how to avoid shopify 25% hold on dropshipping

AVOID THE DEADLY SHOPIFY HOLD (2 EASIEST WAYS) don't use the Shopify what is up guys,daddy's here ho


Updated on Mar 08,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to avoid shopify 25% hold on dropshipping

Let's move on to the first section of how to avoid shopify 25% hold on dropshipping

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how to avoid shopify 25% hold on dropshipping catalogs


don't use the Shopify what is up guys,daddy's here hope you guys are having a,fantastic day in today's video we're,gonna be talking about the Shopify hold,and how to actually avoid it there's a,few different ways you actually avoid it,I'm depending on you know whether or not,your store is live whether it's already,live and how to go about doing that okay,because Shopify does place this hold,especially for dropshippers just to kind,of save Shopify's but in the case that,there are charge bags just because,dropshipping tends to have a higher,charge back rate than other other,methods of e-commerce simply because,usually because of the shipping times,right so because most people are,shipping from Aliexpress most suppliers,are in mainland China all over the world,right so that I often times leads to a,little bit of a length of shipping time,which includes a slight increase in,charge back rates especially if you're,not managing your customers well right,okay so now there's two ways to kind of,go about doing this I'm actually gonna,walk you guys through a few a few,different methods but for gonna that,guys leave a like if you guys enjoy how,to do love you guys to support and don't,forget to subscribe and as always,there's a free wait list to join the 0,to 1 K challenge where me and my buddy,Sebastian is also on YouTube I'm gonna,walk through we're taking a store from 0,to 1000 and then to 10,000 and to 50,000,in sales it's a complete document just,to show you guys do that ok now that's,my plug now to actually go about doing,this one if you have your store already,live it's gonna be a bit more,challenging to even do and it may not,even work but guys the other way to do,it is if your stores not live and that,is a surefire way to actually of,completely avoid the hold and with drop,shipping guys you know you guys can,start stores literally in a day which,you guys know the process and then so,I'm either way this video should help,you guys somewhat down the road and drop,shipping now the first way to do this if,your store is already live if you,already have a store,the main reason Shopify like initiates,the hold by tour places the hold on you,is because they detect that you're,importing products from over lo like the,main app to dropship right into your,site right so when Shopify is back end,right when they see that you are,importing a product from or below into,the store and that's all your products,are they're all just import from,into your store then they can recognize,that hey this client this customer does,this business owner right is its drop,shipping products from from China right,there's nothing wrong with it,but that's how they kind of get alerted,to basically snow like hey this guy's,drop shipping we need to put a hold on,them so we can kind of monitor their,charge back right and you know be be,safe on our ends okay so that's how they,can tell now how do you go about,avoiding the whole one if you already,have the hold on you can't you can't,remove it that's just that's just gonna,be there but if you don't have it yet,you're fortunate enough to not get,slammed with it yet and you've already,imported other constants over though the,one trick I use guys to actually avoid,that right is I made a lot of spare,random products okay that weren't,imported from Oklahoma Shopify click you,know add new product and then basically,fill it out set my inventory as to sold,out like zero left and then save a bunch,okay now Shopify is kind of tactic right,I've ever heard they've changes over,time basically if 50% of your products,are not imported like over 50% product,are not imported view Oh below then they,avoid the hold on you okay so basically,like if you have 10 products on your,store that import from Oh blow then,import 11 products right you're not,import but create 11 new products that,are not visible to your customers that,are just all sold out but just create,the product itself okay so then in shop,fights back and they see that you have,21 products only 10 are imported from,below then they can say okay this guy's,you know he's not drop shipping,everything he needs the money to,actually you know do stuff with it right,so that is one way to avoid the whole,guys if you already have a store live,and haven't been hit with the whole day,yet now the next way to just completely,avoid the whole drivers I'm sure a lot,of guys are waiting for is first of all,like why do you get the hold right the,reason you're getting a hold is one,you're using Shopify payments right,that's Shopify's main payment gateway or,payment like processor which is what,most people use right so that's that's,Shopify's in-house payment processor,okay so that's their thing they slap you,with the whole because that's their,that's their paying processor that,they're trying to protect in case you,know all these charge backs come to okay,so that's the main reason you go ahead,with it okay some people get hit with it,when they switched to stripe and stuff,like that but the way to actually avoid,all this guys is you don't use stripe,and you don't use the Shopify payments,plan okay so basically what that means,is you're gonna use a third-party,payment processor again it's super,to integrate in shop FRA they literally,allow you to do this all you do is,switch from your Shopify payments into a,third-party one and the one that I,recommend guys it's actually called, okay so I'm so guys with, right so it's different,from stripe it's different from stuff my,payments they all do the same thing,right so when someone enters the click,information actually like tries to,purchase a product it's gonna go through, instead of shopping pants,or stripe right the customer doesn't see,any that they don't know that but that's,just the backend of like who's like kind,of like processing the money and,authorizing it and then sending it to,you okay so with it's a,little bit different in terms of how,it's how it's like the fees and stuff,like that so one there is a monthly fee,I believe it's 49 dollars a month or 39,somewhere around there right with,Shopify stripe that's stuff like it's,free right away but the reason why I use, for some stores right is,they allow a higher charge back right,with stripe it's 1% with Shopify,payments I believe it's 1 or 2% ok so,even with that like if you have a,hundred orders and you get to charge,recs,they're gonna they're gonna slap you,with a hold or we're like with with some,sort of reserve right,so with authorize on it there are a lot,more lenient in the terms of how many,charge backs you can get as in terms of,like a percent right so again with,authorize done that you're paying a,monthly fee $49 I believe there's like a,$25 set of fears only that but either,way there's a small set of fee a monthly,fee and then they just take the standard,you know 2.9 percent off of every,transaction which is with the same thing,or essentially the same thing as the,Shopify plan and stripe right so they,both take 2.9 percent I know,Shopify depending on your plan they do a,little bit less but that's the gist of,it guys again like a lot of you guys,especially if you're just starting out,right that 2.9 percent transaction fee,versus you know Shopify like on the,highest funding goes like 2.4 so I'm,like that but that's not really gonna,make a big difference also doing like,high high high volume so most you guys,starting off with the hold or getting,hit with the hold don't listen used to,worry about that quite yet so that's,that's literally just how to avoid it,guys it's because the hold is only,slapped because you're using stripe or,Shopify payment so I could Shopify,payments is basically like a child,company of stripe ok it's all processed,through stripe and stripe is the one,that hits you with that okay so if you,can avoid strike you avoid the payment,okay you void the hold so to avoid that,again guys you know you,can use any of the third-party providers,I just know how Annette has a higher you,know leniency level towards chargebacks,guys so that's that's literally a super,quick video I just get a lot of,questions and people asking me hey how,can I avoid this you know I got my first,order but I don't have money now you,know like to order this from my,suppliers well like guys there's,workarounds around it so again even if,you do have the hold feel free to you,know switch payment providers again it,takes a little bit of setup it takes a,little bit of work but the payoff can be,worth it you get a lot more money I'm,more frequently right and one thing to,note guys with Shopify payments you know,every deposit some like three days or,something like that but with authorize,on that it's every week so every seven,days okay so it's a little bit lengthier,alright but again that's to account for,possible charge backs okay so again,they're not holding 25% but they're just,their payouts are just a little bit more,delayed in a sense okay so that's the,video guys I just hope I answered some,of you guys just questions cuz I get,that a lot maybe a lot of my DMS are,just flooded with that do leave a like I,love your guys's support when you guys,show it you know don't forget to comment,I respond to everybody's comments and,don't forget to subscribe guys we're,doing a video a day I hope you guys,enjoy the content I want to start,branching off to like but more like like,lifestyle personal like about me I don't,know if you guys even care about me but,I care about me someone post myself,about me and shoot what else I was gonna,say yeah that's the video guys I want to,do a video of one reviewing some,subscribers stores so if you guys want,feel free to email or DM me on Instagram,your stores feel free to also ask me,questions and the damn I might just,answer your guys's questions just like,you know like like shotgun a bunch of,questions out from my Instagram dm's and,answer just everyone's questions so I,can hopefully help a lot of people out,there and yeah guys that's the video,join the waitlist the link is down in,the description guys it's gonna be crazy,you know hop in the course as well if,you guys are interested that is closing,very soon there's a lot of stuff planned,for you guys I literally I partnered,with a company that actually makes,custom content like the photographer's,that I use personally for my sites,literally are behind this this this,program I guess you could say so a lot,of you guys who are asking like hey,where can I get custom car,I don't know how to talk to,photographers of fine photography Baba,like I got you guys right that's,literally like I'm trying to help you,guys and I finally found something I'm,working on that I'm working on a bunch,of stuff behind the scenes to make,things happen for you guys just to get,you know results for everyone so I'm,super sad about that but yeah guys I,will see you guys in the next one I hope,you guys enjoyed the new mic quality too,by the way I uh you'll see that there's,there's a mic right above me you didn't,see that did you but yeah I hope you,guys enjoy the quality and I will see,you guys in the next one take care and,peace and last but not least don't,forget to check out my social media and,follow me for updates giveaways and,literally everything that's cool

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