how to add social media links on shopify

How To Add Social Media Icons On Shopify - Or Links! are you looking to add your social media,icons

Just Learn How

Updated on Feb 22,2023

How To Add Social Media Icons On Shopify - Or Links!

The above is a brief introduction to how to add social media links on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add social media links on shopify

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How To Add Social Media Icons On Shopify - Or Links!

are you looking to add your social media,icons to your shopify store,well if that's the case then you've come,to the right place because today i'm,going to be showing you exactly what you,need to do,and i'm also going to be walking you,through a solution as well,i've come to realize that many store,owners are not sure how to add social,media links to their store and that's,particularly true,for,the social media platforms that shopify,doesn't currently list in the options so,i'll be walking you through that as well,so if that sounds,like what you're looking for then be,sure to keep on watching,either way let's get into it,so the first thing you need to do is you,need to visit your admin interface,and from here you want to click on,online store,then you need to click the customize,button,and you'll be presented with the store,editor as i'm sure you've been on before,now the first thing i would do is i,would just run this check so go to the,footer section of your store,and make sure that the,show social media icons option is,selected because that's that's going to,be really important for the next step if,it's not,check it and then hit save,next you want to go to your theme,settings and this interface will open up,on the right hand side and then you want,to scroll down to the social media,section,now here you can list all of your,different social accounts and shopify,have made it quite easy for us by just,giving us an example of what it needs to,look like so in all of these boxes you,basically need to enter the link to your,social media profile so these are all,the official shopify,links here so i'm going to set those up,just to show you how it works but of,course you would need to update this,with your own twitter handle or social,media profile so i'm going to do a,control c and i'm going to control v in,each of these just to and then quickly,swap them out,just to get that kind of completed,quickly and i'm just going to show you,how that works and you may have noticed,while i was doing that,that the icon started to appear on the,store,which is great and we're going to check,those in a moment um and that's one,thing i would also recommend is that you,check the links because as this is a,text field if you get this link wrong at,all either the link is not going to work,or it's going to take you through to,somewhere you don't want to go and,obviously you want to make sure that you,check this before launching or,before your customers and store visitors,start you know going off to the wrong,place so make sure this is all kind of,set up correctly,hit save,and,now we can refresh the store and you can,see the icons have now appeared so if i,click on each one,it's going to take me through to,the,to the to the social profile that i've,set up so this is the shopify's official,twitter page and the same would happen,for facebook i'm doing a new tab and,pinterest,so facebook,and pinterest excellent so that's how to,set up social media icons um obviously,always go into the customizer and go,through all of the the ones you want to,add we've obviously got instagram tick,tock and snapchat youtube and vimeo so,um there's obviously quite a few to add,here which is fantastic,um,but you know as i mentioned at the start,of this video some people find that they,actually want to add other social media,accounts that aren't listed here or they,don't want the icons and they want links,instead well what's the solution to this,issue well i'm going to show you now so,what you want to do,is,so make sure this is all saved is you,want to head out of the editor,and you want to go to navigation,now you have two options here you can,either create a new menu and show that,or you can add to an existing menu so,for instance we could edit the footer,menu,and add add links there but i'm actually,going to create a new menu to show you,how this is going to work so,i'm going to go add menu,and i'm going to say,um,find,us on,social media this is the name of going,to be the name of this uh this section,and now we just need to add new menu,items so click add menu items and let's,say we want to add our profiles here so,twitter for instance so,just call it twitter that's gonna be the,link that's clickable so you can name,that whatever you like that could be,find us on twitter or you know,just whatever you want there i'm just,going to have twitter for now because,i've got the finders and the title,and then,left click on this section here and this,is all kind of internal links but you,want an external link here so you want,to put https this is going to be the,same link that we found on the social,media icon page,and i'm going to do shopify again for,now,i want to say shopify i'm going to do,the official shopify link for now and,you want to click this once it's typed,out and you've checked it click this,link and that's going to lock it in and,press add so we've got twitter here i'll,do one more,add menu item let's go facebook and i'm,gonna go https,backlash backslash,forward slash shopify make sure you,click this so it's in there and click,add,save,excellent so we've created a new menu,called find us on social media now the,last thing you need to do is you need to,go back into your so click online store,and go back into your customize,and we need to add this i want to add it,to the footer so,here we want to add a new block,menu,so add new block click the menu button,here,we're going to call this find us on,social media,see that here,change from the footer menu,so click this click this,find us on social media select,see that here,excellent now we can have that on the,right hand side we could have that you,know,in the middle or we could have it on the,left,so i'm going to put it on the left for,now hit save,now if i go back into my store obviously,you can't see it there we can hit,refresh,now it's appeared and if i click this,link or you know i'm going to do it in a,new tab,the same thing works so we can head over,to our social media obviously you need,to put your own link in as i suggested,earlier but that would take you to your,social media profile via a link so we've,got the two different options there,so i hope this video was useful if it,was please do hit the like button that,tells me i should continue making videos,like this and if you have any questions,about what i've done today or shopify in,general drop them in the comment section,down below,and do consider subscribing to my,channel i've got a lot of different,videos on shopify and building an online,business with different tutorials which,may be of benefit so with that said i,hope you have an excellent day

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