how to add more than one size on shopify

How To Add a Size Chart to Shopify Product Page Using Shopify 2.0 Metafields - DAWN theme welcome ba


Updated on Mar 04,2023

How To Add a Size Chart to Shopify Product Page Using Shopify 2.0 Metafields - DAWN theme

The above is a brief introduction to how to add more than one size on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add more than one size on shopify

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How To Add a Size Chart to Shopify Product Page Using Shopify 2.0 Metafields - DAWN theme

welcome back graduates today i'm going,to show you how to set up a size guide,under the dawn 5.0 collapsible tab,so let's get,right into this when you scroll down,here it's going to have an option under,the collapsible tab and it says size,guide you can choose a different icon,here and it is mobile uh optimize as,well as desktop as well so if you go and,just inspect this,and refresh you're gonna see that it,does you know,work on mobile as well,this,so in order to do this you're going to,go in and there's a couple of steps to,this you're going to go into the back,end of your um shopify store this is the,theme theme here what you're going to,want to do is go in the way back here,the dashboard,and you're going to start creating a,page the first step is create a page so,i've already created a page as a,example so i'm just going to rename this,page and i'm going to create a new one,so the new one is just going to be size,guide for,hoodies so i'll just do size guide,hoodies,and then you know i just need i don't,need the same,i don't need different content i'll just,you know take this,and i'll copy and paste it right into,here,now i just need to save so now i i know,that my page is size guide hoodies the,next step after that is creating a meta,field and what you want to do is you,you're going to go into the back end of,your shopify store under settings then,you're going to click on meta fields and,what this basically means is it's just,going to pull in dynamically a different,content,so you can have different content,displaying on different pages right now,i have a size chart i'm going to do and,i'm just going to add a definition and,i'm going to do size chart,hoodie,and for this size chart hoodie i'm going,to go and select my content type and,this content type i'm going to do a,reference and i'm going to reference a,page here you can reference a product,and you can reference a product variant,but i'm going to reference a page here,so i'm gonna pull in that page uh the,size size chart hoodie and i'm gonna,save this,now give shopify a little bit to reflect,for this i'm gonna be choosing a,collapsible,classical row and it's going to go right,under here but what i want to say is,this is going to just for example say,size,guide hoodie,and then i'm going to pull dynamically,because if you don't it's going to show,on all product pages so what we want to,do is you know if we have a hoodie we,want to only show hoodings hood size,hoodie sizes if we have a t-shirt,we're going to show only t-shirt sizes,so you have to go back to the pages and,make all those sizes,for,those product types so this is for the,hoodie and i'm just going to do size,guide hoodie so this is specifically for,hoodie and then you have the icon to ch,to use so for this i will probably just,use a shirt since they don't have,a hoodie but it does show it does,indicate a,apparel so now over here i'm just gonna,choose the hoodie and it's gonna you,know give me a reference size guide,hoodie,and then i'm going to save this,that looks really great actually there,you go and then here's the other one as,well so the other thing is this right,now is going to,be on,every product however if i want to i'm,just going to remove that one,however if i want to really make this a,custom product page i can go into here,and do products,and then create a new template a new,product template based on you know the,default one and lay it out so i can just,do hoodie,and if i have a hoodie product,so now,now,i can just go and change this and if i,have a hoodie product but i don't right,now i'm going to go into t-shirt so this,means that anything that i,design in here and set in here is only,going to be applicable to the hoodie,template now what i can do is pull,dynamically or if you're going to have a,a hoodie,custom product page you don't need to,pull this size guide dynamically it's,only going to reflect on the hoodie,custom template,now when you assign a product template,you're going to go back into your,products here,and i'm just going to go into the,product that i want to assign,the product template to and then once it,loads you scroll all the way to the,bottom here,scrolling down this is where you're,going to see theme templates so you can,assign this and now you notice that,hoodie,is here,i'm just going to assign it so this,means that you know if you have a hoodie,product template you can lay out an,awesome landing page and then it only,reflects on the hoodie template that you,assign on the products to,and then another product can have,different content as well so there's two,different ways to do the size guide and,to allow it for showing different,contents thanks guys for watching

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