how to change theme style on shopify

How To Update Shopify Theme | Customization development Course hey what's up econ grads so today i'm


Updated on Feb 10,2023

How To Update Shopify Theme | Customization development Course

The above is a brief introduction to how to change theme style on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change theme style on shopify

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How To Update Shopify Theme | Customization development Course

hey what's up econ grads so today i'm,going to be teaching you how to update,your theme without losing your settings,and,what i mean by that is when you whenever,you get a new theme update,typically you'll get a zip file you have,to upload it to your store and then you,have to redesign the entire store,all over again which is very,counter-intuitive we have all been there,it's annoying,we're very busy lives we can't be,redesigning what we already did so i'm,going to teach you a very quick and easy,way,to migrate most of your design edits,from your,lower version to the newer version and,i'm going to simulate that by,using an exported version of this theme,if you haven't checked out the other,videos,go and check them out where we teach you,how to you know create custom page,sections and overall just turn debut,theme into an overall better theme,and we're going to keep working on that,um you know that i guess case study or,mini course for you guys to kind of,learn from and how to modify your themes,without having to pay,expensive fees to a developer or use an,expensive app that may slow down your,store,but anyways without further ado let's,get right started uh get started right,away,and i'm gonna show you that right now so,what we're gonna do is we're gonna,upload the exported version of this i,did remove the settings,and let's go upload that bring it over,the bam,upload shouldn't take very long to,upload,and we just gotta wait on shopify,because they take nine years,so while we're waiting for this to,populate we're just gonna,click on over click edit code open that,up in a new tab,and then what you want to do and this is,for all themes this works on every,single theme guys so,you know if you say it's not working on,your theme it's probably something,you're doing wrong but,if you have any issues leave a comment,in the section in the comment section,below,and you know someone will reach out and,try to help you out but what you want to,do right here is you're going to see a,settings data.json file right,you're going to want to get that open,that up and what you want to do,is you can do control a or command a to,highlight all the text then you do ctrl,c or command c,if you're on mac and copy that over and,let's see if this is done populating,there we go it's done so now we're going,to open that up into a new,tab edit code,and just to show you guys what this,looks like now currently,there's nothing here right there's no,data here and now on the actual live,version we'll go here,we actually have data there's content we,can see it so,we're going to go back and at because we,copied this over we'll do it once one,more time just to be safe,i'm going to go back here i'm going to,go to config settings data,and we're just going to highlight that,and paste it in you can do ctrl v or,command v or you can just,right click paste but then once you're,done pasting just click save,really simple i'm telling you guys i,wasn't joking this is really easy,so now we're going to do is going to,close out of this preview i'm going to,preview it once more,and for some reason it opened up there,and ba-bam there you go we're on the new,version,check that out craziness right how easy,was that,now you don't have to freaking go back,and edit it all over again i just saved,you time,i just saved you a bunch of time anyways,guys thank you so much for watching,it was a quick and easy video on how to,keep your settings without having to,redesign everything,if you liked the video it's informative,make sure you subscribe,you got any questions drop a comment,below and uh,smash that like button while you write,it because it helps us out as all the,youtubers say,it says it helps us with the youtube,algorithm and,we're trying to figure that thing out,it's a whole other beast but anyways,guys until next time see you later

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