how to build an email list on shopify

How To Build Your Email List On Shopify today i'm going to teach you how to,build your email list,fa


Updated on Jan 24,2023

How To Build Your Email List On Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to build an email list on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to build an email list on shopify

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How To Build Your Email List On Shopify

today i'm going to teach you how to,build your email list,fast on shopify and i'm going to give,you the one email marketing tool to try,out that we use,so stick around for that number one,regret of online business owners is not,collecting email addresses from day one,a key thing to know before you begin to,build your email list,is that you need permission to follow up,with prospects and customers,subscribers need to opt in in order to,hear from you that's why the first,strategy that i'm going to talk about,today,involves little to almost no convincing,number one is to collect email addresses,from sales and customer accounts,customer accounts are valuable to,businesses because they require shoppers,to share relevant information,name and including email address for,example and,it makes a purchase history a little bit,easier to track right the downside is,that many customers find it frustrating,to create an account for every single,shopping destination,now a useful compromise is to provide,the option,to create an account after the,customer's first order has been placed,so during that email confirmation,sequence you can potentially,incentivize them to sign up to become a,customer,right on top of that shopify also gives,you the opportunity to do a little check,checkmark during the checkout,process in order to be included into,your email list in email marketing,holy mo welcome to the big branding,channel to everyone new my name is,christian pinyon one of the co-founders,here at bibran we've been helping,frustrated start owners 2015 become,impactful store owners,tutorials tactics and strategies if you,find something invalid in this video,consider subscribing and turn on,notifications,alright the second thing that you can do,is create opt-in,forms to grow your list you need to ask,people directly to sign up,so it stands to reason that the best,place to ask,is where they're already engaged on,relevant pages,across your online store some locations,that you can do this is the header of,the,homepage or every page on your website,the about page,blogs every blog post uh during the,footer,there's that's a very high popular,destination to to do that and of course,pop-up forms we recommend using smart,pop-ups,and you can use an app like for example,sumo we use that a lot for ourselves and,our clients,where you can have it where the when the,mouse is leaving the,checkout page you get a hit with a,pop-up to sign up,for the email list or to come back for,some kind of discount so keep in mind,that,having smart pop-ups it's a must-have,and if you're using an app for it make,sure that you check out sumo wait wait,where you guys going stick around to the,end of the video because i'm going to,show you our favorite email marketing,app that we use for ourselves,and our business all right number three,is to use lead magnets,the idea of receiving a newsletter each,week will not be a good incentive for,someone to give you their email address,right so,marketing is about messaging and message,measurement and,get her weekly emails is not a really a,compelling message to up up the ent,consider creating a real offer as an,added incentive for visitors to share,their email address with you for example,offer a very specific discount maybe a,15,for brand new customers you can offer,a run a contest um where you're maybe,i don't know giving away a bunch of,products,or very specific amount of products,right in order to get that email address,or,give access to educational content so,depending on the products that you sell,you could create a guide on how to,barbecue for example,that was the best barbecue he ever had i,don't know,and in order to get that full guide,ebook whatever it may be,they have to give you the email address,and that's eliminated and as promised,here is our favorite email marketing,tool,active campaign we use activecampaign in,our business,and with the companies that we work with,on shopify so it allows us to send,really sophisticated,and automated email campaigns with ease,you need to check it out and as a bonus,bonus bonus bonus bonus bonus bonus,bonus bonus,if you comment below automation we will,send you our three,proven automations for active campaign,you don't have to do anything it's,literally you click on the link,and it gives you all the automations,pre-built inside of your active campaign,account,all right you guys thank you so much for,watching i want to hear from you leave,some comments down below if you have any,questions,anything literally anything and if you,like this video make sure to hit that,like button,because that will alert the youtube,algorithm mad scientists,to show this video to more people and we,want that we want to share the love and,the knowledge,so thank you so much see you next time,you

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