how to add pop up in shopify from leadboxes

How To Add A Leadpages Leadbox To Your Website (2016) hi everyone I'm going to show you how to,add a

Direct Response PT Websites

Updated on Mar 16,2023

How To Add A Leadpages Leadbox To Your Website (2016)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add pop up in shopify from leadboxes

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How To Add A Leadpages Leadbox To Your Website (2016)

hi everyone I'm going to show you how to,add a leadpages lead box to your,existing website I'm going to show you,how to do it with WordPress but you can,do it with the likes of Wix Weebly,Squarespace or if you've got your own,custom website same kind of process,slightly different for some of those,platforms and I won't go through that in,this tutorial but if that's what you're,trying to do you can you get stuck you,can always ask me on Facebook or in my,email so today just going to go through,a quick WordPress example starting with,leadpages you may never have noticed,this before but at the top of the new,pages once you've logged in as a neat,boxes option so click that you'll see,that I've already got one here called,flaming test which I've used on a demo,previously I'm going to create a new,lead box just wait for this to load and,let's call this one free report you,would normally integrate the lead box,with Aweber or Infusionsoft or whichever,other follow-up system you're using for,ease today I'm just going to use lead,notifications which will send the data,from that lead box to my email address,I'm going to customize the form quickly,to add in first name and phone number,these are the sort of standard fields,that you would use when you're,requesting someone's information in,exchange for a free report and let's,Thank You page which I already have one,on the direct response PT website rep,Bruce once we click on,thank you okay that save that publish,and here's the really crucial bit this,bit of cold here,copy all of that and just before we,leave this I will quickly show you that,in fact I'm going to change the text on,the button plus let's change that to yes,report okay now you can create a button,and change the style of it you can,upload your own image but for this,tutorial go back to the plain text link,re copy that code because it will have,changed since I changed the the text to,display in the link you'll see what I,mean when we get over to WordPress so,I've copied that HTML code there save,close hop over to WordPress my WordPress,admin I'm gonna create a new page here,called lead box title let's put a little,bit of text in here today and now here's,the really important bit you may not,might not have noticed this before but,in WordPress the default mode when,you're adding page content is visual,there's also a little tab here for text,that's just HTML space we can get rid of,that so we're in text mode which allows,us to paste HTML we paste that code that,we copied from leadpages,switch back to visual you'll see there's,the the text that I entered on leadpages,and there's a little icon there that's a,script icon don't concern yourselves,with that that's what triggers the,pop-up I'm going to publish that and,then I'll open a new tab did I call that,page back pain leader box box as you can,see there's the text that I entered in,the WordPress admin and here's the magic,bid that there is the text that we,entered on lead in the lead boxes yes,send me my free report if you click that,there's the lead box that pops up in,front of your existing website you can,see that it's already got some garbage,in here that I've been using for testing,before let's assume that potential,patient has arrived in your website they,want your free report then things Dave,and it's Dave comm and his phone number,is two two two three three three it says,get started here on the bund yours would,say yes please send me the free report,click that it should take us to the,thanks page and that data from that lead,box that popped up will be emailed to me,at my email address if you have,integrated with Aweber or Infusionsoft,that data will be sent directly over to,to that platform and that's the end of,the tutorial that's how you do it it's,really pretty easy but it's only easy if,you know how to do it so I hope that's,been helpful to you if you do have any,questions you can reach me in the,Facebook group or by email thanks for,watching

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