how to add products to shopify without oberlo

How to import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store? (Not Oberlo) hey guys what's going on

Cody Gertz

Updated on Mar 04,2023

How to import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store? (Not Oberlo)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add products to shopify without oberlo

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How to import products from AliExpress to your Shopify store? (Not Oberlo)

hey guys what's going on Cody Gertz here,and welcome to another video today we're,gonna be talking about e-commerce okay,how to set up a Shopify store and add,products from Aliexpress into your,Shopify store okay now if you're on this,video I'm assuming that you already have,a Shopify store for one and for two you,already know about Aliexpress okay,that's I'm going to assume that okay and,since the fact that you're on this video,I'm gonna assume those two things okay,so first of all ecommerce is a genius,business model okay my Shopify store,doesn't cost me anything per month okay,besides advertising spin I'm just,talking about the cost of your Shopify,store this I pay for yearly okay and I,think it was like 229 or something I,have the Shopify basic account literally,doesn't cost me anything per month okay,so today we're gonna be I'm gonna be,showing you how to take Aliexpress,products and putting them straight into,your Shopify store okay but we're gonna,do it custom okay we're not gonna use,apps like uber Lowe or Express if I or,whatever else apps are out there we're,not gonna use those apps because why,because number one we need it to be,custom to us okay you're selling your,brand here okay you don't want the same,description as Aliexpress because other,e-commerce stores that know how to do,this already already have those same,descriptions and those same titles and,everything okay so I want to make this,just a little bit more custom if you,guys understand how to drive traffic,it's not really gonna matter what your,title or your description is okay so,first of all this is the back-office of,my Shopify store called the adventurer,outlet you guys can check it out shop,your adventure com okay and what we do,is we sell outdoor apparel products okay,and recently I've decided to add bike,products in there okay so we're gonna,have our own page called the bike shop,okay and in this page we're gonna be,adding helmets and pedals and you know,different bike apparel and stuff like,that okay so today I'm gonna show you,how to add a helmet okay from Aliexpress,so what we're gonna do is I have a,couple windows opened up here and this,is the helmet that we're going to be,adding,okay now this is coming from China so it,does have quite a bit of a shipping day,on it I think it's 12 to 20 let's see 12,to 20 days but it's like only 45 cents,for shipping okay I'm not sure if they,have a free shipping item on this one,standard shipping is $2 so 45 cents for,shipping is basically free okay so what,I'm gonna do is I've been naming I've,been putting other helmets in to my,store as well okay I have one called the,ultralight this one's gonna be the,ultralight 2.0 okay so that's actually,what I'm gonna call it so let's go ahead,and give it a name ultralight 2.0 okay,now in the description we can just come,up with something off the top of our,head okay this one's going to be let's,see helmet off-road super mountain bike,okay and actually let's do this um let's,just go to products,yeah well leave the page we'll come,right back to it I want to see what my,description was for my other ultralight,okay you guys are gonna I mean you're,getting this live I haven't you know I,haven't done anything pre this so with,this ultralight structure I'm actually,gonna take this description and I'm just,gonna alter it just a little bit okay so,now we go back to products we'll hit add,new okay add product okay we're gonna,call this ultra light 2.0 okay we're,gonna paste the description and then,we'll just reword it just a little bit,okay I'm gonna say say hello to the,ultra light 2.0 okay this lightweight,structure and sporty look,the ultra light 2.0 makes for the,perfect freeride helmet a small visor,comfortable interior and breathable,design sets the bar high for helmets in,its class,the ultra light 2.0,is designed to be even lighter even,lighter then its first generation ultra,light can't spell ok then we're gonna,say 0.5 pounds total weight okay now how,do I know that so we're gonna go back to,the products page and we're gonna scroll,down here and let's see where I found,that at 280 grams so if we go back here,and we go to 280 grams to pound which is,0.6 okay so 290 was the ultra light,which is 0.63 and then 280 grams is 0.61,okay so I guess it's not 0.5 pounds but,let's see we're do so we're gonna say,point six pounds point six one pounds,okay,total weight best use for MTV and Road,Cycling okay you guys are gonna do this,same exact thing with your Shopify store,come up with a name for it do a custom,description okay make it sound good,professional okay and then we're gonna,go add images alright now I know that,there's a better way to do all of this,you guys are saying gosh takes so much,time okay but it's quality work okay,when you have quality work you will get,sales out of it because people can tell,that you spent time on it okay so we're,gonna go back and now we're gonna grab,our images okay normally what I do is I,will save this one for last this color,that has all the different angles I'm,gonna save that one for last,okay so I'm gonna do this we're gonna,just go screenshot if you have a Mac,this is perfect for this okay you can,simply just screenshot each and every,one of these okay sorry this might take,a little longer I'll speed it up,okay so now that we have all of our,pictures okay we're gonna come over here,and get the different angles okay so,your customers can see the front each,side of the helmet the front and the,back okay so I'm gonna take a picture,like this so they can see the side and,the back so a kind of a you're killing,two birds with one stone here okay and,then I like to get an inside of the,product - so whatever product that,you're selling make sure you give your,customer a full view of it okay it'll,actually prompt them to buy because they,can see the full thing okay so now what,we're gonna do is we're gonna go over,here and we're gonna go to images upload,an image and then we'll highlight these,hit open well upload those couple that,we missed I believe it was just these,two okay then we can rearrange these,however we want to and in Chapa files,you simply have to do is just drag and,drop so I'm just gonna put this one,there and we're gonna replace all of,those because I want those to be in,order okay so we'll go like this and,then you can see the different angles of,the helmet okay and now that's I mean,that's pretty well it I'll go through,and I'll set my pricing and go through,and set my weights all my variants and,stuff like that okay but that's,basically what I do guys when it comes,to importing projects okay or products,I'm sorry that literally took me what,like maybe three minutes okay over low,and Shopify says that you can do it you,know in a minute doesn't matter guys do,quality work and you guys will attract,quality buyers okay keep that in mind,quality work is quality buyers okay I,hope you guys got some value from this,video if you guys want to check out my,Shopify store go to shop your adventure,com I'll actually put a link for you in,the description below and you guys can,check it out okay,thanks for watching this video if you,got some good value out of it give me a,big thumbs up and make sure you,subscribe because I put videos out just,like this every single day okay thanks,for watching and I'll see you in the,next video

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