how to add microsoft ads tracking code for shopify website

How to Add the Microsoft (Bing) Ads Conversion Code to Shopify - Updated 2023 microsoft bing ads,is


Updated on Jan 17,2023

How to Add the Microsoft (Bing) Ads Conversion Code to Shopify - Updated 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how to add microsoft ads tracking code for shopify website

Let's move on to the first section of how to add microsoft ads tracking code for shopify website

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How to Add the Microsoft (Bing) Ads Conversion Code to Shopify - Updated 2023

microsoft bing ads,is the counterpart of google adwords,google ads allows you to run ads on,google search network and google's,partner network,microsoft bing ads on the other hand,allows you to run,ads on both the bing search network and,their partner networks,such as yahoo and aol,what's great about it is that bing ads,has less competition,and cheaper cpcs,bing still makes up a small percentage,of the world's,market share but they still reach,millions of people,bing is slowly growing and has been,slowly increasing their world percentage,share since most of the majority users,are from the,united states it offers a lot of,opportunities for the businesses,in the us in expanding their reach,now if your online store caters the us,then it is wise to consider setting up,microsoft bing ads,in this tutorial we'll walk you through,in setting up your microsoft bing ads,conversion code,to your shopify online store you can,start by logging into your ad account on,microsoft live,at,if you don't have an ad account yet it,will prompt you to create one,you also need to log into your shopify,admin,just visit,what we need to do first is to generate,the uet,conversion code on microsoft ads,so we can add it to your shopify store,on your microsoft bing ads account,click the tool icon located in the upper,right corner,and under the conversion tracking column,select,uet tag,you can use one uet tag with all of your,conversion code,just create one if you haven't had any,yet,it'll give you a prompt if you'll create,another one,if you have an existing one you should,see the uet tag that you created on the,list,on the action column click the view tag,link to view the code and copy,the code,what we need to do next is to add the,code to your shopify online store,on your shopify admin click the online,store and on the current theme section,click the actions drop down and select,edit code,select the theme dot liquid and look for,the,opening,and the closing head tag,just right on top of the closing head,tag,paste the uet code we have copied,just click save once you're done,you can also set goals for a uet,tracking code,go back to your microsoft ads uet tag,and under the goals column click,the none link,and set the goals for your uet tag,enter a name for your goal and select,the type,if it's for the destination url just,place your online store url on the,webpage url,field,fill up the rest and at the bottom it,will generate a new uet tag,once you have the tag just copy it and,go back to the shopify theme,dot liquid,replace the code that you just placed,earlier,after you have copied it just click save,to make sure that the code works we need,to install,an extension since we're using google,chrome,visit the chrome web store at,,store search for the uet,tag helper and add this extension to,your chrome,browser,on your chrome browser click the,extension,icon located on the top right corner and,pin the uet tag helper,click the uet icon on the top right,and turn the switch on and on your,online store website,refresh the page,if the setup is successful then you,should see it,on the uet tag helper,go back to your microsoft bing ads,account and click,save you should see a green call out,after,you also have an option to place the uet,conversion tracking code on your,checkout page,on your shopify admin click settings,located at the bottom left of the page,and select,checkout on the next page,scroll down to the order processing and,on the additional scripts field,paste the uet conversion code and click,save this should allow you to track how,many customers,reach the checkout after clicking your,ad,even if you decide to use bing ads as a,supplement to your other paid ad,efforts it is definitely worth a try,research on the cost and decide if,utilizing bing ads is the right,option for you it's much better to run,your microsoft bing ads long enough,and collect data so you can compare it,to your other ppc,platform in that way you should be able,to make a decision,based on the unique needs of your,business,do you like this content if you do don't,forget to like this video,click the subscribe button and ring that,notification bell,so you will get notified in our next,video,you

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