how to connect shopify to facebook marketplace

How to Connect Facebook Marketplace to Shopify Dropship well hey guys it's drop ship dad here,coming

Dropship Dad

Updated on Feb 09,2023

How to Connect Facebook Marketplace to Shopify Dropship

The above is a brief introduction to how to connect shopify to facebook marketplace

Let's move on to the first section of how to connect shopify to facebook marketplace

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How to Connect Facebook Marketplace to Shopify Dropship

well hey guys it's drop ship dad here,coming at you today we're going to be,talking about how to connect your,facebook shops account or your facebook,page to a shopify account uh if you're,interested in doing drop shipping like i,am on a date of three,and this past year i've done over 250,000 in sales doing dropship on facebook,marketplace and etsy as well and that's,what we're going to go over tonight is,how to connect a shopify account with,your,facebook and facebook marketplace and,put those together so we do a facebook,shop okay so tonight we're going to be,going at my computer step by step if you,guys have any questions about some of,the things maybe i missed something that,you didn't quite understand or had some,other questions please put some comments,down below make sure to subscribe to the,channel so that i can keep offering to,you some great content on how i,was able to,make money on drop shipping on facebook,marketplace all right so let's go ahead,and take a look at my computer and let's,get started with a step by step on how,to do all this thanks to,uh open up a shopify store and connect,your shopify store,to facebook,marketplace shops and how to set up a,business page because you'll need all,that information uh in order to sell,with facebook shops which is actually,kind of what's been really trending,right now selling with drop shipping,print on demand things like that so,hopefully we can just show you a,step-by-step tutorial on how to do that,with shopify so i just went ahead and,went to and i'm just going,to set up a dummy account uh for this,but uh you can go ahead and sign up for,a free 14-day trial and put your credit,card number in when you go to shopify uh,once you get uh set up you just enter,your email address username password and,then this stuff they on the page here,they just want to have that for,themselves from shopify so we'll go,ahead and skip that for now okay so,we're here is our store,and uh we're gonna go ahead and uh for,the sake of this tutorial we're gonna go,ahead and uh sign up for the facebook,app so you're gonna click on apps and go,to customize your store,now when you go in there you just type,in facebook,and we're looking for the facebook app,which is the facebook channel right here,so we're gonna go ahead and click on,that and add that app it's a free app to,install so you don't have to worry about,paying for anything especially another,14 day trial so everything so far is,free and it's going to run you through,some really basic tutorials it's going,to just want to connect to your facebook,so we're gonna go down here,and,add the sales channel,now when you sell on a facebook,marketplace with the shops you're really,setting yourself up as a legitimate,business uh you can sell them facebook,marketplace as just your name so my,name's chris so i can go on there as,chris and just sell as if i was selling,like uh like on a craigslist type setup,but when you set up a shops your,facebook wants to see that you're more,like a legit business and that's why you,use shopify because they want to know,that you have a website so if you look,here there's gonna ask you for different,features to get started with and the,first one there is sell your products on,facebook so we're just gonna click start,setup it's just a really simple tutorial,um it wants to connect to your facebook,account so we're gonna connect account,and,so obviously you have to have a facebook,account make sure you have that set up,and then it's going to want to set up to,a business manager now if you don't have,a business manager you can it should i,already have business manager but if you,didn't have business manager i imagine,there's a tutorial or a link,that would set you up with that,opportunity so you it's again it's just,a way to set up as a business and you'll,understand a little bit later how that,works but you need to make sure you set,that all up,so once we've done that it's going to um,it wants to also have you connect with,facebook page so you also need to create,a facebook page what's nice and here is,i already have some facebook pages,already set up,um but if you didn't have a facebook,page you can actually just create it all,right here from shopify so you can do,all of these steps in facebook but i,like how everything is just centralized,here in shopify so you don't get lost,between all the different screens it's,just in one tutorial showing you exactly,what you can do to sign up so we're,gonna create a new facebook page uh,we're gonna go to facebook and,um you can decide if you wanna just sell,a little bit of everything or if you,wanna be niche for the sake of the,tutorial you know we're just gonna be,doing something super random um so i,might do some something kind of like,outlet,sales,online something like that i don't know,and then anyone choose a category it's,gonna name um,drop down here category,retail,or gift shop and you can say something,like um,online store selling the best on um,gifts,at outlet prices just something,that looks legit that really can just be,real simple then we're going to create,the page now you really want to make,sure you set up your facebook page so it,looks like legit business um again all,this stuff is pretty simple here we're,not uh asking ourselves to do too much,stuff but um it is gonna ask like for a,profile photo for a cover photo and,there's some really cool things you can,do you can go to places like,and this is a free um copyright free,photos so you can just type in anything,you really wanted and grab a photo if i,wanted to type in like a gift,maybe,and like,i wanted to use one of these as my,facebook page profile then i can easily,just scroll through here and like well,there's a present here i'll just,download that,um,and we can literally,just take that picture and make it our,profile picture drag and drop it and,again this is free photography you don't,spend money on photography but see that,looks nice i didn't have to spend any,money on it and um you can also do that,for your background um,this looks more like christmas type,stuff but we could,just find something that oh this looks,cool this looks like a gift so we'll,download that one and you'll see it,shows up in your bar down here i am,using a map and we'll drag and drop that,over here and set that up and you can,try that so it looks pretty legit i know,outlet sales online looks pretty good to,me so once we've got that all set up set,up a page and,it's gonna wanna know some information,here,uh probably put in a phone number and,let's know that you're an actual,business,it's gonna wanna it'll set you through,some tutorials to set up your page for,success for example uh maybe an email,address if you don't have a location,all these really simple things that you,need to go through finish setting up,your page people on the facebook know,that you're incredible okay so we have,to go through all this stuff we've,already set up a picture um let's go,through all these check marks actually,so one step left here it wants me to add,a profile picture okay there's my,profile picture,website oh you're gonna add your website,yeah right now because i'm going using,the shopify free trial i didn't buy a,domain name you can use so like for this,one it's just hammond distro not, i'll see if that works,but if i wanted to i could like search,for domain name and buy and honestly,like you can buy domains for like 12 or,15 entire year so again don't go out and,spend tons of money trying to set up um,all that kind of stuff now here i'm just,gonna say i don't have a location,because of an online store and holding a,brick and mortar i don't think that'll,matter at hours there's no hours,available because we're an online store,and we're always open,and,you can add a phone number,um for the sake of this i'm not going to,do that obviously um just for privacy,reasons um,we'll just say it doesn't apply to my,page and,what's up in action it will add like the,buy now button i think there's like a,buy now or like that watch video shop on,the website yeah there you go,my shopify,oh,um so there you go introduce your page,invite 10 friends uh,we're going to skip that mark that was,complete welcome to your page introduce,your page,if that market was completed so if we,did that like what two or three minutes,um okay so let's just see here it should,recognize let me see if i refresh this,if it'll uh find my page that i just,created,yeah there it is outlet cells online,yeah we're gonna connect to that one,okay choose preference um so we're going,to go through your data sharing,we'll learn through all these different,things customer activities they're doing,the facebook pixel if you don't have a,pixel it's going to ask you to set that,up as well and so you might want to,create a new one or you can connect the,current one so i'll just connect one,facebook commerce account okay facebook,commerce account to start selling on,facebook instagram both once you have an,account they'll be able to customize,your shopping collections,so uh facebook commerce manager you,don't have this this is like ads manager,on all that kind of stuff see it should,be pretty,self-explanatory to set that up,let's see if,i already have a facebook commerce,account so i don't know why it doesn't,recognize it but we're gonna figure that,out here in a sec,oh okay it connected it found me,and then accept terms um you can read,all those great uh i never really have i,don't know,but it's there for you okay so look at,all these green check marks okay finish,that up that's a good thing we like all,that,you like all that,okay,new products now we don't have any,products yet and that's where it comes,in download different apps you can,certainly drop shipping print on demand,things like that but we need to start,adding products the cool thing is about,shopify and facebook is they work,together really well so once we,set up the shopify account,um and start uploading products we can,just tell it to connect with facebook,and your images,your product will automatically show up,which then will automatically show up on,the marketplace which is really cool,because,there's over 800 million users,on facebook marketplace every day which,is a lot of people so we're gonna do,that uh with active f8 so some other,steps that you're going to need to do,you need to my facebook it's uh it says,i'm ready to go uh check your products,to make sure all the products are synced,things like that um activate shopify,payments i'm just going to make sure,there's some other things you're going,to go through on the shopify end,uh to get your website up and running,now if you have a shopify account,already set up then you're that much,further ahead you're really just,connecting your facebook,and,account,and really just getting the shops,portion set up so um you might have a,little bit of a faster,setup time if you haven't done that,already so i'm not gonna walk through,all that uh we can go over tutorials,later on that and,and go step by step on that later,uh what i'm gonna do though is i'm just,gonna go to commerce manager,and we should be able to check once,we've gone to our business account and,we can go in should be able to show up,our,see here's my,shopify commerce account okay so we need,to add items to that your commerce,account has been approved you've,reviewed you we have reviewed and,approved your commerce account you can,now publish edit shuffle okay sometimes,um we have seen shops taking more time,to get set up and there is not a rhyme,or reason to that,other than i already have a facebook,shop set up and so um i'm using my,commerce manager um already so there,might be something there in terms of,like my legitimacy or their willingness,to open up more shops for me but,everything you want to do as far as like,adding items,and getting your facebook shop up and,running is done through shopify because,it just syncs with your facebook,commerce manager okay so all of that,stuff,for you if i click add items,um yeah see we're gonna,add items from our website automatically,um and set all that up so,um,anyway there's some more things here,that we'll probably go over um i don't,want to actually dry it dry it out for,you but this is some of the basic stuff,to get set up that we've kind of just,went over um it was a really quick,tutorial if you have any questions feel,free to put them in the comments section,on the youtube channel or um contact,those that are you're working with when,it comes to set up in your facebook,shopping we make sure to walk through,some more stuff with you as well so that,should be it for today hopefully that,answers enough questions but shopify is,a great way to,uh connect with facebook and to be able,to,go out there and start shelling directly,with marketplace and there's so many i,mean we just scratched the services,there's so many more cool things and,there's other videos that we can share,later on about how to do that so,hopefully that um that was a,helpful tutorial for you guys okay so,when uh in order for you to sell on,facebook marketplace with shops there's,some things that you have to do so once,you have connected your,facebook and shopify account there's,some things you have to agree to,you have to be able to ship within 30,days fulfill orders within 30 days of,the handling time,um ship things within seven days um sure,a refund between zero and 150 days,and agreed with selling fees which is a,5 fee or 40 cents whichever is greater,and then um you need to connect a paypal,account,uh so you have to make sure you agree,those terms and connect so we're just,gonna go back to shopify here so i,quickly did that if you have a paypal,account you're gonna have to sign up for,a paypal account so make sure you get,the mouse set up so there are a few,steps to get through,but everything is a step-by-step process,on here so it's not really that,difficult um i live in the state of utah,so i'm gonna have to make sure,that we have it so you need to add a,tank state tax registration number for,each state your business has attacked,them facebook uses this information to,determine sales tax,okay,so we need to add a state tax,registration number you will need to,sign up for an llc if i understand that,correctly,or,yeah in order for you to,yep in order to go forward you gotta,have that on there,so you're gonna have that in there,um which i will add in,a minute,start setting up your facebook shop on,shopify which i really like because it,gives you the drop down everything you,do so you set up your facebook account,set up for this business manager you,verify your domain which you already,have one a website great if you don't,you can sign up for the shopify 14 day,free trial,and your domain is this section right,here,until you actually buy a domain for like,15 a year,which you can also do through shopify,which we will also have videos on later,um you also need to set up your facebook,page which is done in here then you,need to select your data sharing which,is,you'll see that when you click on it,then you need to set up your facebook,commerce account so you have to have,facebook commerce account if you don't,know what that is you can learn about it,here on shopify again it's super user,friendly,and you also have to have a tax id,number in order to set up a facebook,shop the reason is is because they want,facebook wants legit businesses selling,as shops,so,you look like a legit business,and people gain trust from you selling,as a shop so you have to have a tax id,number from the state in which you live,you don't want to do that you can still,sell a marketplace but you cannot have a,shop that makes sense so,i have before i even had an uh tactic,number i just sold as myself and that's,how i made a lot of money to begin with,now i'm doing shops so there is an extra,hurdle i have to go through because uh i,don't want to call myself a bottom,feeder but as drop shippers we want the,you know the easiest form of entry into,uh selling but having that tax id number,kind of weeds out people so if you are,willing to take that upon you and go,through those steps which is not hard,and i don't even know how much it costs,but i think it's really cheap,definitely worth it because what we're,seeing is that shops are getting a,tremendous amount of sales so it is,really worth in my opinion check out,getting your tax id number set up,anyways that's a long ways of saying do,it so that you can figure so you can,fill out your commerce account and make,sure that the taxes are all lined up and,then you have to agree to the terms and,conditions and then click finish setup,sorry about that but it's worth it just,believe me i have to do it um so yeah so,this is the third shop i've set up and,so now yeah so now you just now we're,set up you're ready to use facebook shop,to check your product status to make,sure all products have synced and then,go to facebook to create collections and,customize your shop okay so everything i,do is through shopify you will notice,when you start getting into this,if you have connected shopify to,facebook it is repeatedly going to tell,you to refer back to shopify to make any,edits to products because shopify now,becomes like your core,central location like your warehouse,essentially and the facebook shop is,just like the storefront,so,anyways if you're doing print on demand,doing drop shipping whatever you're,doing you're going to be uploading your,products directly to,shopify because now that we've connected,the app a facebook app it will,automatically push those products over,to facebook so i just want to make that,very clear this is like a part three of,the videos,there's a couple loops a couple snags,that we ran into but i wanted to make,sure everyone was understanding on that,all right so now that we've been able to,take a look at the step-by-step tutorial,on how to connect your shopify account,with your facebook marketplace and put,those together so you have a facebook,shop,hopefully i was able to answer most of,it or if not all questions if not again,put your comments down below and then,make sure to check out the other videos,that we have on the channel because,again we're going to go over step by,step how i as a father of three,was able to do over 250 000 this year,alone,doing this exact tutorial that i just,showed you as long as all the other tips,and tricks that i'm going to show you in,these other videos so love for you guys,to check out those have a great day put,some comments below if you have any,questions talk to you soon

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