how to add paypal pay in 4 to shopify

🤑PayPal Pay in 4 Demo Buy Now Pay Later Button Installment Payments | Latest Feature 2020💰💰 hi guys

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Updated on Jan 26,2023

🤑PayPal Pay in 4 Demo Buy Now Pay Later Button Installment Payments | Latest Feature 2020💰💰

The above is a brief introduction to how to add paypal pay in 4 to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add paypal pay in 4 to shopify

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🤑PayPal Pay in 4 Demo Buy Now Pay Later Button Installment Payments | Latest Feature 2020💰💰

hi guys in this video i am going to show,you that people has introduced a new,feature which is,pay in four so what does it mean it,means that your customer has the,opportunity,to buy your product in four installments,so they can uh give you the amount in,four installments,so of course this is useful for your,customer and there are a lot of other,benefits that people have already,explained,so i will be showing you uh step by step,and i will be also showing you,the complete demo of this pay in four,feature of the people,so keep watching this video so let's,start with the,uh things that people has explained with,us,so here you can see that this is pay in,for,feature and if you will see the,statement pay in four and paypal,credit are included in paypal checkout,so you can start offering customers,financing immediately i mean there are,people who are,not able to afford some amount uh,immediately so at that moment we are,giving them the flexibility to,uh to give us the amount uh gradually,right,in four installments so here we have a,win for your customers so we have,uh four things that uh are explained,here,payment flexibility uh you this means,that you get paid,upfront while your customer pay later,and then we have interest free,choices of course if someone is paying,some interest,along with the amount then definitely,he or she will be discouraged while,paying the amount,so people is helping you to avoid this,specific mistake,so this is interest free then we have,access to financing,i mean pay later options through people,the brand they know and trust,and of course if you are providing this,feature then,people will be uh will have a greater,trust on you,because you are offering this specific,functionality to them right,then we have purchasing power so i,already explained you that there are,people who cannot afford,uh the complete amount at once so they,prefer to,give you in installments so they will be,able to,get that i mean product,very easily all right so let's see the,demo so you can see that we have the,demo here,like you will be getting this specific,button like pay,later so here we have the demo of,pay later option so you can see that we,have the,paypal buttons here this is simple,paypal button and here we have the pay,later,so that means pay in four interest free,payments,so total price is 300 usd and,in first installment you have to pay 75,dollars,so already they have added the sandbox,account,so we have to uh we have to do the,payment using our sandbox credentials,uh personal account right so first of,all let me show you how i,uh shown this so you have the paypal,demo here you need to click on this,so here you will see that we have the,,forward slash us forward slash demo,forward slash home,so once you will be going through this,url,then you have to scroll it down and,click on see more products,so once you are clicking on see more,products then you have to scroll it down,and you will be getting lot of options,here,so here we have palette messenger,messaging,and pay in four interest so they have,already given us the example,so if you will be clicking on this,specific example,then you can see that the same layout,would be shown over here,so here they have already created some,dummy products,i mean the paypal itself for the testing,purpose,and here we have the product details and,they have already mentioned that,this is pay in 4 interest free payments,so,here you need to click on add to cart,and,then you will be redirected to demo site,so here you can see that,again we are getting the those people,pay later buttons,all right so for example we are,interested to,check the payment that it is working,fine or not so,let's say i'm clicking on pay later,option,so here you will be redirected to your,sandbox account and,i will be adding here my credentials and,then we'll click on login,so let me add the username and password,or maybe email address and password,so you also have to add here the sandbox,because,on the url you can see that here we have, so that means,we have the testing uh testing,credentials we have required,so those should be sandbox uh for the,sake of testing and later on you can,modify with the,uh live client uh live credentials all,right so let me add the details here,so once you are adding your username and,password then you have to click on login,here you can see that you have multiple,options for the payment and,i have the total amount of 360 usd,and here you have multiple options and,according to your country,uh here you will be getting all the,things which are related to your,payment all right so for example i am,interested to,deduct the amount from the paypal,balance if you are interested you have,linked some,uh credit cards and some other uh,payment methods then you can also use,those ones,but for now i am interested to use the,paypal alright,so you need to click on pay now,and once the payment is done you will be,redirected to this specific page so that,means,thank you your order is complete so this,is actually the testing,all right so when you will be,implementing uh in,your websites then the process would be,different but for now this is just a,demo that,how the buttons would be would look like,and how your payment would be processed,all right,so in this way you will be getting all,the things done,so i will be uh i will be implementing,this whole,bunch of code in the next video so,keep watching the videos so definitely i,will try my best to add more and more,valuable content on the channel so in,the next video i will be showing you,that how you can implement,this specific thing to your website and,i will be implementing the whole bunch,of code,as a demo and we'll be providing you,that code so that,you get to know that how these things,are going to be done,all right so if you will see on the,if you will see here as well a win of,your business so how,this pay in four is useful for your,business so increased sales no,additional cost,easy promotion and expensive network so,all the things are,will be happening if you are using this,pay in four options why because this is,just providing the flexibility to your,customers,and attract your customers to buy your,product,uh easily all right so thank you so much,for watching this video if you are new,on this channel then please subscribe,this channel as well,and i will be uploading lot of other,good content for you,for the for free so thank you so much,for watching this video see you in the,next one,thank you so much for watching this,video all the links of my video courses,are below in the description,which are absolutely free so in the next,video we would learn,new and wonderful things please,subscribe this channel firstly,to get the information of updated videos,in the comment section you can write,your feedback,about the video and also write your,queries if you have any,have a nice day ahead

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