how to compress a picture shopify

Compress & Optimize Product Images on Shopify Store to SpeedUp | Image Optimizer Tutorial

Educate E-Commerce

Updated on Mar 17,2023

Compress & Optimize Product Images on Shopify Store to SpeedUp | Image Optimizer Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to compress a picture shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to compress a picture shopify

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Compress & Optimize Product Images on Shopify Store to SpeedUp | Image Optimizer Tutorial

hello to everyone welcome to educate,ecommerce youtube channel,in today's video i will show you how you,can optimize or compress images in your,shopify store,optimizing web pictures consists of,creating high quality images in the,correct format dimensions size and,resolution by decreasing the image,workload without sacrificing quality,image optimization can be accomplished,in several ways including resizing,photos saving them to your computer and,reducing the size for best use,images with huge file sizes will take,more time to load up your website,if your website takes more than three,seconds to load users are far more,likely to quit which can significantly,increase your bounce rate and,subsequently harm your conversions,so to add an image compressor first you,need to add an app,log into your shopify dashboard,from here go to apps,click customize your store,it will take you to the shopify app,store,here use the search bar and search for,crush,select the crush.pix app from the store,this app is free to use but to explore,more features you need to upgrade the,app,now let's click on add app,go through the permission tab and then,click on the install app,it will take you to the app's dashboard,in step 1 you can choose three methods,to compress your image,the first one is balanced,here the image will get a significant,size reduction with minimum loss of,image quality,the second one is conservative,on this option the image will get a,reasonable size reduction with no loss,of image quality and the images will,remain exactly the same as the originals,and the last one is custom,you can set compression levels manually,for each image type,choose an option from this list based on,your needs,now click on run compression,the test is completed and you will be,able to see the compression results,to add custom image quality click on the,edit and you can manually set the,quality,in step 2 you get to choose the,available plan for an upgrade,and on step 3 we get two options to,compress your image,automatic compression and manual,compression automatic compression is for,paid users only,since we are doing the free version,let's go with manual compression,click on the manual option and then,click save,on this page you will see all the images,here,click on detail to see the image,information,now to compress your image click on the,drop down option and then select crush,it will start compressing your image as,you can see,the one which is already compressed will,not change,like this you can compress and optimize,your image size without losing any,quality,and that's it for today's video i hope,this video was helpful,if you like our content please do,subscribe and like the videos,i will see you guys in the next video,bye

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