how to add shopify products to pinterest

How to Sell your Shopify Products on Pinterest - Updated 2022 today the image focused social platfor


Updated on Feb 21,2023

How to Sell your Shopify Products on Pinterest - Updated 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to add shopify products to pinterest

Let's move on to the first section of how to add shopify products to pinterest

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How to Sell your Shopify Products on Pinterest - Updated 2022

today the image focused social platform,is preferred by everyone,pinterest is a visual search engine and,productivity tool in addition to being a,social network,pinterest is a popular web destination,for arts and crafts enthusiasts ardent,house decorators and fashion bloggers,looking for the latest style trends and,fresh ideas and with just that pinterest,has an average of,454 million monthly active users,worldwide as of the second quarter of,2021,pinterest permits user to pin photos,from the internet to self-made,theme-based photo galleries known as,spin boards or simply boards,smart marketers would love this concept,since consumer spin profiles,indicate not just their aesthetic,preferences but also items and services,they might be interested in purchasing,now since pinterest users may have the,potential to pin your photos we will,just direct them right away to the,product page of your shopify store in,this tutorial we will tag our product on,a pinterest pin to save a potential,customer's time in looking for the item,online this increasing the possibility,of closing the deal,before we start,you can sign into your pinterest account,and ready your product page so we can,easily get the link whenever we need it,on your pinterest home feed,click the create pin,let's add an image first,drag and drop the images that you'll be,posting,if you have two or more pictures you can,do it as a carousel if you're doing it,as a carousel tagging a product on your,pin won't be possible you can just add a,link to each product,add a description for this pin,limit your characters to 500,just place in the important details that,you wanted your potential customers to,know,add a little explanation and what people,can see in your pin or the alt text and,then add a destination link,this is where you'll place the link to,the product page,now that you're done with the text,description,you can now edit or adjust the,appearances of your pen,click the pencil icon just on the side,of your image,you'll be taken to the crop feature,this is where you can adjust the aspect,ratio of your image and adjust the,orientation,you can also change your image here,press the star just below the crop icon,and this is where you can add your,branding from your pin,this is only available on business,accounts and is not available in,personal accounts,upload your logo logo area,just click on the plus icon and select,the images,i suggest that you have a logo for a,light and dark background,select the logo that you want to appear,on your pin and adjust the size and,where it's going to appear you can use,margins for the spacing and position for,the location of the logo it is up to you,if you would want to place a background,fill for your logo this is good if you,wanted to place additional text,if you have multiple images you can just,do the same thing that you did earlier,it's much better if you have everything,in uniform and consistent,once you're all set on how your image,would appear,click the update changes,as of this moment since this is a,carousel,there are no tags but would it manage to,link this pin to your product page in,shopify,every time someone clicks your pin they,will be directed to the product page,they have specified earlier please be,advised that even if you have deleted,photo this won't convert as a single,image since this was originally set up,to be carousel,you would need to delete every image and,just upload a new one but just make sure,that if you wanted to tag a product you,only need to upload one image,now that we have uploaded just one image,the tag feature is now available,there are also additional features such,as the text option you can now add text,overlays on your pins,you can add a background to your text,change the font adjust the size like how,you add text in any picture editor,to add a tag just click the tag icon,beside the image,you can either use your previous pins,that have some tags or you can add a url,with your shopify product description,page,on your url you're able to select the,images,this is also not possible if you haven't,installed your pinterest pixel on your,shopify,if you have multiple items in one photo,then this product tagging really suits,your business well,once everything is all set the only,thing that you need to do is to publish,this pin,you can then review how your pin would,appear or promote this right away,as you can see when we view the pin you,can see the tag icon located on the,upper left of the image,every time someone clicks your pin,they will be directed to the product,page please remember that the pinterest,community has a high shopping intent,with over 83 percent of weekly pinners,having made a purchase based on the pen,they like,this is made possible because of how the,platform works and how sellers can set,this up easily,there's still a lot of good platforms,out there but pinterest really does,prove their numbers at a minimal cost,do you like this content,if you do,don't forget to like this video click,the subscribe button and ring that,notification bell so you will get,notified in our next video,you

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