how to add spf shopify

Shopify for Beginners: Setup Customer Emails with Shopify (Domain and SPF Records) in the last lectu

Shopify for Beginners: Setup Customer Emails with Shopify (Domain and SPF Records)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add spf shopify

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Shopify for Beginners: Setup Customer Emails with Shopify (Domain and SPF Records)

in the last lecture we were talking,about how you can add your own domain,name to your Shopify store so that your,shop is not running under the dot my,Shopify dot-com domain in this lecture I,want to talk more about the customer,emails the customer emails are the,emails that your customers receive from,the store if you have your own domain,name then you definitely don't want your,customers to receive mails from at my,Shopify comm or emails from your email,address and so on,you actually want your customers to,receive emails for example from sales at,my domain comm or info at my domain,don't come or whatever but not from a,generic email address this also gives,you the opportunity to get in touch with,your customers if they need anything,they can just answer to the emails and,it's a lot less friction if they need,anything from you in order to get the,customers emails working there are,several steps involved one of them is,first of all to set up your store to,send out this customer emails with the,right domain if you go to your settings,on the left side navigation and enter,the channel settings you find on the top,to store details in the store teeters,you have the store name and the account,email the account email is the email,address that Shopify will use to send,informations directly to you as the shop,owner so that's fine if you use your,generic email address here and the,customer email address this email,address the Shopify we'll put inside if,they send emails to your customers for,example order confirmations and then the,customers see that for example the order,confirmation comes from Thomas at,Charlotte from Tom Petty instead of,Gmail address or whatever now the,problem is that a lot of spam happened,in the past few years and there are some,security mechanisms in place to prevent,spam and we have to change some things,on our domain configuration in order to,make this work,so that shopped emails that were sent to,the customer I'm not landing in the spam,folders one of the things that a lot of,service providers and email holsters use,is the SPF framework SPF stands for,sender policy framework if Shopify is,sending out an email with an address on,your behalf then the receiving party has,no idea if you actually want to do this,or if you don't and make it easier for,them to check that they will look into,your domain name and see if Shopify is,allowed to send this email addresses,it's like a friend of you sending a,letter in your name and then the,receiver will ask you or maybe someone,in your house if the guy who sent the,email or the letter was actually allowed,to do so,so that's the same the same idea behind,the SPF framework and in order to make,this work we have to add an SPF record,to our domain I will show you now,exactly how to do that with the fast,combat DNS zone editor and to do that we,already had opened the soon editor in,our last lecture but I will show it to,you again if you go if you go into the,client area and you have the email,accounts and everything here you log,into your cPanel you scroll down a bit,and you have two advanced soon editor,and you want to go to the advanced one a,simple one is not helping you you open,the advanced one you select the domain,and you add a text record and that's,again pretty much the same as probably,in any sunita door I saw across the,internet but the point is you have the,record type text you go to help the,choppy fellow comm and then you go to,intro to Shopify initial set up and here,you have the customer email best track,and here you scroll down a bit and then,you have ad Shopify's SPF record to your,domain host here you find the exact,record that you have to add and I will,copy this part now I will copy this part,now I will go back to my cPanel and I,will enter in the text data this part so,I will give it a name and the time to,live and I will add the record it's here,on the bottom and this record tells,anyone who receives an email from at 480,which was sent from shops for Shopify,calm that shops touch official comm is,allowed to send emails on behalf of,phantom buddy,so that's very important or else emails,will land in the spam folder and your,customers will receive no confirmation,emails and no emails from you and,instead will be very worried that they,get a package or not there is another,tool which helps you to check if the SPF,records are set up correctly when equal,to MX toolbox comm /sb F dot aspx you,can enter your domain name and I entered,mine and I can click on SPF record,lookup it will take a while and then,will show me that my shops for Shopify,comm is allowed to send emails on my,behalf,so it is I make sure that my customers,can receive emails from my domain the,other setting I wanted to show you is,actual modifications,if you go to the channel settings of,your store and then to notifications you,see that you can change all of the email,templates from your store,I usually don't change them because I'm,happy with workshop besides hanging out,but if you ever want to change anything,from the order confirmation shipping,confirmation shipping updates customer,account information and so on you can do,it from this screen

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