how to change order of collections in shopify

How to rearrange a collection list on Shopify welcome boutique bay and i am back with,another video

Asia LaShelle

Updated on Jan 25,2023

How to rearrange a collection list on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to change order of collections in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change order of collections in shopify

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how to change order of collections in shopify catalogs

How to rearrange a collection list on Shopify

welcome boutique bay and i am back with,another video i know it's been a little,while this video is coming to you guys,because i have a client who has this,question i built a website for them and,they're like girl we don't know how to,rearrange our,collections within the store so i'm,going to show you how to get that done,so,you need to come over into themes which,is under online store click on themes,come over into customize,okay,now this is um,one of my pre-made sites so if you are,interested in this style,then i will leave the link below,to this particular design on my shop um,if you're interested in it so anyway so,um what they're asking so,these are the collections this is what's,called a collection list where you can,list,out the collections that you have in,your store and i have them separated and,they're like we want to move one,collection from the top to the bottom,etc,so,one of the things um that you have to,know about the collections is that,if you want something so you see here i,have a collection list here,and i have a collection list up here,so there's no way to drag something from,one collection list into another,okay so if you're trying to take,something that's at the bottom of your,store and move it to the top right if i,wanted this prim and proper collection,to be up here with hot styles i can't,take this,and drag it up here it's not going to,allow that to happen you can only,rearrange things in the collection that,you're in,so for example,i'm in this one where it says off the,shoulder shop or sale and prim and,proper right i can move from improper,around i can swap its place right i can,move it around,but i cannot,move it into another collection list so,if you want something in,a different collection list then you,need to select it so what i'm going to,do here,is i actually have some collections,already in here and i'm going to delete,them so i'm showing you this too if you,want something out of a collection you,can remove click on it and just remove,the block okay so now if i wanted to add,something so let's say i wanted to put,prim and proper this permanent proper,collection up here then what i would do,is click add collection,all right click on select collection and,now shopify is going to give you all of,the collections that you already have,made it's important,that whatever collection you want,showing on your store is already made,okay because it can't get give you an,option that's not there so,let's go ahead and select the prim and,proper collection,and hit select and then all you have to,do is save so now the prim and proper,collection,is sitting at the top,the other thing to remember about,collection lists are that the,collections um there's only six that can,go into a collection at a time so what,i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add the,remaining,uh collection so she just so you can see,that so i'm going to,add the off the shoulder collection,up here,and i'm going to also add the shop our,sale collection,so,let's add another collection,selected,and then,shop our sale,so now that we have all of these in here,let me make sure i select this,now that we have them in here you can,rearrange your selections however you,like,you see what i'm saying like you can,rearrange them however you wish,the other thing is,let's say you have a collection,let's say that you're like pre-building,your store and you're like i know that,i'm gonna have let's say you know you're,gonna have a sale for like,martin luther king's birthday right and,so you make,like a mlk sale,collection,but you don't want to run that yet you,don't want it visible on your store yet,right,you can make anything on your store,invisible by clicking on these little,eyes so let's say we don't want the sale,to show yet,you can click that little i to make that,invisible so it's not visible on your,store it's there but not visible so,let's say i'm ready to come in and run,my cell now boom,just unclick that little i and now that,collection is visible again to you so,hopefully that makes sense so the main,thing to remember is that if you see two,collection lists,right,you can't move items from one collection,list to another collection list now the,next thing i want to cover just in case,you ever want to create another,collection list in your store come down,here to add section,click on collection list,and then now you have another option to,add more lists into your store okay and,you would take the same process click on,the collection,click on select collection,select whatever collection,you want to go into the list you get,what i'm saying,so that's how you do this and again if,you ever don't want a collection not to,show or you don't need all the,collections that's showing maybe you,only want two collections right so you,select another thing and you're like,okay,i have i want to do hot styles here but,i don't need i don't need this uh third,collection you can always click on that,collection and click on remove block and,now you have those two collections,showing you get what i'm saying so but,just the biggest thing to remember about,your collections are anything within,shopify each one of these little headers,think of these as headers that's a,header header right you cannot move,anything from one header to a different,header you can move this whole,collection around if you want right but,you cannot move things that are in one,collection to another collection by,dragging okay it doesn't work like that,the same thing if it was a sideshow like,i couldn't put this slide from this,slideshow into this slideshow it doesn't,work right so it has to be within,this little header so whatever the,header is you can move things around,within it but you cannot move something,like this into this slide or,something in this collection into this,collection okay so you have to work,within,the actual main header within that group,okay so hopefully that makes sense same,thing with these link blocks i can't,move something from this link block out,of the block i can move it around within,it but not outside of it so hopefully,that makes more sense about how,to add things in and out of your,collections how collections work within,shopify,um,this is pretty much the case for,all of the themes you can do do this for,anything but yeah with a collection list,just um know that you cannot add things,from other collections um into the list,so,uh,outside of that that's pretty much the,video for today if you have any,questions please let me know and again,if you are interested in having me build,a website like this uh check out the,link in my description alright,you

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