how to change powered by shopify link

How to remove and change powered by Shopify link on your Shopify theme - Shopify Tutorials back to t

Tripster Developers

Updated on Jan 28,2023

How to remove and change powered by Shopify link on your Shopify theme - Shopify Tutorials

The above is a brief introduction to how to change powered by shopify link

Let's move on to the first section of how to change powered by shopify link

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How to remove and change powered by Shopify link on your Shopify theme - Shopify Tutorials

back to the channel this is pratham from,trips developers and today we are going,to learn,how to remove the powered by shopify,link,from the footer of the shopify themes,today we are going to use debut for,reference,but you can use this trick on any theme,and it will seamlessly work hundred,percent for sure,if you have any issues with your store,please reach us out,at hello at the red, and we will be,more than happy to help you,or you can also log on to,,you can contact us while there as well,and one of our team members will,definitely help you,right away all right let's start with,the video,okay uh first thing first is you will,first go to the admin panel of the,shopify,uh here how you see the home dashboard,of the shopify admin panel,you have to click on the online store,once you go there,you will see a live theme appearing in,the big box over there,you have to click on the actions and,click edit code,don't get nervous when you get into edit,code there is nothing,dangerous you have just have to follow,the tutorial and,it will be everything fine don't worry,about it so yeah,first thing is you have to search files,you have to click on the search file and,type footer,just because the powered by shopify link,is in the footer we have to edit the,footer file,photo.liquid will be under the section,folder you will see footer.liquid click,on it and it will open the file on the,right hand side,once it's done you have to if you're,using a macbook then use,command f or if you're using a windows,click on control f,and this search box will appear over,here,over there you have to type powered once,you write powered,you will see that there is a powered by,link appearing over here,under the double curly brackets that's,the thing you have to edit,first we will show you that how you can,replace this particular thing with,something else for example i just want,to type,all rights,result and,save it once i save it,you can go back to the front end and see,that it,is all rights reserved instead of the,powered by link,what it was given earlier all right now,uh let's comment it down i don't want,anything like that i,go back to the powered by link again,this is how it was,in the first place what i have to do is,in the starting line,i will make two curly brackets in,between i will have two percentage signs,same like this make a space and in the,center,you will type comment and,same thing copy it and in the last,part of this line here in the first you,wrote comment in the,final part you will also write this,comment just add and,before and come before the comment so it,looks like end comment and before it was,comment,so like that you can save this now and,the powered by link will be completely,removed from the front end as you can,see here,it's removed no power bi link no other,text is appearing over here,now for example if you want to uh put,some text,instead of the powered by link like we,did before but you want to also add,a link to it and link it to the new tab,of the website so what you can do here,is remove that powered by link uh sorry,the end comments,what we just wrote down you have to,remove that it will be back again you,just have to,select the powered by link from the,curly bracket,and like that now what i'll do is,i want to write for example we whenever,we make a new website for our clients we,do,a signature touch on the footer which,states that we have developed the,website for them,so what we do normally is we type,developed with,love by,tripster developers that's how we write,it but i want trips to developers to,link it to my website,what i'll do now is in front of the,tripster developers,i will type a with a bracket href,equals to double column,and in between i'll type my,website link which is https double dot,double slash, and,i close the bracket and i'll close the,bracket from here as well because i have,to end the link as well you know,so i will close the bracket like this,slash a and bracket over,same like this you can type exactly like,this and it will it will work for sure,all right so uh what i now want to do is,one more step ahead that i,don't want to open my link in the same,tab i want to open that link in the new,tab,so what i'll do here is i'll type target,equals to blank and i'll save this,let's go ahead and check the front end,now,as you can see that i have added my own,link which is developed with love by,trippster developers and this,as i hover my mouse over you can see the,hover effect which is converted into a,link,my business name has converted into the,link,now i can click on it if this will open,in a new tab,this will be opening my website and,um that's how you basically,do it you know so uh basically what you,have to do,let's just recap a little bit that you,have to go to the online store themes,actions and you have to edit code search,for the footer file,open the footer file photo.liquid and,search for,the powered powered button and you can,just replace this text over here,and that will work fine so as i as you,see i clicked on it and i,reached to my website over here,as i reached to my website um this is,our website so,when you come here you will have a,pop-up saying that you can have,top 10 tips for selling on shopify,enter your email address and you will,receive a ebook from,tripster developers with the top 10,cell tactics on shopify so that will,really help you a lot,and um if you need any help or if you,have a project for us,you can get in touch from here and you,can fill the contact form and,you can reach us out and one of our,representative will,help you out right away all right guys,so it's time to wrap up the video thank,you so much for watching and giving your,precious time to us,watching this video we make videos every,week,you can also watch our previous videos,this will boost,you as a merchant with your shopify,website and this will help you grow,faster than the other merchants who is,struggling around,with the shopify platform so this videos,will really help you please,do subscribe to our channel if you have,not yet subscribed to the channel,and please give a thumbs up if you have,liked this video please share,this to your friends that will really,help us a lot,and don't forget to press the bell icon,to never miss an update about trips to,developers video,thank you so much for watching guys and,we'll see you in the next video till,then,good bye thank you so much have a nice,day,you

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