hey guys joining here from a comics SEO,g'day from Australia I just want to show,you something today we had some,interesting bot traffic coming to one of,our Shopify stores and just want to talk,to you about what it is and how we dealt,with it just quickly though if you,haven't subscribed to our YouTube,channel make sure you hit the subscribe,button and get access and notifications,when new videos come out and also you,can head on over to our free Facebook,group link in the description below sign,up there apply to it to join and there's,plenty of great content in there every,day so this was interesting sometimes,this happens where you'll get bot,traffic started coming into your site so,notice this firstly on our on a struggle,fight analytics and it just was coming,in as direct traffic and and you can see,here between 24th in the 25th of March,this year and of increase in that,traffic and I've just filtered this for,this particular traffic you can see this,is actually where the traffic came from,so this is just that that bot traffic,and it was coming in and then it hit a,peak of around 50 a day,and you can see you know it stopped so,we've actually stopped that bot traffic,coming in and you can see it was coming,from this URL here bot traffic for free,host who knows why people create these,bot traffic a lot of it can be for data,mining and scraping etc but it can mess,with the analytics but it has other,issues so for example this site we were,running we are running Facebook Ads and,so obviously we have a pixel on the,store so when you start getting bot,traffic coming and is that risk that,you're gonna mess with you with your,pixel and we're running retargeting,traffic and then Facebook is actually,then using that traffic to optimize a,pixel you're gonna round up problems,there then the other reason other issue,is obviously with the organic traffic,it's coming in they're kind of fixed,your your bounce rate and your sessions,on page interestingly this bot traffic,comes in and the bounce rate is actually,quite low and there is a high page,duration but your hop high station,duration but it's low-quality non it's,coming from other countries as well so,this this site is relevant to Australia,so this bot traffic is coming from,mainly the US,and so it's just messing with everything,that's happening with our site so we're,not getting any purchases obviously,because it's BOTS traffic and just just,not good Google understands its low,quality traffic and it's just not gonna,help so leave nip it in the bud pretty,quick and that's what we've done,so generally with a say for example if,you have a wordpress site where you,actually have access to your hosts in,your service it's very easy you can go,and actually block the the bots in your,HT Access file with Shopify obviously we,don't have that luxury so we don't have,access to the server and as I was sort,of we've dealt with this before but I,just wanted to see whether Shopify had,actually done anything about it and at,this point it doesn't seem like they've,done anything about it on their side is,that the only way you can kind of deal,with it is use and there's a couple of,apps out there unfortunately they are,paid but the one on this one we're using,which I'll show you in a second is a,14-day free trial so what I've done is,actually just signed up for the 14-day,free trial see how things happen it's,obviously seems to have stopped that,traffic coming in and and then we will,decide what we do after that if it's,worthwhile continuing to pay for it or,will remove it and see if that BOTS,traffic comes back we have some,WordPress sites that have got similar,issues where bot traffic has come in as,well so obviously there's a bit of that,going around at the moment so the app,that we installed was just called,traffic guard so you can see it's $19 a,month number tis that 14-day free trial,so here is installed here and the,settings are pretty simple all you do is,you read any traffic that comes in from,this particular bot you redirect it back,to wherever you want and we've just,redirected the default reader expect to,Google so if the traffic comes in it,hits the the site and if it's from that,particular site it'll redirect it back,to Google so it doesn't actually,register as a user on our store so you,it's been edit section here and what you,do is you add in the I P address so the,way we found that was,Google Analytics doesn't give you the IP,data so grab that URL and then just came,come to go to Google and then just will,just type in check side IP and you have,all this IP checkers here so maybe we'll,just use this one here,generally they and I do usually check a,couple of them just to make sure that,you get the same let the actual same IP,we put the URL in there and find website,IP and it should pull back there one,that we've actually been using,okay so let's pull back the IP address,so there it is there and you can see,that that is the IP we actually put in,our you know traffic guard app here and,so this actually does work so you can,see that it stopped the traffic here and,we installed it I think on Saturday and,it's actually stopped that traffic,coming in the issue comes when sometimes,these BOTS use a many many different IPs,and so they can keep coming back but,we'll just see what this one does now,and see whether it comes back or not,and again decide whether we're going to,continue to use the app or not and,interestingly on this store sales,dropped quite a bit over these three,days and wasn't really didn't really,have much of an idea why that was,happening and then we actually when we,looked at this we figured this could be,could be causing issues and actually,sales have picked up again in the last,two days so could be could be,coincidence but certainly make sense,that this was one of the reasons so it's,really important you do make sure you,have your analytics set up and you,monitor and when you see some weird,stuff like this coming in you need to,sort of deal with it okay that make,sense and can be helpful to anybody,that's seeing any bot traffic that's,coming in when you check the URL it's,actually in if you go to all traffic,then sources medium and you'll find any,bot traffic or direct traffic in there,and it should show you the gyro and,that's a workaround if you can't find,the IP that you just go in that find it,using the the URL that they that the bot,traffic or analytics picks up for,I gotta have that's helpful catch later,on
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