how to center page titles on shopify

How to make text/title centre properly on screen in Shopify Dawn 2.0 so i'm using dawn 2.0 i believe

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Updated on Mar 01,2023

How to make text/title centre properly on screen in Shopify Dawn 2.0

The above is a brief introduction to how to center page titles on shopify

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How to make text/title centre properly on screen in Shopify Dawn 2.0

so i'm using dawn 2.0 i believe for my,shopify website,and you can see that this doesn't center,in the middle,as i would expect,so the way you can change things like,this,is by,firstly going inspect around this area,and so let's see what it is,that's related to where the text shows,and it seems it is this,div class right here,so i copy this and then i,go to edit so i already found it here,but,i'll redo what i did so go to themes and,then go to,edit,code,and then you're gonna try to think,where this,class might be related so since,i'm trying to edit,something in,the collections i want to go to,um,set up collections,so these are the,related files,for collection so,if you really don't know where it is you,can just go through click it,and just go through and control f,paste that,class and try to find if it's not there,just move on to the next,um file and then,continue trying to find it so,i know where,mine is i believe it's in template,um no,it is not,collection list,is it in here,no,um,template,so it's not is it,um,okay so,we've got a component,and then i enter this and i found what,i'm looking for so this is where,it's located,and you can see straight away it says,max width is 66.67,this is what's causing it to,stay on this section of the screen it's,like saying this is,what the page is like instead of,including that extra area so you want to,change it to,100,if you want to save that,and it's saved now you can go back here,refresh,you can see it moves to the actual,center of the screen,so you can use,stuff like this,in general in shopify using inspect,element,so you can't get something centered you,want this centered inspect element,find out what it is,so this is the collection hero title,you go here,touch that and then you go,see collection hero title you whatever,just control f through the files and,then you can edit it through your,knowledge of html or css,and there's a lot of basic stuff like,say you want to center that title you go,center whatever just search up,how to center,a title on css and you just paste it in,here,to center so,hope that feedback was helpful,and thank you

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