protecting your Shopify store is,something that is overlooked by a lot of,people but is actually ridiculously,important and in this video I'm gonna,tell you two ways that you can secure,your Shopify store and prevent yourself,from having a bunch of unnecessary,competition hi guys welcome back I'm,Zack your favorite father and if you're,new to the channel learn all the secrets,of the e-commerce world simply by,subscribing to my channel and hitting,that little Bell icon so you don't miss,anything in this video I'm gonna talk,about how I secure my Shopify store and,prevent myself from having a bunch of,unnecessary competition I'm gonna tell,you what I mean as I go through this so,basically I'm sure you've seen it before,and I'm sure you've done this you go to,competitors websites on Shopify you look,at their best-selling products you look,at how they're laying everything out and,you just directly copy them and while,these tactics will not stop people from,copying most of what you do they are,some good preventative measures that are,pretty easy to do and can really only,help you and there's really no drawbacks,to it so what I'm gonna be doing first,is I'm gonna tell you how to disable,people from finding your best-selling,products so basically what you can do is,you can put in this small little snippet,of code right here into the URL and what,this is gonna do is actually gonna bring,up your best-selling products and show,people you know what the highest selling,products are so you put this in here you,put on a website and you hit enter and,they're not secured you could see every,item of theirs that sells really really,well and then what people do is they,just copy that and then they start,selling it and boom you have some direct,competition and this is terrible,especially if you're the first person,selling an item and people start,catching on to it you could just,immediately start having a bunch of,competition because people are just,stealing it from you right but there is,a way to prevent people from seeing your,best selling products okay on this,website trendy Shack com actually does,this really really well so or they don't,do it really really well they just kind,of do it so we're gonna go ahead and,paste this in here and this should take,us to their best selling items but when,we hit enter it takes us to this page,nice try QT and it plays this little,thing,and it says nice try and I don't know,it's just a cute little thing to prevent,people from trying to copy their,best-selling products right and this is,actually super super easy to do all it,requires is a bit of code that you have,to copy into your code and I'll show you,that right now so once again this is,just preventing people from seeing your,best-selling products and the way to do,this I'm just gonna go to my 108 101,ecomcon website so there's no actual,products here but it's still going to,work when I try and go to the page so,you just want to go here and go to edit,code okay now what we're going to go,ahead and do is click on collection dot,liquid okay and basically you're gonna,have this snippet of code right here and,hope I'm gonna try and remember to put,it into the description just so you,could copy this but it's very very,simple it's just if the collection dot,sort so if you're sorting the collection,by best-selling it's gonna say this and,you can say whatever you want right here,I just say no copying me you bastard and,then else if anything else is happening,then we're gonna have the original code,that's already in here pasted right here,and then we're just ending right there,so very very simple so what we're gonna,do is just copy this entirely come over,here,we're gonna paste it at the top boom,we're gonna take all of this the script,and all we're gonna cut that go over,here go to the original code comment,right here and just paste it right over,top of that so that's it that's entirely,done now you are entirely protected,against people seeing your best-selling,items so we're gonna go ahead and hit,save and we're gonna actually go to our,one-on-one ecomes store so I'm just,going to go ahead and click on this bad,boy I'm gonna come back over here go,back to collections best-selling,boom bam bop and we'll go ahead and,search and then look at that instead of,showing my best selling products what it,does is it says says no copying me you,bastard,you could do a gif length there you,could do any you could do a picture you,could do whatever you want right there,but really this is just ridiculously,helpful and it takes all of about ten,seconds to do and it just entirely stops,people from looking at your best-selling,products my website actually gets,several people and consistently looking,at my best-selling products they get to,it through like a Shopify spy I think,it's Shopify comm any of those websites,they go to my website from and then they,try and look at my best selling products,and this is ridiculously helpful in,deterring those people from copying me,now they can't still look at all the,products I have my website they can copy,all that stuff but you know this does,not give them a definitive answer for,what I'm selling best so this is great,now I could stop here but there's one,other tool that you can use the trendy,Shack also uses and I think is really,nice and it's not going to directly,prevent people from copying you but it,is going to deter some people and make,it just a lot harder for them to do,right basically what this is is a,disable highlighting and right click app,I'm not sure which one they're using but,I did find one but basically as you can,see right here I'm trying to highlight,this text it's not letting me now you,can copy images so I don't think their,app does everything we're gonna go right,here I could right there before the app,loaded but when the app loads you can't,copy anything none of this is highlight,able you can't copy it you can copy the,pictures so this isn't the best app that,they're using but I did find this app on,the Shopify App Store and it's called,disable right-click now it is $4.99 a,month free to $4.99 a month but it's,free for only three days but what it,does is it just allows you to block,people from right clicking and copying,anything on your website now they can,the screenshot the page and then get,your product images that way they can,just type in your description but it's,going to make it a lot harder for people,to copy so they can just go,okay copy done um so this is their,sample website so you could see right,here I'm just going to go to this page,right here I'm trying to right-click on,the picture it's not letting me I'm,trying to highlight this it's not,letting me I cannot copy anything and,this is great in deterring people it's,nuts like I said before it's not going,to directly stop people from copying you,because once again they can just type,stuff in but it makes it a lot harder,and it may actually deter some people,from copying you so these are just two,very very simple ways that you can,protect your website and prevent people,from copying you because competition is,very very fierce out there and you want,to make sure that and you have as little,competition as possible because it's,absolutely great to not have competition,right you're the only one selling this,item especially if you have like a new,hot item to your customers and this is a,great way to prevent people from just,copying that so if you want to learn how,to make a profitable Shopify business I,have a link to my course down in the,description below I also have a link to,a free 14-day Shopify trial down there,hit that subscribe button if you enjoyed,what I said in how I said it check out,those videos over there if you want more,ideas for what to watch and I will see,you guys in my next video peace out
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