welcome back people to another,video in this video we're going to be,talking about changing the footer,because i know you guys are going to,ask how to do it for the minimal theme i,already got a few comments on that,anyway,but um yeah i'm gonna show you guys how,to make the,um change the theme real quick let me,let me delete these files real quick,they,are irrelevant um so what we're doing,right now,we're in the uh shopify store we're,gonna go down to online store we're,gonna try to make this video quick,so you guys can get in and get out and,get working on your stuff so,minimal is our published theme already,so it's live it's the live theme for us,currently,we're going to go under actions and then,edit code,boom don't worry about that,okay so from this step,you're going to close your templates and,you're going to add a new asset i,already have my asset and i'm going to,use my banana,file again you're going to click add a,new asset,under the asset folder and then choose,and then you'll just pick whatever,file you want to use and then upload,asset i already have mine uploaded it's,going to be this banana one i used this,in a previous video,but um yeah from here on uh,theme.scss.liquid is the folder we need,so,you just come over here right here click,it,under assets folder and and here,we're not going to a specific spot oh,yes we are we're going straight to the,bottom people,so i already have this code in from,another video i'm just going to delete,it because it's not necessary to have,oh you know what i did like that,background so i'm going to keep it in,there,but um yeah we're just gonna add the,code so this is the code,it should be in the description just,like all my other videos the code should,be down below people,so let's see we're going to,copy it in right below right at the end,so shopify section footer and,if you're on desktop to share and bother,they shouldn't mess up your video,it might mess it up if you're on a uh,mobile but i'll do it in both so we're,seeing it like this,burger is the file,extension that is placed in here but we,don't have that under our assets,under our assets we have banana yours,might be,underscore blah blah blah all this other,stuff but mine is banana,dot jpeg so,that's what i'm typing in and then once,that's typed in,we're gonna click save,and we're gonna scroll up,so if you're on mobile all we did was,paste in the code and then we came,within these quotes,and made our file the same,as this whatever file we uploaded,we made it the same here,and from here we saved it already we're,going to refresh,in the bottom the footer should be,bananas and that's,it is this bananas now,and that's pretty much it for this but,if,you have a website like pixels that i,used in a,re like other videos if you're getting,an image from pixels and you want to add,that to the bottom,all you would do is click on the image,you want to use then right click it,and click copy image address,click that boom come back to the code,and change,this well first delete this section,delete that so it should just be the,file name,no more asset url and that bar that was,there should be gone,so if you can't see on desktop i'm gonna,zoom in boom that's what it should look,like,so let me zoom back to 100 and then,you're gonna go,within the quotes and paste,your url from that website,paste it then save and you're all done,simple come back here to the website,refresh it and there you see the,different background,now the only thing is you want to have,an image that fits,these measurements this image is really,big,so that's why it looks all weird,i'm sure if i take the cover or if i if,i put,some extra code like this if i put this,down here it might make it look better,um i should be able to change the,size with this let's make the width,let's make the west 1000,and make the height,let's say 400,i don't think that would change it all,right so we're going to change this from,1000 to like 1400,let's try that we're going to click save,and then we're going to come back here,and refresh and it might make the,picture look better,uh it shows up a bit more but um yeah,you can just mess around with that uh if,you're on desktop and you're wondering,what the heck did i just do,all i did was come to this section where,it has h equals and w,equals those are height and width of the,image that you're copying,you can just mess around with that if,you want or you can use some websites,that allow you to resize your image and,you can do it that way too,but that's it for this video i hope it,helped you guys,if it did leave a like and subscribe for,more,free shopify theme,code tutorials and,i appreciate you for watching this video,people i love you guys,and i'll see you guys in the next one,peace
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