how to change social media icons on shopify

How To Add Custom Social Icon in Shopify - [2022 Free] Hi guys welcome to WebSensePro I'm your  host


Updated on Mar 15,2023

How To Add Custom Social Icon in Shopify - [2022 Free]

The above is a brief introduction to how to change social media icons on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change social media icons on shopify

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How To Add Custom Social Icon in Shopify - [2022 Free]

Hi guys welcome to WebSensePro I'm your  host Bilal Naseer with another Shopify  ,how-to video and in this video, I'll teach  you guys how you can add a custom social  ,icon on your Shopify store so one  of a client requested us to add an  ,Etsy social icon which is not available  in Shopify store customization section  ,so as you can see I have added this at Sea  social icon they had an Etsy store and they  ,are transforming their store into Shopify and  they wanted to add the link to their Etsy store  ,as well so they can get sales from both of the  platforms so if I go to the back end of store,and also this tutorial is applicable to the  Dawn theme's latest version 7.0.1 it will  ,also work in Days theme craft theme studio  theme and Crave theme so it's applicable to  ,all of these teams if you're using any other  theme mentioned on the comments below so I'll  ,help you guys with the implementation of this  tutorial so if I go to customize of Don theme,and if I click on theme settings,and then we have this social media  ,and now if we see we don't have an option to add  HC icon in our store so what are we going to do  ,we'll add a custom icon in order to add our social  media so if you want to learn stick to the video  ,don't forget to subscribe the channel comment  of the video below and let's get into the chord,okay guys so I added HC icon and pulling the  value of URLs from Vimeo icon so they don't  ,uh Dawn theme in Shopify then have an option  to add an Etsy icon but uh the client didn't  ,have the Vimeo so I just replaced the front  end icon for Vimeo so for example if I add  ,URL here at and hit save,now if I go back to my front end,so that's an essay icon and when I click  on that it will go to my Etsy store right  ,so that's how I did it I just replaced the front  end icon for video in order to add my custom icon  ,and in order to do that what I'm gonna do I'll  show you guys with the LinkedIn icon so LinkedIn  ,is also one of the important professional social  media which is not available in Shopify Don theme  ,so what I'm gonna do I use uh some other option  like I'll use Tumblr in order to replace with  ,LinkedIn icon so you will add your  LinkedIn URL in the Tumblr section  ,of Shopify theme settings but it will display  it as the LinkedIn icon so for example if I,so my LinkedIn company URL is let me search  it first so that's my LinkedIn company URL  ,and I'm gonna copy and paste this  URL on my Tumblr section and hit save,now let's go back and hit refresh,now as you can see it's showing the tumbler  icon and when I click on that it's navigating  ,me to my LinkedIn company profile now what  I need to do I need to replace it from the  ,front end so it will show the LinkedIn  icon okay now first we will download our  ,LinkedIn PNG icon and we can Google it up so  if I go to Google Dash images or let's download  ,it from Flat they can give us better  quality for free so I'm gonna search for LinkedIn,and I'm going to download the PNG icon  which looks similar to other icons so I  ,think this one will work okay I'm going to  download this one click on free download,and here we go our PNG icon has been downloaded  now I'm going to convert it from BNG to SVG,in order to convert your PNG  to SVG go to PNG to  ,and scroll down so that's an online  converter for PNG to SVG now select your file,choose file,okay,that's our LinkedIn icon click on that,and your icon has been is now showing  up now click on generate button,which will generate your SVG file,okay our SVG icon is ready to download it  should show a preview here let's wait for a  ,bit so I think this tool isn't working properly  so what we're gonna do we will search for some  ,other Duo and there's another one which I  use which is let's try that one  ,okay now choose file again  to convert our PNG into SVG,click convert,and here we go rsvg is nope still converting let's  wait for a bit okay it's ready to go now click on  ,download view our SVG file on browser that's how  how our SVG files looks like now what we will  ,do will open this file in our notepad editor so  I'm going to open the file in notepad plus plus  ,and that's our SVG code and now we  will go to our code editor in Shopify  ,now let's go to Dawn actions and then click on  editing code again editing the code is a little  ,uh risky so you need to take backup before  editing the code click on duplicate and take  ,backup before messing with the quad Okay click on  edit code and now I'm going to search for Tumblr  ,so here's the font the liquid file for Tumblr  icon and I'm going to click that and as you  ,can see there's an SVG code now I'm going to  replace my SVG code with this code and hit save,now let's go back to your store and hit refresh,okay our Tumblr icon is converted into  LinkedIn but as you can see it's a lot  ,bigger than what the tumbler was  and in order to fix that we will  ,go back to our liquid code and in here  we will Define width and height as Auto,Auto and we will add a new  class here which will be icon  ,so class is equal to icon in  inverted commas and now hit save,now let's go back to our store and hit refresh,scroll down to the bottom  I think it's still loading  ,I think we did something wrong with the  code us icon everything's good hit refresh  ,okay it's loaded now okay now scroll down to  the bottom and there we go our Tumblr icon  ,has been converted into LinkedIn and as you  can see it's working fine working fine when  ,we hover over as well let's take a look in  mobile device if it looks good in Mobile,and here's our mobile layout,present okay yep it looks good  in Mobile as well as you can  ,see perfectly aligned and uh looks perfectly good  ,cool right okay guys so that's it for the tutorial  I hope you guys liked it if you do make sure to  ,like the video comment on it and don't forget  to subscribe until next video have a great day

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