how to assign cents in shopify

How to Change your Price Format on your Shopify Store hi my name is al McCann from curious,teams web

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 27,2023

How to Change your Price Format on your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to assign cents in shopify

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How to Change your Price Format on your Shopify Store

hi my name is al McCann from curious,teams web development studio in,Nashville Tennessee and in this video,tutorial I am going to show you how to,take the decimal places off of your,prices so by a Shopify default you'll,always have the point zero zero or point,whatever if you have like a if you're,charging $0.99 or whatever it is but a,lot of people that don't have prices,that include a decimal and have right,round prices like this they always want,to know how to take this off this is,probably one of the most asked questions,that I actually get so I wanted to make,just a quick video today to show you,exactly how to change that off because,it's really simple so we're going to go,to the Shopify back in and we're gonna,go to settings so in this bottom left,hand corner if you click on settings and,then we're gonna click on general and,we're going to scroll all the way down,and in the standards and formatting,you'll see that the currency is set and,this was picked whenever you set up your,store however if you click on this link,of change formatting you'll see these,new options pop up so you have here the,different things that you have so you,can do as you can see here the amount is,what's showing the point zero zero so,since we don't have that I can actually,switch all of it out to amount no,decimals so I'm just going to copy this,and I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna,change out any where it has this amount,and so there's different currency things,like showing the USD but I'm just going,to change that out so that it's changed,in both the website and an email as well,and then just hit save and then we'll,come back to our storefront and I'm,going to hit refresh and you can see now,that it's changed out to just solid,prices no more zero zero and that's,going to be changed out throughout your,site so it's really easy to change that,out and it's,really something that's very based on,someone's aesthetic if they want to have,that in or not you can always go in and,change it back if you'd like and just,switch that out back to the amount in,the settings area instead of having the,amount no decimals so if you wanted to,change it back you would just copy and,paste this in and paste it out for there,so I hope you found this video tutorial,helpful and please subscribe to get more,videos all about Shopify and how to grow,your online business

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