what I've done is I've wiped out my,Shopify store entirely and I've set up a,wordpress installation let me show you,what it looks like alright guys so I,want to explain to you today why I've,closed down my Shopify store so the,reason is is basically to save some,money because I set up a website for a,client of mine on WooCommerce and built,it out rather quickly and I really,really liked the way that it turned out,so I figured hey why am I paying for,Shopify I can just move my stuff over to,WooCommerce and set this up and,basically replicate what I've already,done for my client on my own site for,sea II own which is my clothing brand,for entrepreneurs a shirt that wearing,right now so yeah it's gonna be really,interesting I thought rather than just,do it I should record myself doing it at,least setting up the framework I,probably won't fully design the entire,aesthetic of the site but I want to show,you how to design the framework for it,and teach you how to do it so that if,you're thinking you want to get into,dropshipping or e-commerce and you can,use other things other than Shopify now,I'm not saying that there's anything,wrong with Shopify I love Shopify but,for some cases it might be better to use,all WooCommerce as an alternative,especially if you don't have the budget,for it obviously I have the budget for I,could do it if I wanted but for me it,just doesn't really make sense because I,can just basically duplicate what I've,already done for a client to a tee and,then just slop up my logos and stuff so,I'm gonna share with you that process,and bring you inside of the web design,process and how you set this up and how,you can accept payments and all that,stuff that you can do right within,Shopify how you can do it in blue,commerce as an alternative coming out,so before we get into that if you are,not subscribed here yet drop below right,now and subscribe and take the bail,notification icon because then I will,update you every time I post another,tutorial just like this one and also,smash a like on this video it really,helps out the channel and it helps the,video reach more people alright so let's,get into the actual build out of this,site so what I've done is I've wiped out,my Shopify store entirely and I've set,up a wordpress installation let me show,you what it looks like this is just a,blank WordPress installation at this,point and you can see there's basically,nothing there and I'm basically gonna,bill out build out the shell of this,store right now in front of you to,basically replace Shopify entirely,because I just don't want to use it,anymore so if any of you are out there,and you're thinking that you want to,start doing drop shipping or e-commerce,and you don't want to pay for Shopify,this is a good alternative and Shopify,definitely has its place but in this,case I just don't want to use it so I'm,gonna use a theme that I really like for,this and it's called generate press so,I'm gonna go and I'm gonna install that,I believe we have to install two themes,actually because I use one of their,themes generate presses eya is basically,a platform or a framework and I use one,of their other themes with it so I'm,going to install generate press which I,believe is the framework and you may not,have to install both of them but I,usually do because I believe this is the,framework for the theme I want to use,which is storefront which is made by,generate press so I'm gonna install that,as well so I'm doing this just by going,to appearance and themes and then I'm,just searching for the names of those,two themes okay so that's good I'm gonna,activate storefront and we should be,good to go on that again you might be,able to get away with just installing,storefront maybe get a try but,personally I just been installing both,of them because I know it is a generate,press theme and sometimes themes have,framework so just be on the safe side,that's what I'm doing okay so you can,see here we get a notice that says,thanks for installing storefront,to enable e-commerce features you must,install WooCommerce plugin so it was,gonna be the next step that I was going,to do anyways but the cool part is is,that generate press basically gives us,the option to do that now before I do,that I just want to show you where we're,at with things on the front end of the,website so this is what it looked like,before I'm gonna refresh my screen this,is what it looks like now so we're,getting a little bit closer right now,it's basically set as a blog home page,but if I were to set a different home,page it would look a lot different what,you'll see in a minute coming up,okay so let's install WooCommerce you,can see here it is installing and we're,installed so we're gonna go ahead and,activate that okay so now we need to go,through the WooCommerce setup details so,I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna pick,United States here and I'm gonna go,ahead I'm gonna punch in an address,okay I'm gonna type in what my currency,is so I'm just gonna do a US dollar you,can choose what type of products you,plan to sell so for this this is gonna,be clothing for entrepreneurs and bosses,see II owned I'm wearing it right now,actually we're gonna go just click sell,physical products and we're gonna hit,let's go you can also check if you're,gonna sell products or services in,person I'm not so let's just hit let's,go I'm gonna hit continue on this okay,now we can integrate our payment,processor that we want to use so you can,use stripe if you want or you can use,PayPal or however you want to do it I'm,gonna go ahead and just put in PayPal,and I'm going to type in my paypal email,address and then I'm gonna hit continue,on that okay the next thing that I need,to do is I need to decide on what I want,to do with shipping so I can choose a,flat rate shipping in the United States,or I can do a free shipping so I'm gonna,go ahead and I'm gonna do a flat rate,shipping I'll do 695 and,for everything else I'm going to do 1995,and I'll probably come back in and mess,with those later once I figure things,out you're gonna want to choose here if,you're using ounces and inches so since,I'm using the American metrics s I'm,gonna do but obviously if you're,somewhere else you might do kilos or,grams and pounds so on I'm gonna hit,continue on that so there's some other,options that we can do like automated,taxes MailChimp all this stuff I'm gonna,basically uncheck all this stuff for,right now and I'm gonna hit continue now,it's gonna ask us to activate jetpack,I'll go ahead and activate jetpack,jetpack is just a plugin that offers you,additional analytics and different,security and stuff like that but you,don't have to use it if you don't want,okay so I've gone and I've just entered,in all of my jetpack account information,so now I'm gonna go back to my store,here okay it redirected me to my store,automatically and now we can go here and,we can start setting up our products,okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna,hit create a product and I'm gonna name,this one of my t-shirts so for the,product name,and I'm gonna put in the price of it so,I'm putting in a regular price and a,sales price for this for right now I'm,gonna put in a product image right here,where it says set product image and I'm,gonna drag one in and this is pretty,much just placeholder stuff for me right,now because I do plan on getting new,product images and making it look better,but for now I just want to get things up,and running and let's go ahead and,publish that okay I'm gonna go and I'm,gonna view that product just to kind of,see what things are looking like boom so,there we go we now have our store page,up with the t-shirt I mean very very,similar to Shopify and we did this in a,matter of minutes really I mean we've,been on this for like five or ten,minutes now and yeah I mean it's there,we have a review thing of course we can,remove stuff if we don't want all this,stuff on here I could put in a,description and different things like,that but yeah that's looking good so far,let me go home and see what our homepage,is looking like so we're gonna need to,set up our homepage so that it doesn't,show blog posts so what I'm going to do,is I'm gonna go into pages in the,backend and we want to show this shop,page as our home page I believe let me,view it first and see what it looks like,yeah so this is what I want people to,land on when they come to our home page,so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to,appearance and or I'm sorry I'm gonna go,to settings and I'm gonna go to reading,and I'm gonna choose a static page and,I'm going to select a shop page for the,static page and I'm gonna hit Save,Changes awesome so we should have some,customized options in here as well,for a generate press or for the,storefront theme and I'm looking for,site identity for the logo right here so,I have a logo I'm gonna drag that in,oops I need to actually select it first,so there we go I'm gonna hit upload and,I'm gonna drag in my logo for our store,I'm gonna hit select and I'm gonna skip,cropping so that should show up here in,a second so there we go that looks good,awesome so now I've got my logo in there,and I'm gonna hit publish on that,alright so I realized as I was setting,this up that I actually had a premium,version of generate press that I had,from when I did a site from a client not,that long ago and what I decided to do,what's cool about the premium version of,generate press is that you can import,one of their existing sites and it's,basically all set up for you so I think,that's all I'm gonna do for this,particular theme you can get to the,point where I've gotten to already for,free and I mean it still looks pretty,good right you've got the framework for,your store so if you want to end there,and you just kind of want to wing it,from there that's cool but now what I'm,gonna do is I'm gonna import the premium,version of generate press so I'm gonna,come into here and I'm going to go,through and look at some of the,templates that they have so into the,site library I believe I need to go to,or something like that let's see yeah,right here site library and the one that,I use that I really like what's called,merch so let me see if I can find that,one in here and I use this on a client,site that we built out a web site for,here I know it's in here somewhere,oh here it is all head to bottom so this,is the one right here that I want to go,ahead and use so so click import options,and see what happens here,import the content,okay so it says we're all set to go I'm,gonna click view your site and let's see,what we're working with here,awesome so just like that now it set up,this entire homepage that all I need to,do is just go and swap stuff out and I,really like the way this one looks,because it's got like our items in here,already now you can see what I mean,earlier how I said I'm gonna obviously,need to put in new product images so,that they fit better but I just wanted,to get the basic framework up because I,mean now check with this with this,premium version of generate press like,wow that looks really really good you,know everything is there so I really,like that I need to re add back in my,logo that we just uploaded because,uploading this took it out but I mean,there's a lot of stuff I'm gonna have to,change in general here all of that I'm,able to do in the theme options or the,customize section by the way I'll just,show you that I'm not gonna go through,the process of designing the entire,thing on camera cuz I think that would,be a little bit boring but the premise,of this video was to show you how you,can use WooCommerce as an alternative to,Shopify if you want to and I can easily,work out just as well if you're willing,to put the time into designing this and,setting up like I'm doing right now and,in some cases it might not be worth it,for you to do that you might want to,stick with Shopify but in other cases,might be worth it and I mean with,Shopify even you're gonna have to do a,little customization too so in here is,where I can basically control everything,the homepage settings so I'm looking for,the layout so I can control all of this,stuff so like the header for example a,for example I can switch it to how I,want it if I want it to be like a,contained header I can do that I wanted,to be full I can do that I can choose,the alignment of where I want things to,go,like that if I want I can choose you,know where the navigation is gonna go so,all kinds of different options in here,that I didn't have before we can choose,the container so if I want to really,stretch out like that which I think,looks a lot better I can do that we can,even choose like how the images look as,well so like for example I can choose,the area width of the images right here,this might actually be on the actual,product page itself but anyways I can,control all of that I can show which,shows on there if I want to show you,know the ratings I can turn that off I,don't want it to show that also just,gives us a lot more control of,everything so this is what I'm gonna be,using for my CEOs tour as I go and I,start setting things up everything is,you know in here that I need and that I,want so yeah that is how you basically,move away from Shopify if you want to,and if you want to use WooCommerce,thought it would be an interesting video,to shoot if you like this kind of video,smash the like button on it for me,if you're not subscribed yet make sure,you subscribe and take the bail,notification icon so that I can update,you every time I post a new video,comment below let me know if you want to,see more tutorials like this and what,kind of ones you want to see or if you,want to see like more design stuff just,let me know and I'll make more of that,but anyways guys that's gonna wrap up,today's video until next time I am Paul,James peace out
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