how to build a high converting shopify store

How to Create a High-Converting Shopify Store! (Shopify Dropshipping) you guys have been asking me h

Awais Ahmed

Updated on Jan 24,2023

How to Create a High-Converting Shopify Store! (Shopify Dropshipping)

The above is a brief introduction to how to build a high converting shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to build a high converting shopify store

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How to Create a High-Converting Shopify Store! (Shopify Dropshipping)

you guys have been asking me how I make,my Shopify stores look so clean and,today I will show you exactly that so I,was just scrolling through Tick Tock and,there it was I found the product I feel,like I could make a store with it was so,unique it has so many different features,to it I'm like yo this is amazing I need,to hit up my friend and ask him because,he has a dog so I hit him up and asked,him if he would get this for his dog and,I looked it up on AliExpress to see how,much it was 16 bucks it was pretty,expensive so I wasn't sure I was a,little skeptical if I should go for it,after realizing this product is worth 16,bucks but I'm like you know what this,product has lots of nice features I'm,gonna go for it I went ahead and,contacted the supplier on AliExpress and,told him I'm a professional drop shipper,and what are the fastest shipping times,you can provide to the USA also told the,supplier that I'm going to be selling 50,to 100 pieces of his product daily so he,knows I'm talking real business and you,should not be Drop Shipping in the first,place if you do not have a vision set,for yourself to be able to sell these,massive volumes supplier it's only 12 to,15 days which isn't too bad but if it,was a month or two months that would be,pretty bad to make sure the supplier was,telling the truth I told him to send me,the last five tracking numbers showing,delivery to the USA and he was able to,provide me with all that information,that means I could use this man as my,supplier also told him to send me all,the professional videos and pictures he,has for this product that I could use,for my story I went to Amazon to order,the product to make sure the product,actually fits U.S standards now it was,time to do some research so I went ahead,to tick tock and looked up dog bottles I,pasted all their links in this Google,doc along with all their store links as,well now I can easily take inspiration,from all these tick tocks and all these,stores and if I like any of their gifs,images or pictures or any part of their,description I can simply add that to my,store and make my store look better than,theirs my friend ended up responding,saying it's decent but it might be a,little bit too much for just regular,dogs I was a little bummed out but then,I thought to myself again and I'm like,yo this product actually has a poop,shovel and poop bags installed inside of,it why would you not want it I went,ahead and texted him again saying yo,don't you think this poop shovel could,be handy for every dog walk and he said,there was a poop shovel so he didn't,even know about it so I'm like you know,what whatever I'm gonna make my store,right now alright so this is the Shopify,dashboard this is what it'll look like,once you create an account I'm not going,to tell you how to sign up for an email,you should know how to do that and just,create the account once you create the,account you're going to go on themes and,then you're going to select whatever,theme you want I'm gonna go with the,sense theme they got lots of nice themes,but I'm going to go with the sense theme,add the theme to your library and then,refresh the page and then click,customize and then you're going to be in,make sure you always optimize your store,for the mobile layout because 90 of your,customers are going to be coming from,mobile and then head to canva and create,a design create a logo for yourself so,go to logo and then go to elements and,search up dog well in this case I'm,going to search up dog I made a heading,snuffle buddy that's going to be my,brand name make it full size to fit the,screen download your logo go back to,your store upload the logo on the header,just like that it's pretty simple my,friend ended up responding saying he,thinks it might be convenient and then,the next image block I selected from,free images just looked up dog and then,selected some random dog image that I,liked and then I uploaded it and there,it was and then switch the text to,whatever you want just make it super,simple this is the home page so it,doesn't even really matter because,nobody's going to be coming to your home,page anyways they're always going to be,directed to their product page you need,to make sure your colors match logo 100,so I copy the same exact colors from,canva to my Logos and these are the,colors I ended up with on the side right,here you could have two colors of your,choice and make sure you have black as,the third color and make sure they go,well together back to the Shopify,dashboard and then I looked up de-essers,in the app section and then I downloaded,the de-esser's app the essers app is,free you just need to connect your,AliExpress account to it so then you can,fulfill orders automatically so copy the,AliExpress link for your product and,then paste it to import and then you're,gonna press OK and your product is going,to be right here once your product is,right here you're gonna simply press,next you're gonna push it to Shopify and,then also publish to your online store,and now your product is actually live on,your Shopify store but now it's time to,edit the product because it's in Chinese,writing and a bunch of Chinese stuff so,then you're going to edit the product,title to whatever you want to call it,I'm going to call it doggo buddy and you,could leave the description as it is but,these images are horrible so we're,definitely going to get rid of these,images and especially these variants as,well we're going to remove all Chinese,variants and all the variants we do not,want and I'm going to name the variant,whatever I want to name it I'm going to,call it regular size I could call it,small but I'm going to call it regular,and large and then actually list them as,500 mL and 300 ML and I'm going to,remove ships from China and then I'm,going to save it make sure you delete,all these images as well so I'm going to,delete all of these images because I,want to make my store look super clean I,do not want any ugly images on my store,and I noticed the prices are very off,too so I'm going to click on select all,more actions and then edit bulk and then,I'm going to click all these and just,drag 35 all the way down because that's,the base price I want and then the,compare at Price make them think they're,getting a discount and then the large,size will make you five dollars more and,yup and then I'm Gonna Save that just,like that and now the prices are correct,and now we're going to go to my,competitions page this is the image I,like for my competition store I'm going,to download their image then I'm going,to drag it and upload the media to right,here and now these are the images that,are going to show up on my store I did,that four times with all the images and,changed the color names as well to baby,pink instead of just pink you know,whatever I want to call the colors I can,call the colors and then attach the,images back there you're going to go,back to the theme page and this time,you're going to be in the product page,and this is the page that actually,matters this is not the home page it's a,product page and over here we're going,to remove we're going to hide some of,these tabs like the description tab I,hit that right now and I'm gonna hide,the share as well,and ingredients I'm going to change that,to specs and I'm going to drag that all,the way to the bottom and change the I'm,going to change the logo for it to the,check mark logo then I'm going to drag,it all the way to the bottom and then,these icons I'm going to remove all the,other icons from here as well because I,do not need icons on these ones or I do,not like keeping icons on these ones I'm,also going to end up changing these as,well but that's how it should look now,and what you can do in the spec section,is you're going to unhide the,description copy it real quick and then,you can hide the description again and,then that's what you're going to put in,the specs,and then you can change it to a,clipboard to or a check box I like the,clipboard better so I'm going to change,it to the clipboard and now,we've got the shipping return policy I'm,going to change that to how long does it,take to arrive as FAQs and I'm gonna put,seven to ten working days and then for,the other policies I'm going to put I'm,going to remove the policy and I'm going,to put you offer free shipping yes we,currently offer free we are currently,offering free delivery right now what,happens if my doggie doesn't like it you,know some questions that you think the,audience or your customers will have for,the product so just put those in those,drop down customize it however you want,and then the next section walking your,dog has never been this easy have,something catchy something fun and,something easy to understand and,something convenient that actually the,customer will actually like I want you,to tick tock I like for my competition,and I want to snap tick to download The,Tick Tock so I could get it without the,logo and now look there is no Tick Tock,logo for this Tick Tock so now I'm gonna,go to GIF and make this a GIF maker in, and then I make that a jiv,and now I'm going to upload the GIF to,my store,and now once I've uploaded the GIF to my,store there it is and now it looks,beautiful it does not have any water,Tick Tock Watermark it's something nice,simple fun to read keep your hands poop,free notice how I'm keeping the words,very basic and easy to read so everybody,can understand it nothing super crazy,just simple and straight to the point,and then you can add some more text down,there as well whatever you like and then,after that I wrote all in one solution,and over here we're going to add images,from canva so go to canva look up poop,scoop poop duty whoop scoop and there it,is canva literally has a poop scoop,element it has literally everything so,then just upload that and then do that,four more times with four other benefits,that your product has so that's what I,did that's what I did four times so,built-in poop bags food snacks and a,built-in water bottle after those icons,are looking super clean I went ahead to,add some more sections because I need,some more images some more chips to make,my product more nice to the eyes and,this GIF looks pretty Pleasant so I,added this GIF and then I hid these tabs,right here because I don't need those,and then I went ahead to add in another,block another section after that and,then,I clay and then I found this other image,from my competitor as well and then I,clicked get yours now and then I linked,it with the doggo Buddy and then it,changed the text to something again,super catchy something nice everything,you need in one bottle,get yours now once you click the link,that's where it takes you to the top of,the page and boom there's that nice,little description right there after,that you can download all your reviews,from the app section this is definitely,the best app I get the 20 version,because this removes the AliExpress logo,is the Ali reviews logo then I download,that after I download it it's super,simple you just go to import reviews go,to the import section and then go to the,AliExpress page for your supplier and,then just paste that link right here and,then once you paste that link your,reviews are going to be there I changed,up the colors a little bit because I,like these colors better and then I put,edit another section as well,and then I add the 30-day money-back,guarantee from my little cheat sheet and,over here I'm going to add it all the,way to the bottom of the page because it,looks super nice and clean right here,and I'm also going to add shop now to,the button label so once I see that they,can buy it and it will direct them to,the top of the page I'll post that link,right there and then we use the outline,style and then save that and then I'm,going to move it up above the newsletter,so it's right above the subscribe to,newsletter and yup save that looks,perfect too now now this looks perfect,everything looks perfect all we really,need now is a footer menu what we're,going to do is go back to the dashboard,and then go to the pages section and,then add a page called contact us and,just copy paste that use a contact team,template and then save that do the same,thing with FAQs I know it's going pretty,fast right now but you could just pause,the video and just do the same thing and,after you're gonna go to the settings,section and then you're going to go to,policies I got the policies already but,you're just going to do create from,template create from template create,from template and then it will show,exactly what it showed me you're gonna,go to footer menu in the navigation,change the bar and then you're going to,add the policies just like that just,keep adding them and yeah just add all,the policies that you just made from the,policy section to create from template,in the footer menu and then your footer,will actually show those policies and,then the main menu you can also either,contact us the pages that we just,created from the cheat sheet and you can,also add the FAQs page as well and then,save that and now on your main menu,it'll show these items and then boom,that's pretty much it and then you pass,through it make sure you take your,password off so you can actually use a,store without the password alright I,ended up sending bro the link to the,store and I asked him if he would get,this and now he's saying low key it's,pretty raw so,after viewing my store and seeing that,damn this is super clean like he,actually wants to get it for himself so,that just shows you know that this is an,amazing store layout that you should,definitely use and yeah this is just,beautiful,so yeah that's how you make a beautiful,amazing store because after looking at,the tick tocks he was not too amused,about the product but after looking at,my store he wants one for himself that,is literally the best Shopify store you,can make for 2022 or 2023 I'm going to,leave all the details in the cheat sheet,so you can get all the information you,need from there I know I went through,all the steps very quickly so you might,have to pause the video multiple times,to be able to actually go through all,those steps and make an amazingly,beautiful store just like that subscribe,like comment hit the Bell let me know,what other types of videos you want take,care peace out stay smooth

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