so in this video I'm going to be,teaching you step by step on how you can,start automating your Shopify,dropshipping business as a complete,beginner and the reason why you want to,automate your Drop Shipping businesses,so you can spend more time on the money,making tasks and not the boring tasks,that are not generating income hey guys,welcome to the YouTube channel my name,is Camille Simon is the Ecom King and in,today's video I've got a very important,video for you which is going to teach,you step by step how you can stop,automating basic tasks in your,dropshipping business so you can spend,more time on the money making tasks like,running ads like Tick Tock organic,anything that's going to generate the,business income as you do not want to be,wasting hours a day spending time,fulfilling orders replying to customers,doing your retargeting you want to spend,as little amount of time on those tasks,as possible and the best way to look at,this guys is you can either work in the,business or on the business working in,the business is things like customer,service or a targeting all the,Fulfillment and those types of things,when working on the business is actually,generating more income and growing the,company especially as a beginner because,if you've only got one to three hours a,day doing this and you spend half of,your time on customer service order,fulfillment then what time are you,really spending on growing the Drop,Shipping Store in this video I'm going,to be teaching you exactly how I,automate every single one of my drop,shipping stores as a complete beginner,or a brand new store and what I've also,done for you guys is I've created a free,Google Docs that's going to have copy,and paste templates that you're going to,need for certain parts of this tutorial,and to get access for that we need to,hit 2 000 likes on this video and then,it'll be in the pin comment and in the,description below and I can't emphasize,this enough this video is extremely,important if you want to see success in,your Drop Shipping Store because you are,generating more time to generate more,money on money making tasks so you,should watch this video in full if you,can,foreign,I'm inside of my Shopify backend and,this is a brand new Shopify account,because I'm going to be reacting what,you should be doing as a beginner and if,you want to get a 14 day free trial to,Shopify make sure you use my link in the,description as you can get better,discounts and better offers using that,link now as soon as you're in your,Shopify store and you've created an,account you want to go to the app,section and you want to download the,first app called Auto DS and there will,be a link to all of these things I'm,going to be mentioning in the,description of this video for those that,are wondering what this Shopify app,looks like it's this one right here Auto,DS all-in-one Drop Shipping and this is,the icon once you've downloaded the app,and connected to your Shopify store this,is what the dashboard should look like,and what this app does for those that,don't know is it's going to help you,sync products from AliExpress CJ Drop,Shipping any of your drop shipping,supplies into this software called Auto,DS and as the name States it's automatic,meaning that every time you get an order,placed on your Drop Shipping Store,instead of you having go into the app,and click fulfill order fulfill order,this will automatically fulfill your,orders for you without you even having,to click a button now before this up,we'll start automatically fulfilling,orders we need to set it up correctly so,we can start doing that so the first,thing that you want to do is find a,product on AliExpress CJ Drop Shipping,whatever Supply that you want and I'd,recommend that you download the Chrome,extension for auto DS because as soon as,you've downloaded the Chrome extension,you're going to see that when you go,onto one of the support suppliers it's,going to show you an icon scene import,to Auto DS you're just going to click,that icon now once you click that button,head back into Auto DS and you're going,to see where it says drafts on the left,hand section you're going to see create,drafts and then it says in progress that,means that that product has now,published into your auto DS up so you,can see here it said it should say your,Drop Shipping Store name it should say,the supplier and then it should say the,amount of variance now once you've done,that you're going to see an input button,on the right hand side you want to click,import and once you've done that you,want to head over to where it says,products and it should show your pro,that you've just imported and once,you've done that you want to click the,little three dots here and you want to,click edit now once you've clicked,edited this should be your page here it,should show product description variants,images and item specifications and if,you go to the bottom left hand side it,should say monitoring stock monitoring,price monitoring and auto order make,sure that auto audit is turned on and,what you can also do in this section is,you can actually change the title of the,name so instead of you having to go into,shopify's product description editor or,product editor inside a Shopify you can,do it all through Auto DS and then it,will synchronize into Shopify instead of,you having to do it both ways you can,just do it all through Auto DS so you,can also do the description through Auto,DS as well and you can change the,variants the images and the item,specifications all through this app now,once you've done that there's another,way you can import products as well if,you want to do it really fast and really,effective you can go to where it says,add products and you can add multiple,products at one time so let's say you've,got like 10 products that you want to,import you can just add them all in here,and do them all through this one and,button or you can upload as a CSV file,that way you're going to do it a lot,faster and this is great if you've got,loads of products that you want to,import now if you head over to the,settings section in the bottom left this,is where a lot of the configurations,need to be made to make it automatic so,when orders come through your store you,don't need to click a button they're all,getting fulfilled so as soon as you come,in here you're going to see Store,settings and you've got Lister now here,you're going to be able to change where,you want your shipping methods to be the,cheapest for track and the fastest we're,tracking I'd always recommend that you,take a look at the AliExpress or CJ Drop,Shipping or whatever Supply you're using,and see what methods they've got and,then Interline it with the ones here and,you can also change a lot of stuff in,here about auto fill brand and stuff,like that but you don't need to worry,too much about that if you head over to,the automations button this is where you,can start to create automations that are,extremely powerful and the first one you,can do is pricing automations and I use,this feature a lot and what this feature,enables you to do is it enables you to,automatically adjust your prices based,on certain Behavior so let's say we're,going to call this one number one and,then you click next what you can do is,you can click raise prize by sales,performance now I like to do this,because let's say for example I'm,testing a product it gets over 20 orders,at the current price that I'm selling at,I might want to increase that price to,see if it can still sell at a higher,price that way you're making more profit,margin I might want to change this first,box to numbers of sales higher than 20,per week or per month I would change,this to a month so you can see here if,I'm getting number of sales 20 per month,and you're going to want to change it,every single time when you adjust it but,this is the first one that I do you're,going to see that you're going to,increase the price you can see here add,increase the product price by what so,I'm going to increase it by two dollars,I like to do a two dollar increase every,20 to 50 orders so every 20 to 50 orders,if I'm charging 24.99 it's then going to,do 27.99 and then 29.99 and keep going,until you find a time where the price,doesn't work anymore and it decreases,the amount of sales and the good news is,they've also got an automatic Asian as,well designed for when sales decrease,you're then going to lower the price you,can see here when numbers of sales are,lower so you can adjust this to match,the other one that it's going to then,drop it back down to the previous price,so you want to make sure that these two,line up perfectly so they don't counter,each other and they work nicely and then,you can assign the products that you,want to do this for and I definitely,recommend that you have this set up,because it's going to help you increase,your profit margins instead of you,having to manually do it yourself now,the next thing that you want to check,out is with you go back to Store,settings and go to orders you're going,to see here Order settings process,orders using the fulfilled by Auto DS,service you want that turned on,automatic orders required a buying,account or fulfilled by Auto DS,management you want that one turned on,as well and you also want to make sure,that you have mock order as delivered,automatically and the reason why you,want that done is because you don't want,loads of pending orders on your Shopify,store you want to make sure they're,archiving and by doing that that will do,that section I would recommend that on,all of you guys do is if you go over to,where it does say automatic fulfillment,both of these two icons that you've just,checked you'll see a little question,mark next to it make sure you read the,more info section for both of them so,you completely understand how this,process works and if you have any issues,setting this up or not understanding how,to set it up you can go to where it says,customer support and you can contact,them and they can configure your account,as well to make sure it's set up,correctly so the automatic fulfillment,is working now there's two ways that you,can make this work you can either load,up the balance or you can add a credit,card to the account so you can see here,if you go to balance you can see mine's,got 51 in it and if you go to load you,can either load up with a credit card or,you can load it up with a debit card or,you can add a account which is like a,PayPal account to do it that way they're,gonna charge your card automatically for,every time you do the order or if you,top up the balance then you can have,that balance on there and then once that,balance is run out you can then top it,up again and if you don't use all the,balance you can refund it back to your,card so you don't need to worry about it,but those are the two ways the payment,side works for automatic fulfillment now,the last thing that I'd recommend that,you set up in this app is the,notification settings and if you go to,settings again notifications you're,going to see tracking numbers update,turn that one on New Order updates turn,that one on or a successful update turn,that one on and then here it says,monitoring notifications you want to,have both of these turned on and then,you can see here digital email frequency,you can turn this on to be daily emails,or weekly now I'd recommend that you,have them on daily if it's too much,change it to weekly and then this way,you know exactly what's happening with,your orders as we're on this topic I,want to go over a great alternative to,AliExpress where you can Source your,products from to get faster shipping and,better customer service as they all,speak in Native us English and that is, and soon these guys are,going to be working with auto DS which,is amazing and what you want to do is,you want to sign up for completely free,and then you want to go to where it says,sourcing and then where it says quote,sourcing URL you want to put the,AliExpress Link in here then select the,countries that you want to sell the,product to and then this way you're,going to be able to find out a good,quote so once you've done that you're,going to be able to see here status,quoting and then what will happen is,they will get back to you on how much,roughly they're going to be able to get,the product for how much is the shipping,and what the delivery time is and if you,approve the quote then it will sync,automatically with your Shopify store as,USA drop does connect with your Shopify,store so you don't have to configure it,all yourself and another really cool,thing that I like about USA drop is they,have their own us warehouses as well so,you get really fast shipping direct to,us and if you go to the USA section this,is going to show you some of the,products that they've got in their Us,warehouse and you can see they've got,over 62 Pages worth of products so you,can click view details and you can use,these straight away you don't need to,Source them they're all ready to go,ready for you to start selling so now,we've got the first part done on,automating our Drop Shipping Store when,it comes to fulfilling orders and the,tracking numbers and all that cool stuff,and that's going to save you lots of,time now with auto DS you want to then,move on to automating parts of your,customer service and we're going to,start off by using a app called tidio,and tidio is a completely free app and,it is on the Shopify App Store and you,can see it on my screen now once you,download this app your screen should,then look like this now for those that,don't know what tidio is it's a live,chat app for your website so when people,visit your website they're going to be,able to interact with this live chat now,you're probably thinking what if I have,to respond to people don't worry you can,set up robots so it automatically does,it yourself and then that way you're,going to keep your customers and,potential customers really happy so the,first thing that we need to do is go,through the setup section and you want,to configure your name of your live chat,now I tend to use a female's name as I,feel like it works better so I'm going,to call mine Jane s you don't need to,put the full name you can put the full,name if you want but I tend to find that,female names work well and then you want,to choose a color scheme for your avatar,now you should do this based on what,color your website is once you've done,that click continue and then you can see,here's tell us more about your,experience I would go with this section,here I want to automate conversations,and I want to increase sales and then,you can see how many support agents will,you use on tdo I'd put one to three I'm,going to start with one what is your,online industry you can choose here what,your online industry is and then you can,put how many inquiries do you get,monthly you can put I would say probably,six to twenty five and then click,continue and then you can see here it,says set up your first chat bot send,them a discount code in the exchange for,their email address you do want to do,this as it is going to increase your,sales so click continue so once you've,done that you need to do five simple,steps the first one is add a widget to,your website so people can interact with,the live chat and all you've got to do,is click this go to Shopify theme editor,once you've done that it's going to take,you directly to the apps embedded and,you just want to make sure that this is,turned on so people can interact with,the live chat so the next thing that you,want to do is you want to come to the,main dashboard and once you come to the,main dashboard you're going to see here,dashboard and then chat Bots once you've,gone to chat Bots you want to head over,to where it says solve problems and you,want to go to this one here which is,called the FAQ for online stores and you,want to hit use template now once you've,done that is going to show you a preview,of what this is going to look like now,what it's going to look like is it's,going to give them a few questions that,they can ask which is track order,shipping costs product questions and,other now you can test that out or you,can just use a template just hit use,template and once you've done that it's,going to bring you to this site map of a,demonstration of how this is going to,work now don't get too overwhelmed it's,really not that hard to use it can get,very simple so what I want to do with,you guys is break down the site map and,how it works so you can build it how you,want and what's going to be best for,your store so if we start at the start,of the site map which is here on the,left hand side you can see it says here,visitor clicks on a chat bot now this is,called the trigger this is what's going,to trigger this complete robot now you,can change it by deleting it and then,coming over here to the trigger section,and adding a different one if you don't,feel like this is great and all you have,to do is drag and drop it in to the site,Maps or so let's say for example I want,it to be visitor says instead of they,click on the chat icon all I've got to,do is drag this over over here and place,it over there and then set it up the way,I want and let's say for example I go,with the visit it says I might want to,change it to if they type in the chat,icon where is my order or they put how,long will it take for my order then it,will generate an action so you can,change your triggers by just dragging,and dropping it in and deleting the old,one then it's going to come to based on,the chat status if you've got times,where the chat's online or offline this,would then change it so you can either,delete this or keep it it just depends,if you want to interact with the chat,yourself then it shows you what happens,if you're online this is the process,it's going to take if you're offline,this is the process it's going to take,so there's two different ways it's going,to work depending if you're online or,offline on the chat now the only,difference is if you're offline they,will not be able to type in the chat,they'll only be able to click on the,icons in the chat that will give them,previewed messages now if they're online,or if you're online it will then give,them the option to interact with,different messages after you send them,automatic messages so they can can,interact with them if you're offline,they can't they've just got to go,through the messages that you've,automatically got now once that's been,done it's then going to give them a,decision on based on what they can help,with so the chat Bots are going to say,to them what can I help you with and,then it's going to give them these,different options track your order,shipping costs product question or other,and you can actually add replies as well,if you want to if there's more you want,to add like FAQ or terms of services or,refund policy you can add it in here if,you want to then what it's going to do,is it's going to then take them to the,decision which is quick and you can see,here need more help you can start over,we'll reply soon so let's say they don't,get what they want from this then,they're going to move to this section,which is going to say some look if,you've not got what you've found then,add it here and we can go into it but,that's only if you're online in the chat,box now if they interact with one of,these questions track your order,shipping costs then it's going to give,them the answer so for example if they,say where is my order it's automatically,going to give them the order status so,this bot will also automatically work,with your tracking numbers on your,Shopify store so if they type in the,email address it will find the email,address associated with that order,number and then it will tell them where,the product is so you don't actually,really have to do anything now if you,don't have tracking numbers and you have,to turn this on but you should all be,having tracking numbers so the bot,should be working simultaneously now you,do want to test that out before you,publish it so I'm going to be testing,the bot out just to show you how this,could possibly look so you can see in,the bottom right hand section it says,what can I help you with I'm going to,track your order and then you're going,to see the bot's gonna automatically say,okay here we go let's start checking the,status of your order do you have an,email or order ID I can use so they can,either check with the email or the order,ID so let's say they've got an order ID,so we're going to click order ID and,then the bot's gonna tell them what is,the order ID so then you're going to,type the order ID in so let's say the,order ID is that then you're going to,click next and then the bot's gonna say,I'm sorry I couldn't find that order,would you like to try again with a,different order ID now because I haven't,got any orders on my Shopify store this,won't work and because that order ID,doesn't exist it won't work but let's,say the order ID is correct then it will,synchronize with Shopify and then give,them an update automatically and the,whole purpose of this first spot is to,make sure that if you're going to get,people that are going to be asking you,where my order is what's the shipping,costs all of these things you don't need,to manually email them the answers they,can do it all through the spot which can,save you hours a day like I said to you,guys before this is just the basic setup,and I find that this setup is more than,enough but if you want to add to it you,can do by adding more actions and once,you're happy with this you can click,save and activate so once you've done,that your Bot will be here and you're,going to be able to see your Bots that,are currently active and you want to,make sure they're active so they work on,your site now I want to make this very,clear you can add as many boxes you want,to this but you don't want to be,overlapping your Bots with the same,thing so this Bots designed to handle,FAQ track my order all of those things,do not make another bot that's similar,because they will overlap and it will,confuse the end user that's using the,bot now if you want to make more Bots,based on different things you can go,back to solve problems or generate leads,or increase sales now the boss that I'm,trying to get you guys to use through,tidio is solve problem box not increase,sales or generate leads you can if you,want but the whole purpose is to handle,the customer support side of things so,you can see here we've just set this one,up you can do keep in touch over,weekends handled missed conversations AI,responder product availability bot,shipping zones bot and automative,representative answers so you can do,those ones as well now in my opinion you,should be more than enough with the,first one that we just set up as long as,it's done properly so the last thing,that we want to do in sort of tidio is,make sure we've got all the settings,correct so your Bot is going to be fully,effective and your live chat so as soon,as you come into the certain sections at,the bottom left you're gonna have,appearance and this is where you can,change the colors again you can change,the online status message you can also,change the position of the widgets the,labels you can also use do not use,Google fonts so you can change that,widget visibility mobile visibility,multi-language so if you want to change,it so it responds in all languages you,can do that then you've also got,installation so this is you installing,it with Shopify so if you haven't got it,correctly done you can do it through,JavaScript then you've got chat page as,well so this is what it's going to look,like once somebody's chatting with you,on the live chat then you've got,translations then you've also got your,email so you can integrate this with,your email box which I'd recommend that,you do then you've also got your account,so what your current account is you can,change the Avatar so when people,interact this is the Avatar that they're,going to see so then you've got,notifications how would you like your,notifications to be sent to you so you,know somebody's interacting now do bear,in mind guys that the whole point of,this is to kind of minimize the amount,of your time you're going to be using,interacting with these people so it's up,to you how you want to use the,notifications and then you've got,operating hours and this is like what I,was saying to you guys before when you,sort of did Bots depending on your,operating hours will depend on how your,Bot works so do bear that in mind and,you can have them here you don't have to,have any operating hours you can have it,as a fully automatic bot by having it,turned off or turned on it's up to you,and then also you've got here teams you,can actually add operators if let's say,in the future you do really really well,you can hire a V8 and add them in here,and then you've got integration so tidio,integrates with loads of things like,email Facebook Instagram slack so you,can actually make it really effective,and then you've also got here tracking,so how everything's tracked in terms of,the events in your tidio so if you're,doing things like generating sales or,lead generation you want to make sure,that everything's tracks you know where,it's coming from now once you've got all,this set up correctly guys that should,be your chat bot done and this should,take the pressure away from you have to,deal with people that are wondering,about where the order is what sizes,you've got all of those things should be,handled through tidio and you should,have a smaller amount of emails coming,through to your business and the whole,point of this Live Chat is to act like a,gatekeeper to your time so they should,only get through the live chat and try,and get hold of you direct if the live,chat doesn't answer their questions so,it should limit the amount of people,that are going to come to you directly,for help and it should minimize that by,a significant amount so that brings us,on to the next section of automating,your Drop Shipping Store as a beginner,and this is going to be for the,retargeting and the updates for your,customers now what is retargeting,retargeting is it when somebody comes to,your website and they don't buy,something or let's say somebody adds,something to the car but doesn't finish,the payment you want to make sure that,your store is automatically trying to,get them to come back and buy the,product so you don't miss out and you,want to make sure that every dollar that,you spend on Advertising you're getting,the maximum out of it and the only way,you're going to do this is through,retargeting and you're also going to be,using this to update your customers on,orders notifications like their order,confirmation all of this is going to be,done through this app and it's called,SMS bump make sure you use my link in,the description because you will get,free credits that you can't get anywhere,else online which is going to be great,because it's completely free now as soon,as you've got the app SMS bump it will,integrate with your Shopify store and,the first thing that you want to do is,you want to go to the flows sections and,the automation section so it's this icon,here in the bottom left as soon as you,come here your screen should now look,like mine so the first automatic flow,that we're going to set up is the,shipping confirmation so you can see,here under the bottom you should show,Shipping confirmation here now if it,doesn't show it you can search for it,here if it's not showing and then it,should come up now once that has come up,you want to click on it and you want to,edit it by clicking this little pencil,icon and then it should bring you to the,site map of how this is going to look,and you can see here it says order,fulfillment is the trigger and then it's,going to show you the action that's,taken and it's going to show you as the,SMS message being sent out so it's going,to say site name which is your brand,name the first name of the billing name,your order has been shipped with and,then it's going to show the shipping,company and your tracking number is and,then the tracking number and then it,says questions reply to this text and,what you can do is you can actually add,extra things in here if you want but I'd,leave it to be the very standard one you,shouldn't really be adding anything to,this or removing it but if you want to,then you can but the minimum that you,need in here is the tracking number you,might not want to add the shipping,company if you're doing Drop Shipping,from China so you might want to get rid,of this but you definitely need to make,sure that you're adding the tracking,number now the whole point of this first,flow is to make sure that people know,exactly what tracking number they've got,so they shouldn't be bugging you on,emails about where is my tracking number,they should get it and they shouldn't,bug you about it the next ones that we,want to set up are the abandoned cart,flow so you can see here abandoned cart,one abandoned cart number two and you,can see here there's loads of abandoned,cart ones we've got now I'd recommend,that you guys have three different,abandoned carts set up and in that copy,and paste cheat sheet you're going to,have all the scripts in there now where,it says abandoned core on SMS boom you,should see it here it might only give,you one it might give you two but what,you want to do is you want to create the,first one and in the cheat sheet it's,going to tell you how you want to set it,up and what times you want it to send it,out so as soon as you've set up the,first abandoned cart flow and automation,then you're going to want to copy this,one two more times by heading over to,the right hand section clicking the,three dots and clicking duplicates you,want to have three in total and in that,free cheat sheet it's going to tell you,how to set up all three to make sure,it's the best effective way to get,customers to come back and buy that,product that they've abandoned now those,automations and flows are the minimums,that you should have done no questions,asked you should always have those set,up now I'd recommend that some of you,have got extra time here go the extra,mile and set up post purchase cross sale,and win customer win back you want these,two turned on as well because what,that's going to do is it's going to,basically get customers that haven't,bought from you in 20 days 30 days to,come back and potentially buy from you,again and then the other one is going to,increase your average order value so,let's say somebody's bought a walking,stick then you sell them some socks as a,cross sale as an example now the other,one that I'd recommend that yourself is,the order confirmation one which is,right here you've set up a shipping,confirmation but you should also set up,an order confirmation because then that,way people are going to feel like wow,I've got that confirmation to say that,I've ordered the product so they don't,need to worry the next thing is the,shipping confirmation you've got them,both set up so they should work pretty,nicely and then that should stop,customers from bugging you personally,about what's going on with their order,now something else I'd recommend that,you guys do in sort of SMS bump is head,over to Integrations in the bottom left,and I'd recommend that you integrate it,with clavio and the reason why I'm,saying you need to integrate this with,clavio is because what you do inside of,SMS bump should be replicated in clavio,so if you've done a shipping,confirmation in SMS bump you should have,a shipping confirmation in clavio and if,you've got an order confirmation in SMS,bump you should also have one in clavio,whatever you do inside of SMS bump you,should replicate in sort of clavio the,only difference is once as an email ones,as a text some might open the email some,might not open the email some might open,the text so that's why you need to make,sure you've got both set up the reason,why I'm only showing you SMS bumpers,because this is the one that people tend,to struggle with now in that free Google,Docs you have also got all the scripts,for clavio in terms of what you should,put inside of the order confirmation the,shipping updates all of that will be,inside that free Google doc sheet so,once you set up Cloud view it's the same,thing again search of the Automation and,flow and then set it up as instructed in,the free Google doc sheet but you want,to make sure that these are integrated,together so they work as effectively as,possible so now that brings us on to the,next part of automating your Shopify,Drop Shipping business now the next,section is your ads your paid ads like,Facebook ads Google ads Tick Tock ads so,how are you going to automate this,section is based on rules so for example,let's say you launch a tick tock ad and,it's spent too much money instead of you,having to manually go on to tick tock,and click turn off you're going to sort,rules so it does it for you so you don't,need to worry about wasting money and,potentially forgetting to do it so if,you head over inside of the tick tock,ads manager now if you want to tick tock,ad strategy in terms of how to run your,ads on Tick Tock I'll leave a link to,one of my videos teaching you my full ad,strategy so you can watch that one at,the end so let's say you've got a few,campaigns created or you've followed one,of my videos teaching you how to create,a campaign and you've set it up what you,want to then do is you want to hover,over your campaigns and in the top right,section you should say which is,automated rules you want to click that,button and then you want to go to where,it says create new rules now once you,click that button it should take you to,the automated rule setup and we can see,here we're on the create custom rule,section you've got schedule and delivery,unlock potential enhanced performance,and control budget now you can't do this,one scheduled delivery unlock potential,if you've already got campaigns running,this is before you publish campaigns,that you use these two but we're going,to focus on create a custom rule first,so you can see here it says apply rule,two select the campaign ad group or add,you want to apply this rule to so you,can see here you can apply it to,whichever ones you want so you can see,here I'm going to apply this rule to all,active campaigns meaning which ones are,turned on then you're going to see here,it says condition and action so the,condition is if total costs you can see,here total cost then it says calculation,method of each objective of all,objectives so I'm going to say of each,objective time range I'm going to do,last three days now I'd recommend that,everyone does last three days for this,method and then it says here is greater,than so you can see is greater than so,this is going to say if it costs greater,than in the last three days we're going,to turn it off so let's say if it costs,us for example more than let's say a,hundred dollars in the last three days,to do a certain condition then it's,going to turn off the campaign now what,you might want to change this to is you,can see here the condition total cost so,I might want to change this one to CPM,or CPC so I might change this to CPC,which is cost per click so if the cost,per click in the last three days is,greater than let's say one dollar it's,going to turn off those campaigns for,example because let's be honest if your,CPC is over a dollar you're spending a,lot of money on getting a click so what,you might want to do is if you want to,try and stay safe maybe change this to,1.50 just in case but these are the,types of things that you can do to limit,the risk on ads to spend more money and,to stop wasting time doing this yourself,and then you can see here the action is,so if the action is this is what it's,going to do for you so this is the rule,so this is what will happen if it hits,this requirement then it's going to say,notify me so then this will send you an,email saying look your cpcs for this,campaign is over 1.50 so you can change,this to turn off so if it meets that,requirement then it's going to turn it,off automatically for me so you can,choose how you want this to be done and,you can see you can adjust it by daily,budget adjust lifetime budget and so,forth so you can use this strategy in,loads of different ways increase in,campaign budgets if the row as is best,you can see here we can change this to,row as we can change this to see,ETR so you can change it so you can,scale or downscale or completely turn,things off then you can see here rule,settings run schedule every 30 minutes,run daily run specific time now I do run,daily and you can choose when to run,daily I set that at midnight and then,you can see here run specific times then,you've also got notify me so it will,notify you based on your email address,as well so that's really important as,well and you can also do it so if the,also get them to notify you even if the,conditions aren't met it's still going,to inform you about it being done now if,we go over to the next way you can do,this it's under enhance and performance,the first one we did was create custom,Rule now we're going to show you how to,do it through enhance and performance,this is one of the methods that I would,use under the enhance and performance,method so you can see here if total cost,of all objectives in the last three days,is greater than 300 and the conversion,in the last three days is less than,three meaning let's say I get less than,three orders in the last three days but,I've spent three hundred dollars in the,last three days I can do it so it,adjusts the budget or I might say you,know what I'm going to turn it off so if,I've spent all that money but I've not,got enough sales I'm turning this off,because it doesn't it doesn't make sense,that's what you could do so you could do,this so let's say you're testing Drop,Shipping products out and you're only,willing to spend let's say 500 per,product you could set this up to 500 and,you could say you know what not three,days five days as you're going to be,spending 100 per day then you're gonna,see here if you don't get at least three,sales then that product that campaign's,getting turned off and you don't need to,worry about it so that's an example of,how you might want to set this up you,don't have to worry about manually doing,this yourself you can have it,automatically do it so you don't need to,worry too much about your test and,product not overspending and failing and,causing you a lot of problems another,example that I'm going to be showing you,is through scaling and this is one that,I use myself and this is a great way to,scale automatically and really,effectively so this time it's going to,say if the total cost of all objectives,in the last three days is greater than 5,500 meaning that's how much we're,spending on scaling and the conversion,the last three days is greater than,eight meaning that we've had eight sales,based on five hundred dollars this is,just hypothetical it's just based on,what you'd put in then it's going to,adjust the daily budget by 50 so we can,set that one up and you can see it runs,every 30 minutes runs daily run specific,time so you can change the specific,times run daily is what I'm gonna have,it on but you could change this to then,again you could add another Rule and,change this again to saying if it spends,let's say three hundred dollars and it,makes 10 orders we're gonna adjust this,again by a hundred dollars or a thousand,dollars however you want to set up so,this is a really good way to,automatically scale your Tick Tock ads,without you having to manually be in,there and do it yourself I find that the,automatic method for scaling is more,effective than the automatic method for,turning off it just depends how you want,to use it but I find that I get more use,and value out of the scaling strategy,because it's you're going to be doing,more scaling than you are too turning,off if a product does well you're going,to end up using more campaigns more,budget so naturally you're going to have,more automations for it then you've also,got the control budget in the right hand,side now this is just made to make it,easy for you guys to set it up you can,do the same thing in under the enhanced,performance now this time it says if the,total cost of all objectives in the last,three days is greater than 500 let's say,that's your testing widget then it turns,it off so that's one thing that you,could do you could automatically have,itself so it turns off after 500 you can,have it set up so let's say it spends,over the last seven days you can set,this up so this way you're not going to,be overspending and worrying about,spending too much money so now what I'm,going to be doing is I'm going to be,showing you how to do the same thing but,on Facebook ads as it is slightly,different now if you want a Facebook ad,strategy for Drop Shipping there'll be,one in the description so check it out,at the end of the video so once you've,created your campaign you can see here,this is an account with loads of,campaigns on it you want to go to where,it says rules create a new rule and you,can see here reduce auction overlap,reduce audience fragmentation I wouldn't,worry about those two for now just go to,where it says custom rule click next and,then it's going to give you the uh,basically what has to be done to then,use the rule now I might want to call,this rule name the product name then row,as kill so whatever the product name is,I'm going to put p and then name for,product name and then row as in terms of,return on ad spend and then you're going,to call this one that because depending,on what the row as of that product is,you're going to kill it if it goes over,the break even roast it says here apply,rule to all active campaigns or you can,choose specific campaigns so where it,says conditions you're going to want to,change this one to website purchase row,as in the drop down menu so this,basically means return on ad spends you,need to work out what your rows is so,let's say my row as is 2.2 anything over,2.2 I'm doing really really well,anything under 2.2 I'm making no money,so I might want to be safe and say you,know what we're going to put this at 2.1,so if the website purchase row as is,under 2.2 is smaller than 2.2 I might,want to turn this campaign off so you,can see time range maximum I'll,personally set this to three days I find,three days works better and then you can,see here website purchase roast 2.1 so,if the website purchase row as is lower,than 2.1 then this is going to turn my,campaign my ad set off because I'm not,profitable and then you can see here,continuously daily custom and you can do,the same thing on Tick Tock,notifications as well so guys that's one,of the best examples I can show you in,Facebook for managing rules and,automations which is based on the row as,you can do it via Versa if the row as is,greater than two point two you increase,the budget by 30 that's another rule,that I use so I'll show you how to do,that one so if we go back to conditions,go back to broaz website purchase row as,let's say it's greater than 2.1 what,we're going to do is we're going to,increase the budget so you can see here,website purchase rise is greater than,2.1 in the last three days and then,where it says increase daily Budget Buy,you want to make sure where it says,percent you put 30 percent I like to do,between 30 and 50 so it's up to you what,you want to put in here so I'll put 30,and then where it says maximum daily,budget cut that means how much do you,want to set the cap at so you can set,that up to whatever you want so I might,say the max I want it at is 50 and,that's per day so per day there's a cap,at 50 pounds so that will stop you from,over scaling so this is another strategy,that I use on Facebook to scale my,campaigns really effectively through,automations so guys those were just a,few basic automations that you can do,through Facebook and Tick Tock ads now,there are other apps out there that you,can use to integrate with Facebook,Google and take talk to give you even,more wider used automations but those,can cost quite a lot of money and as,you're a beginner I wouldn't recommend,that if you're doing really really well,then maybe you should do that but as a,beginner using the ones that are built,into these advertising platforms are,going to be good enough now what I would,advise you to do and disclaimer is make,sure you test these up before you use,them make sure you get used to using,automations have a little bit of a play,with them get to understand them because,if you use them on your real ads when,they're running and you've not done them,properly you can damage your performance,you can overspend so make sure you're,only using these automations when you,understand how they work and you know,how the software Works behind it so you,don't make too many errors now you will,naturally have a few errors when you use,them that's typical but try not to use,them if you have no idea what you're,doing now the whole point of you using,automated rules on these advertising,platforms is to save you time having to,adjust things it should also save you,money the same time let's say you,normally spend an hour doing your,Facebook ads Tick Tock ads it should now,reduce that to around about 30 to 40,minutes so guys the next thing that we,need to automate with our Shopify Drop,Shipping Store is the PayPal tracking,numbers so if you're going to be using,PayPal as a payment method and I do,recommend it then you need to make sure,that your tracking numbers are,automatically getting updated so you,avoid any PayPal holds or any PayPal,issues with your funds so the app that I,like to use for this is called track,short as you can see on the screen and,it does have a seven day free trial and,then after the seven day free trial it's,around about 9.99 and I definitely think,it's worth the money because it's going,to stop you from losing and having money,in PayPal and stuck in there for 90 to,180 days so that nine dollars really is,Justified because of how much money it,can save you from potentially being,locked up now once you open up the track,short app your screen should now look,like mine and the first thing that you,want to do is you want to head over to,the settings section in the bottom left,and as soon as you come to this page,it's going to give the option to connect,with your PayPal all you need to do is,click that button and add your PayPal,email address and password and then it,will integrate it with track show so it,will automatically upload tracking,numbers and then if you head back over,to the orders page here on the left it's,going to show you all of your orders,pending in transit out for delivery so,it gives you all the information that,you need for your orders it's also going,to give you a tracking page so this is,what your customers will see so you can,see here Hide cities in China you might,want to have that one tick so your,customers don't know the products are,coming from China so this is a really,powerful page that you can create so all,of your customers with tracking numbers,can see where their current order is and,you can see here High tracking history,hard cities hide carrier name on your,tracking package track by your tracking,number so you can adjust this to have it,how you want it's up to you guys how you,want to adjust this you can also change,the progression bar to match the color,of your brand now when you click the,preview button it's going to show show,you what this tracking would look like,on your Shopify store so if we go to the,preview button this is how it would,automatically look with making no,adjustments you can see here it's,integrating to your Shopify store you,put the tracking number in your email in,Click track and then it's going to show,you order right order ready in transit,out for delivery and then delivered and,then it's going to show you the history,of your tracking what you might want to,do is you might want to hide cities in,China and then that way it will only,show it them once it gets into their,native country or near their native,country so this is a really powerful,thing to have set up now the next thing,you can set up is notifications and the,only notifications that I tend to have,set up in here are the audit delivered,or order returned so you can see here,you can have those options turned on and,then enable this feature and then what,you can also do is you can go into the,archives and see some of your archived,and fulfilled orders and if you head,back over to the dashboard it's going to,show you some really cool features like,order reports last 24 hours last 30 days,it's also going to to show you here a,little circle pie of all the different,options that's currently happening with,your orders so this is a great app to,really help you guys with your tracking,numbers and keeping your customers up to,date so guys that was it for today's,video on how you can automate parts of,your Drop Shipping Store as a complete,beginner to save you hours a day so you,can focus on the money making tasks now,let me know what you thought of today's,video in the comment section below make,sure this video hits 2 000 likes as soon,as possible so you can get access to,that free Google doc sheet and where's,your way through this setup process so,you guys can get straight up to the best,setup possible to save as much time as,you can in your first journey with this,Drop Shipping Store,foreign
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