how to avoid paypal holds when selling on ebay through shopify

PayPal Held $50,000 From My Dropshipping Store so me and paypal have some long standing,beef i've be

Arie Scherson

Updated on Mar 20,2023

PayPal Held $50,000 From My Dropshipping Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to avoid paypal holds when selling on ebay through shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to avoid paypal holds when selling on ebay through shopify

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how to avoid paypal holds when selling on ebay through shopify catalogs

PayPal Held $50,000 From My Dropshipping Store

so me and paypal have some long standing,beef i've been wanting to box paypal for,a good five years now the crazy thing is,that everybody who has ever had any sort,of mild success in e-commerce can pretty,much attest to this it's almost a rite,of passage to have paypal freeze easier,funds so today we finally get some,redemption,ladies and gentlemen,we got him,so in this video i want to share with,you why paypal is facing some lawsuits,right now for freezing customer accounts,so we'll get into some of the details,here this whole idea really sparked up,from this viral tweet i got yep this,one's doing numbers so let's not waste,any time here if you do like this,content make sure you subscribe trying,to really hit 100k this year so it would,really mean the world to me so what,happened is there was three paypal users,who allegedly had their accounts frozen,and the funds in their accounts taken by,the company by paypal without any sort,of explanation this is not the first,time i've heard of stuff like this but,these three people decided to file a,federal lawsuit against the company now,the crazy thing is that one of these,people had been using paypal for 22,years so there's no sort of seniority i,guess when it comes to paypal and,apparently the website seized 26,hundred and eighty four dollars from her,accounts six months after it got frozen,without telling her why so there was,zero explanation as to why she got her,accounts frozen and this is basically to,a t exactly what happened to me i,luckily did not get my funds taken i,actually did end up getting my funds,back after a whole entire year so again,my story is very similar to this what,happened was i had a drop shipping store,that was doing six figures per month in,sales and this was on a pretty fresh,paypal account so what happened was as,soon as they started to see that,activity picking up and we started,reaching consistent six figure months,paypal decided hey we're gonna freeze,all of your funds here because this is,sketchy and this was like my sophomore,year of college basically so i was so,stressed i was literally on my way to,financial freedom and they basically,said you know what nah you gotta hop off,this train bro and unfortunately i had,to stop operations for some time because,i really needed that money in order to,pay for stock so you know when you're,scaling a business to that level you,need all the cash flow that you can,possibly get so they basically destroyed,my business for a few months for,suspicious activity i actually even had,an llc already that i filed to them yet,they still decided to hold some funds,for six months after that in order to,guarantee their safety or something i,actually don't even know but with this,particular story remember there was,three people that were suing paypal the,other person got forty two thousand,dollars seized and then the last one had,172 000 so that's a combined quarter of,a million dollars now one of these,people said that they use paypal to sell,hyaluron pens which are needless pens,that inject hyaluronic acid into the,skin so that's a little bit sus i'm not,gonna lie so like i can maybe understand,that side of the paypal case but again,this is not the first time that this has,happened so now there's kind of more,people rising up and i believe there's,gonna be a class action lawsuit which,means that other people can participate,to sue paypal and you know get them to,stop doing these unlawful practices so i,want to provide some value here for you,and share with you how you can actually,prevent this from happening to you,because i'm not gonna lie ever since,that time i've taken proper precautions,to make sure that this doesn't happen,and one of those things is shipping,really fast so if you can provide,tracking numbers for your customers,really quickly if you're running an,e-commerce store then that's really,gonna help paypal see that you're not,actually you know doing anything sketchy,i believe that they don't really like,the word drop shipping so don't mention,that you're drop shipping just say that,you have an e-commerce business if you,do get your funds held another thing of,course is having an llc like a,registered business is for sure going to,help you you know at least show that,you're a real business so that's a big,thing and then another thing is just to,simply not use paypal i mean that will,definitely affect your store sales,because a lot of people unfortunately do,really trust paypal but if they're,holding your money and you have no way,to get cash flow for your business and,reinvest then you're gonna be shooting,yourself in the foot and it may just be,better to sacrifice the conversion rate,in order to get more money quickly now,luckily if you're using shopify there,are actually a lot of apps that allow,you to import tracking numbers,automatically so for example here i got,paypal tracking on autopilot for shopify,this is one of the most popular apps,i've used this before many times and,this will definitely help you stay up to,date with your tracking numbers on,paypal to really prevent them from,actually seizing your funds now again,last thing i want to say here i don't,think you should just not use paypal use,paypal try to keep yourself safe and,then if they do harass you and stuff,like that then consider just not using,it at all but hopefully with all these,class action lawsuits popping up and,people actually suing paypal they will,actually get their together and,just the fact that my personal tweet,went so viral just goes to show how many,people have issues with paypal but i,just wanted to show you this today i,thought it was some good redemption for,those of us that have been screwed by,paypal in the past peace

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