how to add logo to products in shopify

How To Add Your Logo To Shopify Products (Private Labeling Your Dropshipping Brand in 2022) so you g

Alexander Shenton

Updated on Mar 28,2023

How To Add Your Logo To Shopify Products (Private Labeling Your Dropshipping Brand in 2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add logo to products in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add logo to products in shopify

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How To Add Your Logo To Shopify Products (Private Labeling Your Dropshipping Brand in 2022)

so you guys have found a product that,works for your store you validated it,and you're making consistent sales with,it,every single day well what do you do to,go ahead and take this product to the,next,level well the first thing you should,focus on is private labeling your,product and getting your logo on it,private labeling is essential to,building a brand in 2021,and it's how you stand out from your,competition so what's up guys,my name is alex and in this video we're,going to dive into my laptop,really quickly and talk about private,labeling your products and getting your,logo on them,let's jump into that right now okay so,like i said i want to keep this video,short and simple so i just went and,pulled,up the aliexpress drop shipping center,and we're gonna pick one of these random,products on here so i already went,through and did this all for you guys to,keep it short,and simple but we'll go ahead and choose,this laser hair removal tool so i've,been seeing this,all over i've been seeing a ton of,brands take advantage of this product,and private label it themselves and it's,just performing well overall so,i went ahead and opened up that listing,over here and that's what you see so,you're sourcing it for around thirty one,dollars with free shipping for each,order,and i also went on an ad spy tool drop a,spy,and found this product actually private,label to a brand so,this is kenzie and they went ahead and,got their logo stamped on there and i,went ahead and checked out their product,page as well,so if you go on here i don't know how,much they're getting this product for,because they've actually private labeled,it so it's probably,a significant discount compared to the,aliexpress cost,but even for a 31 dollar price point,these margins are crazy so,they're selling it for 230 dollars when,or,when the average product cost was around,thirty dollars,so that would be a two hundred dollar,markup,and i don't know if they're just,advertising,and marketing it very well or if they're,offering discounts in the process or,what,but i really like the way this is set up,so as you can see right here,you got this product you got your logo,on it and i'm not going to pay attention,to fine detail for this,for the purpose of this video because if,you can see right here this product,slightly different from this one but the,same overall idea and the same,concept is you just want to get your,logo on your product i don't care what,you're selling,when you you know you validate it and,you're ready to move on you need to,private label it you need to get your,logo on it and you need to secure your,logistics for your store,so i like what they have going they have,their private label product their logo,on it and everything they're doing a,great job branding it as you can see,right here,uh they actually it looks like they got,an influencer to review this product and,they're using it on their home homepage,that is awesome,keep going they got all the reviews so,this is put together,very well this is a very nice brand,so let's go ahead and move over to,alibaba this is where we're gonna source,this product for the purpose of this,video we're going to move away from,aliexpress because,let's be real in 2021 you can't deal,with those long shipping times,especially if you're private labeling,your product,it's just going to give you a bad name,overall,so alibaba is just like aliexpress but,it's,for more buying in bulk and customizing,your products and really working with,these suppliers on a more one-to-one,basis,so i went ahead and typed in laser hair,removal tool on alibaba and we're gonna,go ahead and find this product and stamp,our logo on,it you'll just want to go ahead and,scroll through until you find a few of,those exact,listings that match and open up a few,tabs you want to compare,you know a bunch of different listings,some suppliers and,you know just look at the fine details,and everything you want to find the best,deal possible,okay so i found this listing and this is,the listing we're going to use for the,purpose of this video but like i said,you want to compare,you want to find the best price the best,shipping times the best suppliers and,everything to do with that,so if you look right here the original,price point on aliexpress was about 31,well if you look over here the minimum,order is two so that's actually pretty,low a lot of suppliers have minimum,order quantities of like a hundred or a,thousand,and a lot of times people just can't,afford to buy that much inventory up,front so,if you look right here the minimum order,is two so anywhere between two and nine,orders you're getting it for twenty six,dollars and ninety cents a piece,anywhere from ten to about a hundred,orders you're getting it for twenty four,and then 100 and up 22. and about 50,000 pieces you are paying 9.90,for each one of these so there's a few,aspects that you want to look at,on these suppliers to determine if,they're legit one of the first things,you want to look at,is alibaba trade assurance so that just,you know,protects you make sure you're not,getting scammed,you can get a refund if your order,doesn't arrive or if it arrives and the,products are terrible,so this just really protects you overall,you want to look at a few other things,like some of the actual reviews on the,product or if there is any,so this supplier right here they've been,in business for two years their ratings,are pretty good,and yeah so you just want to look at,their overall stats i'll go into more,depth and show you what you actually,need to be looking for in another video,when i talk about sourcing,and building long-term relationships,with these suppliers but you just want,to look at some of the basic factors,what other people are saying about them,and make sure you're protected as well,by making sure these people are legit so,looking down at customization,you want to look at the minimum order,quantity for getting your logo,on this product and there's also,customized packaging and some suppliers,might offer,you know additional features and,benefits stuff like that some might not,even offer it at all,but basically you have to buy a hundred,of these to get your logo on it so if,you guys can afford that,i'm gonna show you how to go about,sourcing this product and getting your,logo on it if you guys can't,then find another supplier that has a,logo for a smaller quantity,or look at sourcing another product but,let's move forward with this one,so what you want to do is you want to go,ahead and click contact supplier,so you can go ahead and fill in some of,the other additional stuff but the main,message you want to say is you want to,be professional,polite and get your message across so,you can say something along the lines of,you know hi i'm alex i'm the purchasing,manager for whatever your store is,i'm looking to place an order for,however many of this,product and i would like to get my logo,on it can we talk about pricing,and you guys can negotiate with these,buyers on the actual product pricing and,the shipping cost and everything to do,with that,the main point is you want to get it,across to them that you need your logo,on this product and you can send it over,to them,and just discuss you know the timing,shipping,the cost everything to do with that it's,all in the negotiations,by messaging the supplier so this should,be pretty straightforward you just want,to negotiate with them you tell them,what you want,what you need and then you guys can talk,about the shipping times the shipping,method the actual cost,and go ahead and message around a few,suppliers kind of get this going and see,where,you're gonna find the best deal and i,know a lot of people up front will place,sample orders so they can you know,ensure that the quality is there,but a lot of people don't have time to,go through this process because shipping,times are still crazy and everything,like that,so me personally if i don't have time to,place a sample order i'll go ahead and,make sure,everything is insured i'll make sure the,reviews are good,and other people have great things to,say about the supplier and i also want,to make sure they've been in business,for quite some time,now with alibaba you have two options,here you can either private label your,products and ship them out yourself so,to do this you'll go ahead and,order the products to your home you'll,make sure you have the proper packaging,you'll make sure you have like a label,printer and everything you need if,you're getting you know a high volume of,orders,or you can actually use some logistics,services and,go ahead and send your products to,someone else's warehouse and they'll,deal with all the packaging and shipping,and everything else for you,so those are two really good options,i've personally used both in the past,and i actually have a bulk order right,now coming to my house that i just got,private labeled anyways that's the,basics with private labeling you just,want to find the product source it on,alibaba and talk to a few suppliers,and just kind of negotiate and tell them,what you need out of it and what you,want on the product,and there should be no problem getting,this set up i didn't go into too much,depth on this video because i wanted to,keep it short and simple for,demonstration purposes but i hope i,covered everything that you guys need to,know if you have any questions at all go,ahead and dm me or leave them in the,comments below,and i'll get back to you guys as soon as,i can so by now you guys should know,every part of what it takes to get your,logo on your products and really start,developing your brand,if you guys got anything out of this,video go ahead and drop a like to help,me out and subscribe as there's plenty,more to follow,i have two ecom resources linked in the,description below you're welcome to,check out either one of those,and as always thank you guys so much for,watching and i'll see you guys next time

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