how to change the weight of a product in shopify

Shopify How to Update Weights hey guys chris meets with icon ecom here,today we're going to take a l


Updated on Jan 28,2023

Shopify How to Update Weights

The above is a brief introduction to how to change the weight of a product in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change the weight of a product in shopify

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how to change the weight of a product in shopify catalogs

Shopify How to Update Weights

hey guys chris meets with icon ecom here,today we're going to take a look at how,you can update the weights for your,products,in your shopify store now you only need,to do this if you have,old products that you've been with,printac or now icon ecom for a while,we didn't use to push the weights over,with,our products in shopify so,if you have old products that you want,to be able to update that you can charge,the,calculated shipping rates on instead of,the flat rate shipping that you're used,to,then this is the video for you if you're,a new customer,or even just from the last couple of,weeks go in and look at your products,it's likely that the weights are already,in there and you can skip this video,this is just for customers that have,been around for a while that want to,update their weights if you already have,products pushed over to your shopify,store and you want to set those up,for the calculated rates as well,uh you can come into shopify's,mass edit feature in this case you know,i'm just selecting these two products,if you don't change your product types,what you can do is filter your products,based on the product type,so i can come in here and select all of,my t-shirts first,and go in and edit the weights for those,all at once and then move on to the next,product and so on and so forth,um so to do that we're going to select,the the products that we want to edit,we're going to come in here to edit,products if it hasn't,if it's not here already you can come in,here to add,fields and we're going to come down here,to,shipping and click on weight that'll,give us the weight field over here,and in this case we just have two,products again don't have a lot of,variants,if we had multiple sizes all of those,additional sizes would show up here as,well for us to be able to add the weight,on,if we would like to it can get rather,tedious if you're updating a lot of,t-shirts,where you got five six plus sizes that,you need to update the weights on,so it's up to you if you want to go,through and edit each individual size,or if you wanted to take maybe the,largest size and put the weight in for,that for single item orders it's not,going to make,a lot of difference it's really just,going to make the biggest difference as,people start,adding more than one to their cart it's,going to affect that total weight,so you might pick a middle of the road,size like an xl or 2x,and just put that in for all of your,t-shirts just to save you the work of,having to go in and edit each one,uh their mass update feature here is,pretty good,you can get these weights from your,printec account so if you come into,products,and select any of the products you'll,see a shipping info option here now,which will give you the the weight and,dimensions,for shopify you don't need to enter,these dimensions,because shopify that's kind of one of,the limitations,from shopify they don't use dimensions,in their calculated rates unfortunately,so there can sometimes be a little bit,of a difference between,our calculated rate and what shopify's,calculated rate is,i'll show you one of the ways that we,can get around that in a little bit,so you can grab the the weights from,here for your products,and put those over into your this one's,already set up but you can put it into,here,it does allow a pretty good job of being,able to do a copy and then you can,select,multiple cells at a time uh to be able,to put those rates in,you can see that kind of selects both of,them and if i type in there it'll update,both at the same time,same will work if i selected a whole,bunch of other options in here as well,and you just hit save and it'll go,through and save each one of those,individually,so that's the easy way of how you update,the,weights

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