you can find a product to actually drop,shipping sell in so let's begin so guys,the two number sources the free actually,source because a lot of people who,actually getting started they were broke,and doesn't reality when they got,started I didn't have any money I only,got five hundred dollars to my name and,I guess literally against my was my back,against to the wall so I gotta figure,out how to make it work right with the,less amount of money possible so one of,the things that I learned through my,journey which is actually two short,years and this past year I made over a,million dollars drop shipping by myself,and this changed my life 180 degrees,which you can actually do yourself,that's why I'm making these videos,because when I got started there was no,videos from people who made it that they,started from the bottom with no money so,I was one of them I started literally,with no money so guys the the reason why,I find out this works it's actually,using a simple tool which is called out,expresso okay,I like let me actually go and open it,it's expresso and the reason why I,discover at expresso its you can,actually create a free I was actually,creating free accounts every week,because they give you a free trial and I,was so broke that I didn't have the,money to pay for this so I'm actually,gonna sign up right now just to show you,how easy it is and I'm gonna go let me,use an email that I haven't even used,let's let's - what about the income,millionaire that's Gmail so I'm gonna do,this so I could have netted you two,things this video I'm gonna teach you,how to actually tap into Facebook,traffic the right way with a less amount,of money possible,how to actually find our products so how,about that so we're gonna create a,random password here okay I'm gonna put,my name my company TEM United States so,start optimizing now so what do you have,to do I'm not gonna have the time to do,it but let's say you need to sync your,actually Facebook account okay I'm not,gonna do it but you actually need to,sync your Facebook account let's see let,me do it let's give me one second so if,I do this let's see if it works it's,actually born because I don't think that,how is this account okay cool so yeah we,can actually sing it so what do you do,I'm gonna actually blare out some names,here guys because obviously security and,all the stuff but so what you do is you,turn on the account that you are,actually trying to import the campaign's,okay and that's it then you see these,status no no no I gotta click there and,then it says add Facebook account so,we're gonna add the Facebook account,we're gonna add this one this one okay,and then you can actually create a,campaign from our Express so that's how,simple it is,those are sales by the way coming in so,you you're gonna have everything here,I'm not gonna go into detail into this,but the main reason why you want to use,that expressor is because you can,actually combine hundreds of interest,and an expresso will read the data to,you and I will tell you from the 50 or,40 inches you piled up which one has the,highest CTR which is clicked array that,means that the people are engaging the,most and where Facebook gets cheaper is,when you match the right product to the,right of my graphic so that is why it's,so extremely important to actually see,which interest did is the high CTR and,this is actually how I actually started,it and by the way this 13 days free so,you can actually learn a lot from this,okay so once you do that guys and you,combine the 13 interest within 2-3 days,it's gonna actually give you the data,and it's gonna say you know what if you,suddenly let's say sunglasses the,interest let's say surfing is giving you,the highest engagement so what do you do,is actually you cut off all those,interests you clear that nuances only,with that interest surfing so now what,we get is that we spend only five,dollars per ad set and we are relating,Facebook optimized within five bucks to,the right actually interest because,imagine if we split test forty interests,at five bucks and it's it's a lot of,money okay so that is what I discovered,I'll expresso and that was my actually,technique back in the day when I was,getting started about a year and a half,ago more or less when I got a start in,Shopify so that is actually where I,recommend you now if you would like more,in-depth training about this and how do,you do you just comment below make sure,if you like the content in this video,and you find value would subscribe and,click the notification bell that way,every time every day I upload a video,with massive value you get notified so,you can learn and actually speed up your,process to actually start making real,money online okay so guys another thing,that I want to do is actually show you,how to find a product so the easiest way,in the cheapest and free way to do it's,actually using Facebook newsfeed so what,are you gonna do is we're gonna type in,only keywords so let's say free shipping,okay what am I talking about free plus,shipping we're talking about free,shipping then I'm gonna sort them out by,video views and then I'm gonna head over,to the left and I'm gonna do 2017 okay,because I want to see today's happy new,year by the way January 2nd so we're,gonna do jazz,2017 you can actually sort by location,and on any day so we're gonna do only,the last 30 day let me see if I can get,to that I don't know why it's not,showing me okay for some reason it's not,giving me the actually exact date but I,check it out on your newsfeed it must be,there has to be there okay usually I I,don't know what,today but I chose you and you can,actually sort by my day let me see why,it's not giving me this anything you,know 2018 maybe it's the year okay now,2017 I don't want to saw every single,okay but November and up is good so for,example what I'm looking at what I'm,looking what I'm looking is actually,videos that have a lot of a lot of views,and engagements so two things you need,to look you need to look up for views,you need to look up for shares and you,need to look up for engagement recent,engagement on the last seven days so how,do you do it let's say okay we're gonna,be scrolling down the newsfeed like I,said we want to video so and it's also,v5 stores because they have the keyword,free shipping and as you see you're,gonna recognize these are actually,products the second thing is I'm looking,at it's the date November 29th I've,drawn freaking draw so if we click here,guys we're gonna go over the video and,on the right hand side let me just pause,it on your right hand side you're gonna,have actually the description of the,product and if we click see more we're,gonna be able to actually go to the,store which I'm open here right now okay,this is the store okay,that's the store they're selling the,product for 89 bucks,it's a HD selfie drone g gr say which in,a minute we're gonna be looking at it on,actually Aliexpress to see how much it,is to actually calculate how much profit,can we make from this product and,calculate how much money we can afford,to spend on Facebook to make healthy,Commission because you don't want to,celebrate of that it's nineteen dollars,and your cost is five bucks and Facebook,is charging over $10 per cell that is we,gotta focus guys on products that our,average car value our AOV is gonna be,bigger because Facebook advertising,cause it's going nap it's not like two,years ago where we were spending five,bucks and make making up to a thousand,dollars in sales,that was insane only with post per,engagement hats so right now the way to,do is with what's our conversions,optimizing on purchase pixel okay let's,dive in so that's the products,and here's the thing so what I'm looking,at it's just to see if right now,actually people commenting to see if the,guy is actually on the girl it's,actually running ads to it because the,only reason and the only actually the,only way to tell for us if they running,the product is by comment so check it,out last comment twenty three hours ago,twenty three hours ago twenty two hours,I got 22 hours ago this guy is,definitely not running traffic right now,the reason why I guess it's because two,things right now is because we just,finished the the highest season of,Facebook advertising which is December,December is when Facebook actually high,Rockets do CPMs CPM is cost per 1000,impression okay so your CPM is actually,gonna be super high and that's why a lot,of the advertisers including myself we,actually scale down okay,and when we scale down what we do is,actually we spend less money because,competition is out there so you don't,want to lose your ass so what we do is,we scale down to the bare minimum we can,in my kitchen scale down to fifteen,thousand dollars a day from 89 to a,hundred thousand dollars a day what,we're doing these numbers are,mind-blowing I know but listen I'm gonna,back it up with proof because I believe,if you can back it up with proof there's,nothing to be ashamed of so those are,the numbers were doing so guys this,guy's definitely right now is not,running traffic but I will keep an eye,on a store like this because if he bumps,the traffic again in January which is,the first year of the first month of the,year you're gonna realize that that,product was profitable let's say he's,running traffic so the comments are,within minutes hours so that is actually,a really good sign that this advertiser,is spending money on this product that,means that he's making profit you're not,gonna find a video with more than a,thousand shares where you're not making,a penny okay it it doesn't make sense to,spend money on advertising man if you're,not making money that's why when we see,700,2,000 views a thousand shares means that,the guy is spending money so let's say,okay we got the product the product is a,selfie drone so now what we're gonna do,is actually do HD selfie drone and it's,a jrc so let's let's check it out and,Alex proceed we can find the price let's,start with a simple keywords and jr. say,is the brand so here's it's the drone if,I'm not mistaken that is exactly the,same drone guys the drone is actually 34,bucks free shipping to the United States,so this is my number that I do okay I,grab the calculator so I do 89 and 98,for example - 34 bucks in nineteen cents,so now I know that I need Facebook to,give me a purchase within 55 dollars and,79 cents to actually break even so in,reality I wanna make some money so let's,say I / - so guys if my cost per,purchase which I think it's super easy,to achieve in a product like that,because it's super hot right now and,trending drones are pretty much new to,the industry it's something about two,years ago so it's not something oh and,this is actually a super affordable,drone to have and the video that's a,really good job just going over the,product and let me just show you,you can actually do tricks and stuff,you can use it with your cell phone it,fits in the palm of your hand you give,the trick flips so it's actually a,really really really cool item and for,honestly 89 bucks man,what else he can get so the second thing,I do guys before moving on is actually,I'm gonna go through this person's,funnel I'm gonna add a little car and,I'm gonna see mister Khin shipping or,now so I'm gonna do blah blah blah blah,as long as you put a URL and then name,like you don't need to fill all this,sound which I recommend if you if you're,pretty neat because if we fill out with,it right info we're gonna get a,retargeted so you want to see what kind,of emails are sending if they're doing,SMS retargeting and what kind of emails,and actually messages and Facebook are,they doing so what are you gonna do in a,nutshell I don't want to cover,everything in one video but it's pretty,much copy model water works so I'm gonna,say yes and let's say it's free shipping,so there you go so guys the drone is,$89.99 and we're gonna sell it for the,price and of course it's only 34 bucks,so that means that our profits are gonna,be if we get charged 28 28 dollars per,sale we're gonna be making 27 dollars a,pop so 27 dollars a pop if we can make,if we can sell a hundred products today,which is nothing we can make 27 hundred,dollars a day if we make that in,maintaining scale we can make minimum a,hundred thousand dollars clear to your,pocket so that is the potential and how,easy it is to actually make money online,with a product that is actually proven,to work another thing that I look into,the Aliexpress to see if I'm gonna start,fulfilling from this guy it's actually,the reviews okay this guy is being two,years on the game okay he has no no,feedback at all but hey let's see here,right here yeah,51 feedback so the things that you need,to look for it's 5 stars 11 5 stars 5,stars 5 stars 5 stars,so it's good it's good it's a good guy I,mean we can trust this seller now if I,start selling and if I see the rise the,trend is not going down it's actually,getting stronger and stronger what I do,is fellow,and try to find out how much will be to,buy actually book on this product and,start shipping from us okay that is the,next step because you want to start,delivering the drone as fast as you can,to not run into customers being pissed,off because words might draw bla bla bla,bla bla,you know the drill so guys we actually,want to take care of the customers have,good customer support that's why I,highly recommend the 1-800 numbers and,all the good stuff you can actually,check out our inside the channel we're,gonna be covering all the stuff you need,to have inside your Shopify store and,again if you find value this video smash,that subscribe button make sure you,click on the notification Bell to,actually get notified every time we,upload videos we're actually in Grant,Cardone TV as well uploading daily,content okay let's see let's see if I,find same drone but I actually for what,I seen right now,the drone is gonna be way cheaper check,this drone out this drone is foldable,it's actually like the Maverick which is,five phantom DGI which is a really cool,drone and it's only $29 20 pieces,minimum to buy okay so Alibaba is cool,but sometimes does nolle you buy one and,let's see this video this is actually,super dope this UAV has the following,features the 4x is portable,that's cool,900 milliampere denry could fly 30,minutes at most,equipped with remote control to cancel,the UAV that is actually a really cool,product that you can test right now okay,it's a drone and so what I will do next,what I will do next to do next is go to,a VH gate which I'm gonna make another,video why you should use the image gate,as well but if we go to the HK and,actually look for the drone we can drop,ship this product actually for free,sometimes not every single distributor,for free but it will be five days,delivered to the United States how cool,is that man how cool is that so let's,let's dive into some drones let's check,it out let's see if we can find the,bright look at this one this is a racing,mini drone is made of carbon fiber I,think is to make trick to it so actually,this isn't strong I think this is the,sax ain't wrong let's check it out,that drone yeah that is the exact same,drum guys check this out so we got we,got we got Alibaba,we got Aliexpress and we got dhk I got a,better sound my team of these are going,nuts and the child sorry about that guys,so check it out $30 so it's cheaper than,Aliexpress if we buy more than 50 units,if we want if we buy I'm sorry one unit,is 39 but these guys only doing a,package okay so a package it's actually,20 days a to the 30 day so what we need,to look for is actually let me just show,you let's just dive in again and we need,to look for people who are actually free,shipping and it's a superior supplier,which means super verify I'm gonna find,another product random product just to,show you,okay a percent off this is the same guy,let me see if I can find a guy who's,actually using the DHL for shipping,which is super fast delivery okay here's,the same product,and DHL there you go guys,so here's idea you say yeah yeah but now,it's 45 bucks who cares check it out now,what do you do is you create two,shipping rules you can't you're gonna,create free shipping and you tell the,customer it's gonna take three to four,weeks from China free shipping or if,they want rush delivery,you're not gonna charge seven dollars,and 94 cents,guess what I bet you money that 70% of,the people are gonna pay the $7 because,they want to get it now so guys DHL is,gonna be how fast one to six days so,guess between the middle it's gonna take,about four days for your product get to,the customer house and that is a,beautiful you make more money because if,we do the math let me just show you okay,well actually in this case I just got a,research more but in this case I'll,Express a little bit cheaper if you buy,one but uh let's say so it was 34 19 and,not express okay and here is 45 32 -,seven dollars and 94 cents we can charge,for shipping 19 also that what is it 42,minus seven so you end up paying about,$3 more actually you lose $3 more but,this is my opinion to you okay check the,email I'd rather make three dollars less,and make a customer happy that it's,gonna come back to my store and I'm,gonna build a legit business where,customers don't complain I'm not gonna,get charged rocks and all the stuffs,because every charge bug is 25 bucks fee,plus the item so you end up losing $60,per charge back that's why a lot of,people don't think about and this is a,good thing about that what I'm telling,you you need to build the business you,need to build a business in a sense in a,way that customers actually trust your,brand and they're coming back for more,so that's me I rather lose like,I'm showing you right now three dollars,and the liberal would be four five six,days that fast then just you know not,informing the customer that is kind of,wait almost a month to get the product,and you were gonna get you're gonna get,tons of emails okay with where's my,product where's my product talking,numbers networking such a blah blah blah,blah blah,so if you want to do this the right,thing that's where I recommend you guys,use DHgate for dropshipping brothers,fast giving the opportunity to the,customer to actually pay for the extra,rush delivery and that is what I have,for today's video guys browse the,channel subscribe hit the notification,bell for more videos if you find value,see you in the next video bye bye guys,thank you so much for watching our,YouTube videos please follow me on,Facebook Instagram snapchat Grant,Cardone TV network and if you like this,video please hit the subscribe button in,YouTube and hit the notification bell,for more amazing content your way thank,you so much next video
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