how to change footer color in shopify

How to change Shopify Header and Footer Color with Nav Color for web and mobile, no coding. Debut he

Ser Dumps A Lot

Updated on Mar 19,2023

How to change Shopify Header and Footer Color with Nav Color for web and mobile, no coding. Debut

The above is a brief introduction to how to change footer color in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change footer color in shopify

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How to change Shopify Header and Footer Color with Nav Color for web and mobile, no coding. Debut

hey guys thanks for tuning in today I'm,gonna go over Victoria of how to change,your menu and navbar color from the,original white and the beauty into a,different color of your choice along as,changing these black nav bars into white,or any color of your choice also along,would have come with the footer the,footer will also be a different color,and will also change the mobile theme to,make sure that it all is also matching,along with a matching drop down with the,little hamburger icon make sure the,footer all matches so it's a 1 unique,theme so let's get into it it's not,gonna be a long tutorial it is no coding,required it's just a copy and paste so,once you open your Shopify theme you,want to go on the bottom left to go to,online store go to your themes and then,go to the view theme and hit on actions,and then go to edit code once we're in,the Edit code you want to open up in the,assets folder it's going to be called,theme as CSS scroll down to the all the,way to the bottom of this code the very,bottom of the page and we're gonna copy,the code that's gonna be in the bottom,description so we're gonna hit ctrl a,ctrl C so we can leave one space just an,enter go down one below ctrl V and now,that pastes it all the way from the line,871 to all the way down the bottom hit,save as soon as that saved we can go,back to online stores go back to the,view theme customize it and we will now,see that it's going to be that bluish,color that's in the one in the,background color now I'm gonna show you,guys how to change the actual color if,you don't want the blue so go to Google,or in the link below I'll put this HTML,color coders comp you can choose a color,that you want so let's say you want,purple yellow whatever it is just choose,the car that you want and right here,we'll have a hex code and it's gonna be,a hash tag and it's going to be a,certain,verse on let us combine so choose a,color and choose a code or color that,you want copy that code and now decide,where you want the color to be so if you,just want the header to be that cutter,it's gonna be site header with mobile,and then just the regular header site,color so you'll change both of these to,that code that we copied from the,internet or from HTML code color coders,so now we have both that on that right,so now if we change that that goes to,change this color to only Jewish let's,go back let's go edit code we'll go all,the way down through assets all the way,at the bottom,now let's find this so it's gonna be,header site header change that to this,make sure there's only one hash tag and,then same thing here the navbar boom,boom and now we'll save this and now,that should make it in that goldish,color that we picked before so let's go,to customize,there you go now you have that gold,color with the white background,same thing for mobile now it's also gold,gold but the bottom footer is also in,that old original clothes so if you,wanted to change the footer as well as,to a different color if we go back to,the online store go back to edit code go,back to theme scroll all the way down to,the bottom now right below the header so,you see header site header header mobile,you see footer and then you'll also see,this Shopify section below background,color so these two are before your,footers so if you wanted to change the,footer color to that gold one you'll,just copy that code here and then here,as well now if you have a very dark,color as is and you want to change it,the nav so for example if you wanted to,go ahead and change its Rebecca you,wanted to change these where it says,men's women's hats the nav if you want,to change these to let's say purple,white or whatever it is it would be here,site Napoli so this is originally to,wipe and then these the icon search icon,cart icon login an icon hamburger is all,right here these are these icons here,now the hamburger stands for this,hamburger then you have search log in,and then cart so if you want to change,these to move white or blue or whatever,it is that would be color here you can,you can type in the color but I,recommend going here choosing the,clothes that you want and then copying,and pasting it here as well,and then one more thing that I want to,show you guys is the site header logo so,originally this is a black color if you,wanted to change it to any other color,you would change that here so again once,again choose a color unless you have,your own picture uploaded this just,default the default one uploaded but you,will have a picture uploaded then it,won't change that picture but if you,have the title from the default setup,you can change that color to what you,want let me know if you guys have any,questions down below I will list all the,links below and as long as the code and,that thanks for watching talk to you,guys soon

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