how to build a multi-million dollar shopify business

How To Build A Multi Million Dollar shopify Business alright guys welcome back to this module,which


Updated on Mar 29,2023

How To Build A Multi Million Dollar shopify Business

The above is a brief introduction to how to build a multi-million dollar shopify business

Let's move on to the first section of how to build a multi-million dollar shopify business

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How To Build A Multi Million Dollar shopify Business

alright guys welcome back to this module,which is gonna be the million dollar,product hunt why I call the million,dollar product hunt because this,application has made me millions of,dollars this is kinda under the radar a,lot of people know about this,application but they don't know how to,use it I was part of one of those groups,honestly I didn't take advantage of this,tool and up to like I don't know five,six months ago so this is uh obviously,since you know once you start making,money literally you can you can upgrade,to this level this is a five hundred,dollar level five hundred dollar level,will give me access to every single shop,that means that a regular membership for,forty nine box it's gonna give you five,subscription this one will be unlimited,okay,that's why I took it to the next level I,was paying the forty nine dollars then I,got good results and then what I did was,pretty much jump into this one okay so,for example here you can see last week,revenue you're gonna see if they're,going down scaling down or scaling up,okay for example this one increase,twenty one percent and this is the,famous talking talking tom some so for,example if I click on the store ok it's,gonna take me to their shop so now you,can see ok how the store looks what are,they doing you know there's all about,this little little talking tom okay so,for example if if I click on the tool,right we're gonna be able to see that,last week last week they did seven,hundred thousand dollars guys and we're,gonna be able to see which are the best,selling products so now we can clearly,see that this product was launched a lot,a lot of time ago five years ago and is,still selling it okay so this one saw,twelve thousand five hundred units this,one so five thousand units,look it looks 5,000 plus it should be,more than that so take a look at the,very meaning 175,000 dollars only in,this single single toy okay now we're,gonna be able to see like I said,products what products are launching,this one were launched three months ago,this one was launched three months ago,three months ago so looks like three,months ago they launched a bunch of,stuff you're gonna be able to see the,apps that these people are using you're,gonna be able to see the best-seller,which is gonna open it on the store,which is those two all right,and so yeah this this is pretty amazing,this was pre amazing for example the way,I will do it and our the way I'm using,it it's pretty much I take a look on the,stores that are spiking up on percentage,right and the reason why it's because,you wanna take a look on the people who,are scaling right now at the moment okay,so for example this store if we open,this door right here this store is,scaling right now so we're gonna go to,the tool and we can clearly see the last,week was $300,000 revenue take a look at,these guys the product where they make,$200,000 was on the product very large,on the EECOM on the holy moly store okay,the second product that I was selling,really well for them 50 thousand dollars,a week I take that all day long,take a look let's go to sales and,they're killing it with a projector guys,so what I will do is go to the projector,page we're gonna copy the URL alright,and we're gonna go to similar welcome,and we're gonna paste we're going to go,to similar and we're gonna paste,the URL just to see how much traffic are,these people pushing pretty much okay,let's see,okay looks like this this side is not,ranking for the traffic but we can see,that they doing YouTube traffic which is,interesting they're doing YouTube and,Facebook okay that's really good they're,doing YouTube and Facebook so if we go,to Facebook real quick and let's say we,can type in their domain see what we can,find,okay we can see clearly couple products,they both have a lot of shares a lot of,engagement okay so what I will do next,is pretty simple guys I will go to the,ad,I will go to their page and I will like,the page okay that way we can start,getting targeted by them on our newsfeed,on Facebook and that way we can follow,that you see because they're doing,something right so baby aware this is,just to kind of hunt and piggyback from,products that are extremely that are,extremely in demand and they're they're,currently selling right now on the,market like you see right here this,product is currently selling and it's,their number one their number one,selling product right now okay,so this is how easy it is to apply the,technique of a million dollar hunt and,the reason why I call a million dollar,hand is because you literally are,uncovering everybody store by having,this if not if you don't have the five,hundred dollars a month to pay to see,all the products you know I recommend,you to start on the forty nine dollars,and do what I did with the re account I,have two accounts take a look on this,one I only have I only have registered,to five five stores okay and I just,follow those stores and they were the,reason why it's because if you don't,want to spend the five hundred dollars,you got to do a little bit more research,before you subscribe to the store okay,for example if you own a similar web and,you type in the domain of the store and,you in this case I don't know why we're,not seeing traffic but you,surely you will see traffic right there,okay and you can actually get more idea,on the first video which was the easy,way out to find products that are,selling but I call this a million dollar,hunt literally because we're uncovering,all the top selling stores with the most,traffic take a look at this,who knows big baller brand who watches,their TV show I'm a big fan of these two,he's making a killing with even in,commerce,you know man there's a lot of products,so we have a lot of stuff we have the,most views stores we can see top shops,which is the biggest revenue okay look,at these guys these people are selling,up here they're doing 2.7 million a week,okay this is amazing these people,country rebels are doing 3.4 million a,week and all they do it's custom country,stuff for example if we go to the store,it's all wood you know it's like Texas,it's all about I think it's all about,Texas man it looks like there's a huge,market in Texas for all this stuff you,see they doing p OD print-on-demand,they doing leather jackets this is an,amazing company guys to to kind of like,bark reverse engineer and learn from,them because they started with little,stuff they started with pretty much this,wood wood wood arts okay and now they,have expanded to everything merchandise,look at this tree from five million last,week this is insane,so the product that is killing it for,them is these two okay so this is God,bless Texas two-tone wood art wall art,let's take a look on this pretty good,amazing 79 bucks,I wonder how how are the manufacturing,is because this is a lot of work and I,don't think the drop shipping disease,they might have available at,- Wow okay that is a really good thing,to do - guys you know putting your,product in Amazon if you if you have,enough inventory because people trust,Amazon so that's a really really cool,cool thing to do so this is actually a,really good website to just kind of like,spy on it and reverse engineer were they,doing because,I guarantee or whatever they test if you,come back every single week and you see,some changes on their landing page,whatever they doing and if you see that,change the last for more than two weeks,it's because it's working these people,are sending massive amount of traffic,okay so that's the other thing you need,to take a look how much traffic they're,getting because these people can split,test you know a lot of stuff very,quickly because they're getting a lot of,visitors four point zoom monthly store,visits this is amazing guys okay so,let's go let's go to Facebook and let's,do the same thing let's like their page,so we can follow them let me actually,take it to two similar weapon and see,see the traffic you see God look at this,you're pushing 8.3 million people I'm,literally a month my goodness okay so,these guys are selling 83% on United,States Canada United Kingdom on,stretches they talk to your countries,guys that makes sense,their majority of the traffic its social,media no no surprise on that they're not,doing YouTube that's amazing that I'm,doing I just doctoral student Facebook,literally alright guys so I hope you get,an idea watch these videos many times as,you can because this information is,powerful see you guys on the next module,you

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