step number four is to install Oh below,okay so over lo is an app that's owned,by Shopify that allow us to connect to,Aliexpress to pull in the products so,that we can sell our orders on Shopify,sync it with over below and purchase it,on our Express to send to the customer,so we don't need to touch the product we,don't need to see the product okay we,don't need to buy a hundred units at,five bucks each and spend five hundred,dollars,we have no upfront cost Oh below allows,us to automate the entire process it's,free it's quick and it's easy okay and,pretty much the benchmark okay so that's,what we're going to be installing on our,store as our starting point so I'm going,to show you how to install that and,we're going to import our product onto,our Shopify store,all right lovely so you just go into,apps and you want to go visit the,Shopify app store I've already opened up,the app store we're gonna type in over,lo here okay,and it's a free dropshipping app we just,want to go add okay it's going to begin,to install on your store install the app,then it's going to take you straight to,that within the app okay and how it's,all pretty much set up for you they do,have instructions okay we don't need,that you do have instructions connect,your Shopify store we've done that once,you've done the steps it'll turn green,and you can explore an ad your first,product so you can actually click,explore products here okay and they have,a number of products already so let's,put in blender blend up alright so let's,see if we can find it using the word,blender alright so again blend jet have,there the this is it here right here so,we can add it straight from here USB,blending so we can go add to import list,okay so once it's in our import list it,it goes from that and we can go edit,important list and then we got it here,okay so now we're going to start to,optimize the actual listing and it is as,simple as this really really easy you,don't really need to worry about any of,the settings across here it's all by,default set up for you so we're going to,change the title because right now this,is what it looks like but we can change,it before we import it fully into our,stores so blend for life USB blender,okay so I'm just going to call it that,we don't have any collections because we,only have one product so we're not,worried about the collections we're,gonna put the type is a blender okay and,we're gonna click that and we're going,to put tags as in blender,alright I just like to always put those,to be specific we can go description so,this is the default description that it,imports we're gonna delete that and I'm,gonna show you in a moment how we can do,our description and we're going to use,blend jets description as the basis to,make our description for,product okay we've got variants okay so,the SKU customers won't see that okay so,that's just the basically to identify,the type of product it is mm-hmm,shipping is default a packet you never,want to update the prices when they,changed I always recommend leaving this,off okay and we want to put the selling,price at a fair price that allows for a,good profit so you can see here we've,got eight dollars we need about a $15,$15 so we want to sell this for about,$29.99 all right and we're going to put,the compare at price when it because,we're going to be selling it we want to,put the compare at price at double the,asking price okay to make it look like a,sale so $59.99 all right and we've got,212 inventory and we can go import to,store all right so now it is importing,into our store okay and we can go edit,the product in Shopify alright and now,we have our title we don't have a,description we'll get that to that in a,moment,we've got our price compare our price we,can put our cost per item if we want so,if we know it's $6 per unit we can say,it's managed by over low it's going to,track the quantity we don't want to,continue when selling out because that,can cause inventory problems we've got a,real amount of quantity available we're,not worried about the weight we're not,worried about the country of origin okay,we don't have any variance right now all,right and we're not worried about the,SEO listing option we do have our,blender here as well as the product type,the vendor being us and the tags being,for blender all right so I'm just going,to quickly pause and we're going to go,and have a look at blend jet now to,compare and see what we can try and,utilize that they're already doing very,well on their website all right lovely,so now we're on to looking at blend jet,and you can see this is blend jet here,and they have really done incredibly,well for themselves,six thousand reviews alone and those are,all legit reviews as you can see,from the fact that this is the actual,product here and you can see their name,is actually on the product itself when,it loads and you know you can see these,people really like it it's very good for,gym fitness workout so on so forth,people all around the world will buy,this item and they've got a really nice,description okay so you want to look at,their description and sort of get some,ideas,one thing you generally notice that is,you do one paragraph and then an image,or a gif okay and this is just a gif,alright and they're doing the same here,this is just a gif alright and basically,it just shows it as a repeatable gif,that allows to show the product and what,it does because there's a customer,Scrolls they can see how it works,consistently showing it in their mind,and building trust with them and then,when they get down here it has more of,this that's custom made but this is very,very helpful okay so when you make,descriptions descriptions or copywriting,for beginners is a little bit hard okay,it's a little bit hard so I usually,start with mimicking what they have so,imagine the freedom of being able to go,anywhere and blend your favorite,smoothies shakes margaritas or baby food,without the limitations of a regular,blender okay,so I'm gonna put introducing introducing,that blend or life that USB blender that,is changing the way people lend their,food into your into their favorite,smoothies shakes margaritas or baby food,okay,so that's just sort of a starting point,to give you a bit of an idea all right,so you can see that all I've done there,is introducing the blend for life USB,blender that is changing the way people,blend their food into their favorite,smoothies,okay I'm Australian sore on the line,that shakes margaritas or baby food just,picture for a moment making your,smoothie making your favorite smoothie,smoothie without all that effort time,and pain involved especially when you,are very busy throughout the day and,want to drink something healthy right,away okay so that's just off the top of,my head you can sort of get the idea you,know what we're trying to do is we're,introducing how amazing our product is,and then we're framing the product like,you know relating to them you know that,they're out about their busy their,mothers there are going to gym they're,you know going to their favorite sport,they're doing something in their life,they don't have the time to be around at,home just with all this they need to get,their fruit they need to get some milk,and they need to be on the fly where,they can do this and drink it as they go,so that they're able to utilize their,time as much as possible okay and that's,what you're trying to aim at there so I,just wanted to give that sort of a bit,of an idea so if you ever stuck with,descriptions,I don't ever recommend copying someone,else's images or gifts okay always,recommend making your own okay and you,can usually find them through Aliexpress,so if we go Aliexpress okay and we just,go I'll Express and we're gonna put in,portable portable USB blender okay,portable USB blender as you can see here,you know thousands of these units have,sold we can go buy orders and we're,gonna see we've got this top one here,and we sort by orders because then,usually they have the best images and we,can we can use that to our event so we,could actually import this because we,have multiple variants we,can scroll down and see how we've got,this as well we can we can actually get,these images and put them on our website,so you can right-click save them or use,the snipping tool or some you know photo,editing software and put them on your,website okay so then we're mimicking,what they're doing well which is already,having a nice image and we can get an,image that is copyright free and legal,all right that we can add there as well,so like that's a beautiful image that we,can add there as well again with,strawberries bananas oranges so on so,forth obviously I don't recommend having,you know Chinese text overlay because,obviously it's just not going to build,that trust with most dear customers but,you can add in all of these as well okay,they've got a ton of different images,that you can try and utilize to build,out your description and if you again,use what they're sort of doing don't,just flat copy it but use it as the,context to help you to design yours then,you can make a really high converting,landing page because the thing is if we,have a look here there's a Chrome,extension called similar web you can,install it you can just literally go to,similar web client extension okay and,you can install from here so you can,just click this and obviously this is,only for Google Chrome and I'll have it,installed already and you can install it,and it'll look like this if we go back,to blend yet it tells us analytics about,the website about how they're ranking,you can see they're getting three,hundred and fifty two thousand people to,their website every single month,primarily from the United States okay,primarily from United States and you,know divvied up across across a couple,of other countries but primarily United,States you can see where they're getting,it from you know people going directly,to their website search social email,okay so they're getting a lot of people,that are just going to their website and,buying this product and that's when you,know you have a very well established,and successful business and they've done,extremely well for themselves and that's,why we use it as the context to say well,they've been very successful,let's do,the same okay so that's how you then,also list a product so now we have a,product on our store as well we can,we're just going to save this in this,case all right and what we can do is we,can go back to our theme and we can we,can view our actual product page now in,de beautify as well okay so if we go,here and now we can go to the product,page so I do apologize for the earlier,mistake and we can see this is sort of,what it looks like currently on our,website all right and you can see sorry,we'll go back to mobile view we can see,how well that looks you know you can,change the colors you add to kite you've,got the sticky Add to Cart there as well,and we've got our text and we will just,keep building on that you can hide your,tags so if we go to the product page we,want to enable zoom we want to we don't,want a big title I don't usually,recommend a big title I prefer a smaller,title I always go thumbnail okay I just,choose thumbnail I'll make sure that you,show the quantity pickets show button,icon okay we don't want to show the,product tags which is what was down,there so that's now disabled all right,and that's pretty much all you need to,do to the page and it's very well,optimized and you can change these,testimonials and that as well okay so,you can change these as you see fit you,can add an image and you can change the,text it's to build more trust and look,like a really well-established business,the other part that I should add as well,is you can change this as well so we did,free shipping out $50 you can change,that to be free shipping over $50 as,well okay you just find the setting and,that you can change that as well so this,is all very customizable to your,business but you can see how well this,looks for your actual business I would,recommend hiding this bread come read,bread crumb I apologize for that as well,but you can see that now in just less,than half an hour we've pretty much now,got in a store we've found a product,we're mimicking something working well,okay and we're starting to do what our,cell,we're all pretty much for free very,quick very easy and very well optimized,to get a little sale so I recommend you,spend a bit of time doing this but it,doesn't take that much time at all,especially with something like this,where it's going to give you a really,good kickstart,so let's now move into the next step,step number five is to install clay vo,okay so clay vo is an email marketing,app that allows us to recover abandoned,carts okay and it's very easy to install,very easy to set up and it's pretty much,the benchmark for email marketing using,Shopify so we're gonna set that up now,and I get that all configured and it's,all completely free so you don't have to,worry about any costs involved with that,app either so let's get that installed,now,you
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