how to add nordstrom to shopify

HOW TO DROPSHIP VIA IMPORTIFY LIKE A PRO: The Ultimate Importify Dropshipping Guide 🔶 E-CASH S2•E89

The Awesome S'witty Kiwi Show

Updated on Mar 21,2023

HOW TO DROPSHIP VIA IMPORTIFY LIKE A PRO: The Ultimate Importify Dropshipping Guide 🔶 E-CASH S2•E89

The above is a brief introduction to how to add nordstrom to shopify

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HOW TO DROPSHIP VIA IMPORTIFY LIKE A PRO: The Ultimate Importify Dropshipping Guide 🔶 E-CASH S2•E89

so this is kind of cool so let me,quickly talk to you about how to drop,ship here in portify so this is a guide,to making millions selling through,importify don't go anywhere you're going,to love to this conversation i guarantee,so,welcome back folks to another edition of,the awesome sweaty kiwi show in today's,conversation i want to speak to you,about how to drop ship via importify,okay this is a step by step to helping,you make millions selling through,importify and one thing i want to show,here,right off the bat and the overview is,that with importify you can automate,your drop shipping business this is,really a great tool to easily import bad,selling products and automate your,entire drop shipping process all with a,single click okay and we love the fact,that this is this app is compatible with,the biggest wholesalers and fully,integrated with shopify wix woocommerce,and jump seller okay this is kind of,cool and within 45 things are pretty,straightforward so you're getting,fortified you can find products to sell,and you drive traffic and you can,automate your business,no more copy and pasting all the details,shopify has an an embedded,auto they have a semi automatic order,fulfillment process that helps you,quickly fulfill your orders on,aliexpress amazon dhgate and wondify,among others okay,now,one thing i want to say here is that,with the importify you can filter,through thousands of products to find,the latest delivery times such as,aliexpress e-packet solution you can spy,on other shopify stores and find proven,products in your niche this is kind of,important right i mean if you're an,online seller everybody understands that,everybody spies on everybody so,importify allows you to have the the uh,the fundamental uh ingredients to help,you inspire to create together intel,they do have a built-in editor for,product descriptions you can edit title,price images tags category variants and,more and you have one click to import,products from the most popular ecommerce,platforms now let me ask you a question,big decision time here big decision time,can you do you want to automate orders,with just a few clicks,i bet you do if you are in the online,online commerce space the e-commerce,space you want to automate things as,much as possible and this is what,emporified does very well you can build,your business with the fordify okay you,can import products from hundreds of,suppliers you can automate orders with,just a few clicks and one of the things,we love here is that uh in fortify the,team behind importify also has uh,created other apps other very successful,apps for example we have a editorify,so this is where you can boost your,conversion by adding social proof you,can increase your customers trust by,importing photo reviews and product,reviews and photo and product videos,rather into your shopify or woocommerce,store,they also have created the wonderful,popify,app this is this app allows you to,skyrocket your conversion with social,proof sales and pop-ups,they also have done a,and here you can actually uh import,unlimited products from amazon into your,shopify store and fulfill orders with,only a few clicks and then you have,express5,and this is where you are able to uh,to actually,significantly increase revenue while,automating workload and uh you know in,order to save on valuable time and,energy so long story short this and,fortify the team behind importify has a,constellation a repertoire of great apps,that will help you boost your drop,shipping,ecommerce business,so first thing first,if you want to drop ship if you want to,drop ship here in qualify you need to,register very important you need to,register you can see so on the screen,i'm showing you you need to input your,shopify woocommerce jump seller or wix,account right now those are the four,platforms that they uh they actually,support very soon based on our,conversations with the team they are,constantly working on adding other,platforms,so you need to have your shopify email,you need to input that shop your shopify,password,so,voila you have access to your shopify,dashboard okay so importify drop,shipping will it will be able to view,shopify account data edit products edit,orders so you just need to confirm,confirm and click on install app,and you need to choose a plan before,using importify there is no free trial,so after you choose a pay for your plan,you're in one thing i want to see here,is that we want to thank and fortify the,team at importify thank you for allowing,us in the course of our review to have,access to your dashboard for free just,to do our work and one thing i want to,see here is that our review has no it,has no impact our review was not uh,influenced by the fact that they helped,us out but this is just great i want to,acknowledge that because with with uh,imported fight you need to choose a plan,you cannot there is no free trial so you,cannot use the dashboard if you don't,have a plan but we were exceptionally,allowed to do our work,without paying for anything so this is,important so once you do this you are on,your dashboard so you can see on the,screen this is your dashboard and you,need to install the importified chrome,extension this is very important and,that extension is really great and one,thing you also need to do here is you,need to uh,watch,some videos very important you need to,watch the video on how to import your,first product,and you also might want to join uh,importify youtube channel to learn more,about the app so we're showing you the,link to their youtube channel,fantastic and once you do that and this,is part of the education that you need,to acquire,but before using importify it's a very,simple tool but you want to actually,understand the basics before getting,into it right,next you want to select the wholesaler,from the list and start adding products,to your store,you can see on the screen here so you,can visit the wholesaler product page,url you need to click the add button,that will appear on the top tablet,screen and you just need to click import,the product very straightforward,step number two folks i really want you,to import products so once you have,registered once you have access to the,importified dashboard and a very user,friendly dashboard by the way just need,to say that and once you are able to do,that you need to import products so to,import products from aliexpress you need,to follow the steps so first make sure,you install importify and you subscribe,to one of their plans again,aliexpress supported on the premium or,on the gold plan so for you to actually,use aliexpress you need to have the,premium or the gold plan so make sure,you are using chrome browser and install,their the importifier free chrome,extension,you need to visit the aliexpress website,okay,you need to find a product you would,like to import and you need to visit the,products page,you need to click the add button on the,top left uh top left of your browser,you need to edit the product information,such as things like title description,price that kind of stuff you need to,scroll down and click add products to,import the item to your store,okay so and this is pretty,straightforward so once you add products,you should normally see them in your,import list,and you want to check the best selling,products feature in portify we have they,have a great resource you can collect,data from 120 000,shopify stores,okay so you can actually see on that on,the screen here you have the dashboard,and you can see the sites here so you,can see the website name the rank the,website popularity how many visitors,they have a daily and you can see the,best selling products so this is really,for inspirations so if you are a newbie,or you are an experienced online seller,you still want to have intel of what's,really going on there and importify sort,of helps you get that intel directly or,indirectly,you can also adjust your settings,properly okay so i'm showing you on the,screen here your settings and in portify,you have manage subscription pressing,rules,the wait option general import settings,auto translate chinese page to english,you can enable that enable shopify,inventory tracking that kind of stuff,okay so this is the this is the the,basics of what you need to have and uh,there are things you need to look for,when choosing drop shipping products it,really depends on your uh on your,experience,on your niche,and make sure that you choose uh your,drop shipping product your drive ship,products that sell well,and you can have those in two categories,colorful eye-catching fun items or,everyday items are really helpful okay,and there are helpful tools software and,websites out there to help you with your,drive shipping so you actually have for,example a,niche,scraper,you have a google trends,you have camel camel camo,and you have ds comparison so those four,are really good i mean obviously the,list here is not exhaustive but it just,kind of gives you an idea,step number three folks,again we are having a conversation about,how to drop ship vr importify one thing,you need to do here is you need to,source properly you need to you need to,really source properly let me ask you a,question here big decision time big,decision time,right now are you an online seller i bet,you are,how do you find drive shipping products,that sell,what is your technique,is it the best technique is this,something you can improve on,what are your competitors doing are you,leaving money on the table talk to me,right now i want you to talk to me,because if you want to source products,smartly,and you want to use a tool such as,importify you got to have a plan and,that plan is,is here,first you want to find popular products,even if it means more competition,okay because the last thing you want is,to sell a product nobody wants,you want to sell a product a lot of,people want and maybe you want to work,on the on the on the price or you want,to work on the content on your seo to,sort of gain a competitive edge,you also can try to find not so popular,products within a laser focused niche so,there'll be less competition here right,so you probably are sell you you can,work on the price here so you have a,high margin products,you can also find the right price point,for your niche make sure that you pay,attention to when it comes to online,business ecommerce you want to pay,attention to three things price,shipping,and most importantly,customer reviews,very important you want to get the right,profit margin it's important not to be,too creative here i don't want you to be,gritty but i don't want you to be stingy,also it's all about making sure that you,you provide value and you charge,appropriately for your value,focus on supplier reputation now,drop,when it comes to drop shipping,apps such as oberlo's pockets and,importify,they those apps they do some kind of,pre-vetting pre-validation so the,suppliers they give to you the suppliers,they propose to you those suppliers have,already been pre-validated have been,validated but you still want to do your,own i would say due diligence you want,to ask around read about them in terms,of in terms of,their reliability in terms of their,supports right if they have uh,if they have some reviews online you,want to go and read them always read the,worst reviews first before reading the,best reviews,you can also use your personal,experience i'm talking about your,product knowledge,okay when it when it comes time to,source smartly,at the end of the day,you can actually uh,there are two ways,there are two ways if you want to find,drive shipping products that sell,you have the short way,where you use pre-vetted drop shipping,product sourcing like in portify,and overload,and the long way where you basically,yourself you go to aliexpress and you,select the product category and type in,the name or the description of the,product you're looking for,at the end of the day the choice you,make it's all about money it's all about,your resources it's all about the time,you have,i'll be right back right after this,don't go anywhere,welcome back folks to another section of,the awesome sweaty kiwi show i'm still,having a conversation with you about how,to drop ship via importify and m45 is a,great tool and uh step number four you,want to so step number one register,number two import products number three,source smartly number four you wanna set,a budget,let me ask you a question big decision,time here big decision time,how much does it cost to start drop,shipping,if you're listening to this show you're,probably either drop shipping already or,you're thinking about drop shipping,right so what is your guess 1,200,100 50 50 bucks,it really depends let's just talk about,the fundamentals here so the,fundamentals before you drop ship right,you got to have a shopify store or you,got to have a wix,a wig store you got to have some kind of,weebly store,right,if we go if we go with shopify it will,cost you twenty nine dollars,importify is about 27.95 right now and,the domain name is about 14,so when you add those three,you're looking at seventy dollars and,ninety five cents let's just round this,to maybe seventy five or seventy one,dollars,you gotta think about simply because uh,even if you love the the supplier,everything is fine you still need to,test their products,okay so this could cost you about 100,150 give or take,so you're able to order you can order in,and ship in samples of the products you,intend to sell you need to check it out,yourself and you have to think about,additional functionality so we're,thinking here about things like exit,intent pop-ups,and bug pricing apps so those will cost,about 15 bucks,both of them you have to think about,marketing so we have to budget for,google ads facebook ads and instagram,ads among others so you have to think,about dropping at least one fifty or two,hundred dollars there we're speaking,here about a m you know every month so,overall you're looking at uh give or,take 250 235 to 250.,one thing that's important to understand,here is that at the end of the day it's,all about what really works for you,okay it's all about making sure that you,don't forget the the uh,the fundamentals make sure you sample,your products make sure you think about,additional functionality exit intent,pop-ups are very important block pricing,is very important think about marketing,setting specific goals automating your,ad setup think about quality,and while you're doing that don't forget,your overheads it's important also so,the bottom line here is that you want to,plan at least uh you know you want to,plant some good cash some good budget,for that and you can see on the screen,right now that your importified,subscription goes from 27 to 90,27.95 cents per month,okay so this is kind of cool and now and,the price is kind of similar to what,oberlo what the what spark it and other,players have okay,so overall think about that,step number five folks i want you to,manage your store,the cool thing here is that importify,helps you not only,find drop shipping products and manage,your online online presence in terms of,the products you,propose for sale,but you need to actually uh,have a better plan,and how do you manage your store in,portify or at least its sister apps,or its brother apps,has a lot of other apps,so you you can check out the recent,sales pop-up,because with the recent sales pop-up to,use this feature and importify you want,to install the pop the popify app okay,so you don't get this in imported file,you get this in the popify app i guess,this is the way for the importify team,to make extra money so they're trying to,cross sell or double sell or whatever,upsell whatever you want to call it but,you can't do it through in 45 you got to,get the other app so it's called the,pocketfi,and you you may need popify if you,believe that uh you know you really need,to have pop-up,notifications because those are really,important and if,if you want to make your store user,friendly you want to create some kind of,situation with your visitors it's kind,of cool with popify you are able to uh,create six types of notifications,customers activity notifications,personalize offers and events,notifications review notifications,discount notifications counter,notifications and product purchases,counter,okay you can also if you need more,information you can watch importifies,own video tutorial on sales pop-up it's,available on youtube we're showing you,the link to that video you can check it,out no problem by the way importify is,also present on youtube so if you want,to visit their page and read more about,the products and view and uh you know,listen,listen more i mean you want to have more,information about the products go ahead,and do it,so what i was telling you earlier is,that importify has sister apps and in,managing your store you want to leverage,those sister apps so we have a editorify,by the way we love the name like,everything ends with the refine refi fi,solidify whatever,so,with at the with the editorify you can,boost your conversion by adding social,proof you can increase your customers,trust by importing photo reviews and,product videos into your shopify or,woocommerce store here they're actually,competing with the other players such as,uh,they have uh judge me right they have uh,um they have judgement they also have,looks for example,and another sister f is popify this you,can actually uh,you are able to use the power of social,proof to convince visitors to buy from,you with confidence and trust you have,zonify this is amazon to shopify with a,single click and then you have express,fi and this is aliexpress to shopify in,minutes okay so expressfire was,developed for shopify dropshippers,seeking to significantly increase,revenue while automating workload in,order to save on valuable time and,energy,step number six folks you want to grow,your drop shipping obviously if you want,to use uh if you want to use importifier,to drop ship at some point you want to,actually grow your drop shipping this is,important,let me ask you a question big decision,time here big decision time do you have,a niche right now are you just selling,to everybody,what is your specialty what kind of,products are you selling talk to me,about that think about that give me this,give me a straight answer here,if you're not satisfied with the kind of,niche you're in right now it's about,time that you actually change things,around you want to beef up your offer,right and there are a lot of things you,need to do to grow your drop shipping,either with or without and fortify you,still need to select a niche at least at,the beginning you want to select the,niche because a niche will allow you to,seek attractive product profits,have low shipping costs,for a specific group of clients,make sure that your product appeals to,impulse buyers with disposable income,right make sure that people are actively,searching for your products as i was,saying earlier you don't want to sell a,product nobody wants,and think about branding also you want,to create your own brand this is very,important at some point you want to,differentiate yourself from,all the other players in the in the,market,and you want to sell something that is,not readily available locally,you you need to think about also,perform competition research first of,all you need to you need to define your,your own value proposition it's,important you want to constantly curate,the kind of products that you actually,are offering your clients but perform,competition research,for us this is so important folks,intel,intel is key you want to know what your,rollers are doing,what are the other players doing while,you're sitting there eating pizza and uh,selling uh sneakers,what are your rivals doing are they,selling sneakers also or they're selling,something else you need to find out,especially if you're serving the same,niche in terms of demographics in terms,of geography in terms of profession in,terms of disposable income,you you need to actually straighten,things up and really know exactly,if you're going to compete on a specific,niche or you're going global,and you also want to secure reliable,suppliers the good thing about importify,is that the tool allows you to to have,access to uh,pre-vetted suppliers,not just in fortified you also have,overload you have other players you have,sprockets you have uh alidropship you,have dropship me you have a lot of,players that do that they do the the,curation for you but once you have,access to that pre-vetted list you need,to perform another layer of due,diligence you want to make sure that,suppliers are reliable that they are,able to actually serve your customers,and ship the product you want,make sure that you also build your,e-commerce website,create a customer acquisition strategy,you want to constantly analyze and,optimize your uh your store provide,stellar customer service and please do,smart marketing,thank you so much folks for your your,attention to this conversation i really,appreciate it i was talking to you about,how to dropship via portify,and i gave you an overview of the app,and the sister apps,number one the step-by-step is number,one you need to register number two you,want to import products number three you,want to source smartly number four you,want to set a budget number five you,want to manage your store and number six,you want to grow your drive shipping,thank you so much for your attention i,really appreciate it i will see you,another time but until then remember,stay,marvelous,you

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