as well I'll show you how to do that,real quickly after we add these to the,footer menu so all you have to do is,click on,folder menu,then next we're gonna as you can see,here we already have search so this will,show up here the footer menu is at the,foot the bottom of your website here,down in the quick links section of your,site then you just click on ADD menu,item then all we have to do is go ahead,and click on link it will automatically,pop up with policies and then you can,select here like contact information,privacy policy refund policy shipping,policy terms service so we're going to,go ahead and add these in here so we're,going to start with you know contact,information boom already added so click,and add that there then all we need to,do is go down to policies privacy policy,boom add it there,so we got our privacy policy,and the refund policy add that there,and after refund policy next we have,shipping policy,boom,and after shipping policy of terms of,service so those are all the things now,you know feel free to add any other menu,items you want to add here into your,footer menu of course,then you have that option there as well,you click save menu and then we're just,going to as you can see here then we're,just going to refresh the page here and,boom we have everything listed here now,this one on this store is currently,listed twice for some reason but you,have it in your footer so you have the,links here as far as whatever you may,need that's because this is probably an,old theme previously had the double,links so in your store it should only,show up once of course be sure to go,into your theme settings and you know,delete excess things but basically as,you can see here you have your contact,information your privacy policy refund,policy shipping policy in terms of,service so if you go to like shipping,policy boom it's already linked here now,on your store this will be linked as,your your store's website you know if,it's Dot my shopify.com then it's that,but it will be forward slash policies,and then forward slash shipping policy,so you know you can click the URL if you,want to link to these Pages maybe on,social media or anything any other place,you may want to link to this,then it will also show up there so you,can also add this to your main,header as well if you want to link to it,on your main menu then you also have,that option as well so all you have to,do to do that is you go back to your,menu settings and navigation,then you go to main menu add menu item,link policies so let's go ahead and,include,let's just say shipping policy because,maybe a lot of people want to see you,know when can they expect to receive,their item or something you can also,edit if you want to change the name of,this you can also edit like shipping,policy uh and then like how long,uh how long,for order or something like that I don't,know you know you can get creative with,whatever you want to name it but you can,also edit that there as well if you want,to change out the default name so boom,you have that in your main menu we're,gonna go back we're gonna refresh this,once again refresh it here and boom so,as you can see here you have your home,your catalog page your all your,collections and your products then you,have your shipping policy so your,shipping policy is then linked from your,main menu so you can have it in your,main menu or you can also have it in,your footer just depends really it's,good to have it just very visible for,customers so if they need to access that,they can see it and clarify things as,well so another place as well if you go,to your products so as you can see here,let's just go to this product here,then you also have you know shipping and,returns that's another place that you,can add things as well if you want to,edit there,um that goes into your product settings,if you do want to add that there you can,go into your product settings and add,the shipping and returns but generally,these are your your policy pages on your,header and your footer now as far as,other Legal Information of course you,can also feel free to add custom Pages,if you want to add additional Legal,Information,what I've showed you so far is just like,more template based more General pages,that most people would have on their,online store but if you need something,specific you can also easily add a page,here so all you have to do is go to,online store pages and then this is,where you can add like sizing charts for,example or other additional FAQs so like,maybe let's just say FAQ then you can,add in you know anything else other,Legal Information maybe you know site,like like they mentioned sizing charts,or really anything else specific Legal,Information let's just say,um,additional,additional legal policies you can you,can really list things out here as well,maybe number them bulleted list you know,add in really anything that you need,number list bolded list indent it really,maybe even paste in a video add images a,table any other additional Legal,Information,then you can easily add this custom into,your pages section you click save,boom so that will create the page and,then all you have to do is you can then,add this to your store navigation,so we're going to add that in the footer,menu click add menu item,link we just have to go to Pages,additional legal info,and then click save and then this is any,other custom information that you may,want to add to your online store as far,as boom additional legal info and it,will show up here on your website so I,hope you guys found this video helpful,for adding your shipping policies or any,other custom policy information once,again links will be down in the,description box below for the shipping,policy template and if you don't already,have a Shopify store you can go check,out that first link down in the,description box below we'll take you,right over to a Shopify free trial we're,going to start with Shopify for free,today that's at brambleeski.com forward,slash Shopify will take you right over,your Shopify free trial guys if you,found this video helpful then be sure to,smash that like button hit the Subscribe,Button as well and notification Bell so,you're notified whenever I upload new,video anyway guys that is all for,today's video and I will see you in the,next one peace out
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