how to add social media feed to shopify

How to Embed Social Media Feeds on Shopify Store | 2023 hey there,excited to know how you can use so


Updated on Feb 19,2023

How to Embed Social Media Feeds on Shopify Store | 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how to add social media feed to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add social media feed to shopify

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How to Embed Social Media Feeds on Shopify Store | 2023

hey there,excited to know how you can use social,media content to grow your business on,your shopify store,let's dive in to learn how,search for tagbox widget home page,and start your free trial,after signing up for the free trial add,a new widget,give your widget an interesting name,now you can add feeds from different,social media platforms let's start by,adding instagram feed first in every,social platform you can select the type,of feed here we will add feeds through,hashtag,you can see that hashtag feeds are added,successfully now to add a different,social network feed to your widget go to,social feeds and click on add feed,choose the social network type and add,feeds to your widget,this is how you can add different social,media feeds to your widget,but it's not necessary that each one of,them will be relevant for this you can,monitor the posts in the moderation,panel to filter them out,and they no longer be visible on your,widget,now that your social media widget is,concisely ready,you would want to enhance its look to,make it exciting for your audience,you can choose from our responsive,themes,and customize the look of your feed to,make it engaging and worth a while,an attractive youtube feed widget will,excite and convert your audience better,than a basic one,bravo your social media feed widget is,ready to charm your visitors,it's time to publish it on your shopify,store you will see all the cms platforms,to embed your widget select shopify,adjust the width and height of the,widget according to your need and copy,the embed code,now go to your shopify store to embed,the widget on your default pages,navigate to the online store themes menu,click on customize button,add a new section,custom liquid,set the position on your page,open it and paste the embed code,save the changes,and to embed the widget on a new page go,to pages add a new page,give a title to your page select the,show html option of the text editor,paste the copy code and click on save,congratulations you have successfully,embedded the social media feeds on your,shopify store,wait what if your store visitors and,customers can directly share their,reviews and photos from your store it is,possible with our on-site uploads button,you can enable it easily from the tagbox,widget editor just go to customization,under the design tab head over to,on-site uploads and provide the,necessary details enable the button and,apply the settings,your on-site upload button is live on,your store now your store visitors,cannot pick with your product and can,also write a review,you just have to approve them from the,moderation panel of the tag box widget,editor

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