how to add you may also like on shopify

How to Add Frequently Bought Together Shopify Tutorial | 2022 welcome back graduates so today i'm,go


Updated on Feb 13,2023

How to Add Frequently Bought Together Shopify Tutorial | 2022

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How to Add Frequently Bought Together Shopify Tutorial | 2022

welcome back graduates so today i'm,going to be teaching you how to add a,frequently bought together section to,your your dawn shopify theme i said dawn,shopify theme now this does work on,other themes but in this tutorial we're,going to be teaching you how to add it,to the dawn theme um but this should,apply to a lot of the other free themes,like sense crave,and whatever free themes that shopify,offers now,um,the reason why you want to add this is,just think think like a like a customer,right you know all right awesome,26.88 for another 30,i can go and get these products for it,for just an extra 30,and that would you know that would that,would give people kind of a better,reason you know what i can get two,bottles i can also get two packs of,coffee for 30 bucks instead of just,paying you know 26.88 cents so it gives,you and it gives you the ability to you,know make more money you know generate,more revenue increase your average order,value you know with just a click of a,button just click on it boom all three,of those get added to your cart you know,and then you could have automatic,discounting rules here you can kind of,change out the settings you know you,know add this and you know get 10 off,whatever it may be and you can really,you know fine tune and try to figure out,the best price and you know increase,your you know your monthly revenue so,anyways let's get to it i'm rambling on,as always you know i'm like tatar videos,i ramble on so let's go and uh get right,to it three two one here we go,so when you get this this new add-on for,your store all you got to do is open up,this frequently bought.html file i,already have it open right here very,simple one two two steps to actually get,this working so,what we want to do is i'm going to close,out of this we uh when you when you log,into your shopify admin you'll have this,page here you want to click on online,store,and then you want to go to the theme,that you want to add onto let's preview,it first and then we'll click on edit,code let's make sure that this uh i,didn't actually accidentally add this,here all right cool it's not here,so we're waiting for this to open hurry,up,close out of these,i'm just going to close out of all this,so that way no one's confused all right,so the first step is to we're gonna,create a snippet called eg frequently,bought together so just copy the title,here and we're gonna and because it's a,snippet we're gonna go into our snippets,folder click add new snippet we're going,to paste this here,now the code is in the folder so right,here you have a folder called snippets,when you download it you're going to,want to open this up in any text editor,or code editor that you might have,double click it'll open up i'm going to,copy this code,right here and we're just going to paste,it in hit save and let's move on to the,next,part of the tutorial so we're going to,go and find main.product now it's a very,very easy way to find these files we,don't have to go and search through,every single folder we just paste the,name of it here and we see that it is,main.product,so now the next step is we have to find,this line of code product form,very easy,all you have to do is inside your code,editor ctrl f or command f if depending,on what computer you're on and i don't,think there's so there's only one in,this file so now we know,we just have to enter it here,so what we're going to do is we're going,to go and grab this right here,copy,and we're going to paste it and we're,just going to hit save,and guess what the next step is to go,and add,tags to get this to work but there's,another video where it'll teach you how,to actually use this this feature so,click somewhere on here and you'll find,the video to show you how to actually,configure this i've already pre-config,figured this for this installation,tutorial we have a how to use tutorial,which is next,let's refresh the page,and there you go just like that you've,got your frequently bought together,features,and my cart was already full off filled,products because of the uh the last,theme but it's very very easy it does,work i i can guarantee you you guys will,see an increase in your in your order,value you'll make a lot more money you,also have a happy customers people like,to get you know bulk deals they like to,kind of you know they like that sort of,thing,anyways guys if you enjoyed this video,please please please please i beg you my,life depends on it click the subscribe,button otherwise i will not be able to,keep making these videos and you also if,you can click the like button because i,again i will not be here if you don't,until next time

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