all right welcome back again to,resolutions design,yet again with another video here in,tutorials for shopify,if you're brand new to this channel we,do everything shopify here so i hope,that,this moment that you guys are learning,uh will be beneficial for you all i ask,is for a subscribe blue like button,comments let me know your questions down,below and uh i check them every day,and i'll go ahead and answer to you to,my best of the abilities,in this particular video what we're,going to learn about,is how to add collections,to your shopify store collections or,categories right,depending on how you want to interpret,it okay so let's get right to it right,away,let's first start off with the admin,screen here so if you're not,logged in into the backend of shopify,this is how it would look like,it's the url that ends in my,let's start there,in the previous video what i showed you,guys there was actually two videos that,i showed i showed how to upload products,if you're into drop shipping,or how to upload products if you're in,the private label business right if,you're doing,just things on your own um so whichever,one of those videos that you completed,you're in the right video now so we're,kind of like all migrated here,uh so in this right here we could see,that we've added some products,some are drop shipping some are just,regular products right,and what we want to do is we want to,categorize these okay so,there are two ways on how to create,collections,very important guys two ways of how to,create them,one of them is called an auto collection,or an automatic collection and this,method is,based on using tags the other one is a,manual collection,where we manually go ahead and add,products into the collection,depending on how you want to run your,business or how your business flows,you could either choose one or the other,or both,and i'm gonna show you how to do it all,okay let's,first begin first make sure that you've,added products,make sure that you've added all of them,especially with your variants,so on and so forth so again if you,haven't watched those videos i'll leave,them up in the description up top,or below in the comments etc but let's,pretend you've already added,those products let's go right here where,it says collections over here on the,left,we're going to click on this versus,collections by default,shopify is always going to have this,collection called home page,which you might ask yourself well what,is this well don't worry about it is,is just something that comes by default,right and,technically we don't need it so it's not,associated to anything so what i'm going,to do right away,is click on this one that says homepage,and this is also to teach you how to,delete,a collection we're going to click on,this one this collection called homepage,we're going to click on more actions and,we're going to say delete this,collection,it cannot be undone that's okay because,again this is just,shopify's uh original like it's just,showing you one,collection that has nothing on it but,let's go ahead and start,a collection we're to go right here,where it says create collection,and the first one that i'm going to,create is a collection that you guys,probably already know how to build but,i'm just kind of training you guys just,in case,and this one is going to be called,manual collection,so what is a good manual collection a,good manual collection how do businesses,use it,well some businesses use a collection,that's called,new arrivals okay new arrivals meaning,that,depending on what date it is like,depending on,where you're at right um these are the,new arrivals,okay and i'm going to leave the,description empty we're going to change,the collection type to manual,right and we're going to go ahead and,press save,so once we press save we already have,our new collection,and if you want to we could click on,this button that's called,view and we could see that,you know we're just using the regular,debut theme nothing complicated but,the collection is created right so it is,here there's just no products,so so far so good but keep one thing in,mind,that just because we're able to show it,up here,does not mean that it shows up on the,website because if i click this one and,i click on catalog,there's nothing that's going on like i,don't see the new arrivals it's not,there yet,which is perfectly fine that we're gonna,handle also,in another training but let's go back,here to new arrivals now let's add some,products,we're going to go down here to where it,says products we have a search bar,and we're going to click on this search,bar here let's click on browse,we're going to click on browse and on,browse we get to see,all of the products that we have so far,out of all of these products the new,arrivals are not all of them we want to,say that there's only,four of them that are new arrivals and,by that i'm gonna hand,pick them out i'm gonna say this one's a,new arrival i'm going to say,this one's a new arrival and i'll say,this one is an arrival,um and i'll just put yeah there'll be,three for now so let's go ahead and add,that in there,these are three new arrivals so there it,is,by default the sorting is going to be,by best selling um so that's just,something by shopify by default that it,places up there but we don't need to put,it like that,we could go ahead and edit this by,clicking on best selling and say i want,to,organize this manually and right away,you'll notice on the left that there's,these freckles here on the side,these freckles here you'll notice that,it allows you to,move these uh products so let's pretend,that we want the geneva,stainless steel to be first click hold,drag drop,and that'll be first and then this is,second and this is third,so something like that would be very,useful right so you say hey i don't like,how it shows up i want this one to come,up first,this one to come out second and then of,course you could delete them as you see,fit,right so let's see how this looks like,so far,and there it is based on this theme we,only have three pr,four products for row so that's why you,see this here,so if you're wondering wait what what's,up with this white space or i only added,two what's up with all this white space,uh it's because of your theme it has,nothing to do with the collection back,end itself,right so we have first second third,that's how you do the sorting and again,this is a,manual collection it's just a manual,collection okay,so the process of this again is that you,have to,create add the products and then you,have to create the collection,then manually add the collection into,the store,for new arrivals and for collections,such as bestsellers i think this works,out pretty well,so new arrivals best sellers editors,choice,you know anything of that nature i think,that manual collections work good for,that,but what about regular collections what,about collections,such as you know um at all,or all right everything so let's,i like to create collections called,automated collections,i'm going to show you two ways on how to,how i set this up so let's go ahead and,create a new collection,and this one is going to be called shop,all i'm going to create one that's,called,shop all and it's going to show,everything right,so in the collection type we're going to,leave it as automated but we're going to,set conditions,and these conditions is the fun part,because we don't have to constantly,upload,and manipulate stuff right so in this,one,for all what i'm going to do is i'm,going to click on this first drop down,where it says product tag,and i am going to say let's see here,product,price i'm going to put product price,product price,is greater than zero dollars,now this will only work of course if all,of your products have values more than,one dollar,or more than zero dollars um so i'm,going to say all conditions i'll go,ahead and press save,and you're going to notice that it might,take a little bit in order to populate,especially if you have a very large,catalog or,like let's say if you have 700 products,500 products or over 100 products,you're going to notice that this is,going to be there but no problem because,you could go ahead and press refresh,right there,press refresh and here we go we see all,of the products they've been added,automatically into the store,but again we come across that problem,where we're like hey yes all products,are here but they're,sorted in a way that i don't like right,instead i want to control this by,manipulating the sorting order so,instead i want,this one to come out first this one,second,third fourth fifth,last right or we could do something like,this,check it out so that all of those are,consistent like one two three four,and let's mix match the colors there so,that they won't all look,so generic and see we have black blue,black blue silver black and then yellow,right and let's see how this looks in,our store again just using the debut,see pretty nice um so so far so good on,that we did,something called shop all okay shop all,right so now we have two collections now,when we go to the collections,item over here on the left you're going,to notice that on the collections,one of them has new arrivals and on the,product conditions it's blank,but then over here it says shop all and,on shop all,we have a statement which is saying this,is a condition the product price is,greater than zero,so if you're trying to figure out just,by looking at your collections,which one is automated and which one is,manual,you'll know that by just looking at this,over here which one has a value and,which one does not,we know that new rivals is a manual,collection and this one's an automatic,collection,let's go ahead and improve this now,let's pretend for a second let's look at,all of our products here real quick,uh we have a black one we have another,black one blue,silver so on and so forth right okay,so let's pretend that i want to make,a collection where it's nothing but,black,watches right because i have two blacks,i have two blues actually three blacks i,have three blacks,two blues one silver and one yellow,what if i just want to have a collection,that shows all black watches,and this could be used for many reasons,right but for this example we're going,to do that,so the first thing that i want to do is,that i want to tag,my products i want to tag my products so,that it knows what i'm talking about,and in order to tag your products you,can essentially,excuse me go one by one,by this i mean that you could actually,go in here you could click on the name,of the,product and go to this section right,here called tags,and go right here and type in black,comma you got to press the comma button,in order for that to register,and then press save we can do that,but the problem with this method is that,you're doing this one by one,so this method of me adding a tag to,just one product is good if you,only want to add one tag to one product,go inside the product go to right here,where it says tags,and click where it says black,by the way uh this area right here,you're going to notice that due to our,previous actions,we have a section here called,collections inside of this specific,product,and it's telling us that this product is,inside of a collection called,shop all and the word auto means that,it's an,automatic collection this product is,automatically going into the shop all,collection,and that's it it doesn't exist anywhere,else it doesn't it,also means it does not exist in the new,arrivals right,that's why this is set there however,we have a tag called black it's not done,yet,because we have to add a collection that,picks this up,okay we're going to add that in a second,but first what we want to do,is that we want to add tags to every,watch,that is colored black and to quickly do,that what we're going to do is we're,going to select,all products by clicking on this guy,right here and,depending on how many products you have,you might have a lot of products right,and in that case you'll see a link over,here that says,select more than 50 plus products,why does it say that well because this,button right here,just selects everything in this page,and eventually this page is going to end,after let's say 50 products,but you'll notice that there's more,pages on the bottom that'll be like page,two page three page four right,so instead of you doing the select all,times a whole bunch of pages,just click on this guy right here and,then click on the link that shows up,there that says,also select the 50 plus products in,order to choose,every product no matter how many pages,it goes down okay,once we do that let's click on where it,says edit products,edit products is going to take us to an,interesting view on shopify called the,bulk,editor page the bulk editor allows us to,make changes to a whole bunch of,products at the same time,re limited and restricted,to what it allows us to change,so as of right now what can we change,based on this interface we could change,sku numbers,prices and compare price by default,you're going to see something like this,which we don't need for this example so,what we're going to do is we're going to,go ahead and check off,sku we're going to also check out,compare price,we'll leave price there just for,purposes but we're going to go ahead and,add a field,and on this one what we're looking for,is a column called,tags we're going to click on that one,right there and as you can see the first,product that we were working with,already has the tag called black but as,you can see as i scroll down,no other product has that as well,so let's go ahead and add this only to,the black watches now don't pay,attention to these variants this has,nothing to do with it make sure that,your products are standalone,this is just an example okay i'm gonna,go right here i'm gonna click on this,first box,and i am going to let's see uh,one two three okay so i'm gonna go right,here and click on this one,so that's that there i'm gonna ignore,this one in fact no what i'm gonna do is,i'm gonna type in,blue and press comma okay,now once i'm adding all of this have you,noticed that all of a sudden there's,these dots,on the left what does it mean these dots,means that,i have added a change into the products,that have not been saved yet so these,dots means that i've done something but,i have not pressed saved yet i haven't,pressed this button yet over here,all right let's keep going so we got,black we have blue,right here let's call this one uh silver,right i press comma there okay i'm gonna,click the way,uh this one we're gonna go ahead and put,black on that one as well click away,uh this one we're gonna put yellow,okay and then on this one we're gonna,type in blue again,and then that's about it right okay,great so now we have all the tags there,but we have not pressed save yet,i'm gonna go and press save on the upper,right hand corner but pay very close,attention,to what's gonna happen over here to,these little dots on the left hand side,you see how it does that so it does it,in bulks is like,boom boom boom like that it's pretty,interesting it's pretty nice,so we have now added tags to every,product,and because of that we are now ready to,continue,in creating those collections those,automatic collections,so i'm back over here where it says,collections uh,and i'm gonna go here and create a new,collection,and i'm going to type here black watches,and on black watches i'm gonna go right,here to where it says automated,leave the product tag to equal to what,black okay i'm gonna do that and i'm,going to press save,by doing that we're going to wait for,this to refresh here,there it is okay automatically all of,those products,are now inside of the collection how is,this beneficial to you,well because when you're adding products,just like how you guys learned in my,previous video,if you add a product and you tag it,from let's say oberlo there's a screen,in oberlo where it allows you to,add a tag this screen that i'm talking,about guys,is the screen before you import all of,the products from oberlo,into shopify there's a there's a there's,a screen there that says tags and you,could tag them there,right or if you're just doing it,manually when you,add a product manually you can go right,here and add the tag just like how i,showed you before,if there is a collection that already,exists all you have to do is just add,this and it automatically goes into the,collection,you don't have to go into collections,and add the products one by one like and,like in the manual mode you just,continue adding products just make sure,that you add the tag,that exists and it will automatically,show,inside of the collection so now we have,three collections,black watches when the product tag,equals to black,now something that i've learned also,with shopify sometimes shopify can be,very sensitive,when it comes to the values so here's a,big mistake,let's pretend that in the watches we,added a tag called black watches,you see how i added black here and then,the collections black watches,what happens if i take this out and then,i put,black watches because that's the name of,the collection it's black watches,right i do that there and press save,okay maybe it won't show up right away,but let's just press refresh here,what's going to happen is that it's not,going to show up in,the black watch collection it's not,going to show up there,why is it that so again if you're,writing in the comments hey i followed,your steps but,my products are not showing in the,collection make sure that you're,troubleshooting this correctly,right why is it not coming up you've,added black watches,i have a collection called black watches,and it's an automatic collection why is,it not showing up here,go to collections,see black watches what does this say it,says black,so if you say to yourself well,okay maybe that's the problem because i,misspelled it,inside of the product tags but i don't,want this to say black,i want this to say black watches well,then,fine let's go into the collection and,right here was this product tag,instead of it saying black say black,watches,and this is good too because for every,collection name every collection name,matches the,uh the actual tag and that's,that's a good thing to do but here's,what happens i went ahead and i did this,i saved the collection,and we start getting some products,deleted,let me press refresh again so you can,see,might take a little bit because shopify,servers you already know how they roll,okay now we see it here all right so we,have that one product that's called,um black watches and it's only showing,one,so how do we fix it from there because,we just updated,the uh the definition product tag black,watches and only one shows up there,that just means that we have to go back,over here click on all,edit products go back into the bulk,editor and let's go ahead and switch,these out,so right here we say nope it's not you,it's you right and so on and so forth,for the rest of them,see,and that's it let's press save,should be good let's go back into,products,collections black watches,and now we have the rest of them there,uh okay,and let's see how this looks like on the,front end,there it is we have the black watches,okay,all right i think that's pretty much,everything that has to do with creating,a collection so,what have we learned we've learned how,to create a manual collection which is,the new arrivals,we've learned how to create a simplistic,you know shop all which is using uh,you know automatic collections or,conditional collections,right and then we also created one,that's called black watches,right where it's using the tag called,black watches,and again just to finalize here i'm just,going to create one more let's right,here it says blue watches,but remember blue watches i named them,just blue,right so i'm going to go right here blue,and press save,and there should only be probably just,two products here,okay just two products there it is right,and i'm gonna manually sort this out,to say well these two watches i want,them to be,this one and this one now let's see how,this looks,perfect okay so now that we've done this,we have a total of three collections,here uh four collections in total,the only problem now is where is it on,my website,i'm over here on the front end i don't,see them like i saw the testing but i,don't see them here,on my main menu and that is going to be,for the next,uh training video of the part three so,the part three i'm going to show you,guys how to connect,the uh collections into a main menu,navigation,if you have any questions if you like,this tutorial let me know if i went too,fast let me know if i'm just,if i talk slow some people some people,tell me that i talk slow they,get to the point already i think that,there's an option on youtube that you,could kind of speed up my,my the way of talking to like a 1.2 or,1.5,maybe you could do something like that,but um i try to be as slow as possible,because there's a lot of other people,that they don't they can't learn that,quickly they need to kind of like,listen slowly and walk them through,slowly,so i rather please as many people as,possible,right so uh you know my apologies for,that but other than that if you really,like this type of training,don't forget to put those notification,bells on because i'm just popping these,videos as fast as possible,um and you'll see my new video coming,out video,my new video coming out pretty soon okay,guys let me know what you guys think in,the comments,let me know if you guys get stuck and,until next time thank you very much
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