how to change shopify image size in paint

How to resize your images to the same size for shopify hi Lucy Ross here from e-commerce,marketing I

Ecommerce Marketing

Updated on Mar 02,2023

How to resize your images to the same size for shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to change shopify image size in paint

Let's move on to the first section of how to change shopify image size in paint

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how to change shopify image size in paint catalogs

How to resize your images to the same size for shopify

hi Lucy Ross here from e-commerce,marketing I'm going to show you how to,get all of your images to line up on the,page so they're not all over the show,like this you want them to be nice and,flat and even like these ones and the,easiest way to do that is going to be,making them all a square size ever see,the same weapon as they are height and,it just makes things easier for managing,your images so let's do an example of,this and the only issue with many things,square is if your original image is too,small you're still going to have an,issue like this but when you have nice,big images is actually really easy to,manage so we'll take these four products,and we want to make them all square and,we're going to use a free software,called which you can find at, and download for free and it's,basically a free version of Photoshop,you just download it there so let's jump,down to images that we want to use so,we'll come here and go a copy image and,we'll come to so open up on,your website and press control V or file,sorry edit paste to get that image in,there and we can see that it is 600,pixels wide by 450 tools so we want to,take the longest side which is 600 and,make it a square so we will go 600 by,600 and then we will come here and go,control copy in control B so ctrl C to,copy it and ctrl V to paste it and now,we have an image with the same size,sides as it sorts is tall as it is wide,you can also use this little magic wand,tool here to cut out background colors,so if you didn't want to have that sort,of grey color in the background and it,just makes your images look like they're,nice and clean and white you just cut,around with those and when we're ready,to save that we can go ctrl shift e and,we want to give it the same name,as it has on the website so we'll go,ctrl C to copy that and then come back,to our image and press control B put,that in there and save and we're going,to do the same for our other images as,well so we'll close that and we will,come to this one and press right click,or right click and copy image ctrl V to,paste it in we're going to go image Auto,crop image and that's just going to make,sure we're really tight to the edges and,we can see the widest point is 600 so,we'll go new 600 times 600 click on it,control C control B control shift E and,we're ready to rename it and we'll paste,ctrl V to paste that product name in,there and we'll come to the next one,which you'll go right click and copy,we'll come in here and close those two,older ones down press control B image,Auto crop we can see 600 is the widest,point so we'll go new 600 control C,control V control shift E we'll go back,to the page and copy that and then go,back and control the to save it and the,last one copy image it's close both of,those control the image Auto crop 558 is,the tallest so 558 control C control V,and we're going to call that the same,name and just giving them the same name,as the product means of people are using,Google images to search and you've named,your photos after a keyword or a product,rather than just a generic array of,numbers it's going to be much more,likely to show up and you're going to,start to get traffic through image,search,so now we have all of our square and,uniform images we need to upload them,into Shopify so I'm going to come into,the product list and Shopify and find,each of those particular products so,here we go up the of ok we'll start with,that one we'll click on it and scroll,down to where the images are,and then we want to add an image from,our website to which I don't know where,I've actually put mine where are they,right there so I am just going to drag,and drop them in there so I can put that,in the air we need to delete the old one,so it doesn't show up in place of it and,then press save so we'll go press the,rubbish bin delete that and press save,and then we'll move on to the next to,product list find that,scroll down till we see that and images,I'll just drag and drop it in and I'll,take a few seconds to load and we'll go,and delete the old one and press save,and then back to product list and we've,got it too not sure what happened there,video just started playing on my,computer anyway moving on to water box,of flowers we'll just go and find that,one drag and drop that across and wait,for it to load delete the old one press,save and last but not least we want to,go and find the roses make sure we find,the right picture one dear scroll down,I'll save that and in theory if we go,back to the home page now all of these,images here should format nice and,evenly and as you can see here they were,all in line and all on a square shape in,format nicely and they still look really,nice and big on the page here in a,square format so that's how you get your,image aspect ratio to be the same for,all your products and optimize them,using this is really important if,you're putting images up it's just going,to keep everything really tidy and,remember that little tip of naming them,after the product so they appear in,image search if you need any help with,customizing your Shopify website,anything with design or without,converting it to get more customers and,more sales and please visit our website,you can find us at ecommerce marketing,code NZD thanks

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