how to change store name shopify

How to Change Your Shopify Store's Name and Website URL hi friends my name is Raj and you are,watchi

Tech White

Updated on Jan 17,2023

How to Change Your Shopify Store's Name and Website URL

The above is a brief introduction to how to change store name shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change store name shopify

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How to Change Your Shopify Store's Name and Website URL

hi friends my name is Raj and you are,watching Tech white so in this video I,will show you how to change store name,on Shopify and how to change your domain,name or you can say side URL on your,Shopify account,so let's start this is my Shopify,dashboard and first we will change the,Shopify store name go to the settings,option,and you can see the option store details,click on it,then in the basic information,click on edit,and here you can see the option Stone,name,and you can easily change the store name,let's suppose I will change it,okay,and you can also change the store,industry as well,okay then click on Save,that's it you can see,store name has been changed now,now move on to our next problem how to,change the domain name or you can say,site URL on Shopify,so right now I'm using this domain name,or you can say site URL,so if you want to change this site URL,go to Shopify dashboard then go to,settings option,and scroll down and you can see the,option domains click on it,now scroll down,and you can see this option,change to a new domain,one important thing you will get only,one chance to change your Shopify domain,name or you can say side URL,now enter the domain name which you,required,and you can see dog Health and Care dot, is available,so I will select this domain add domain,my domain name has been changed now my,site URL has been changed,if you are getting uh this type of page,cut this,go to online store option,now use this option view your store,and you can see,now it's working,you can see it's looking fine,or,if I check it again,with the previous option,and it's done,now my new domain name is live and,working fine,so thank you thanks for watching Tech,white have a nice day

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