how to create a marketing campaign in shopify

HOW TO BUILD A Shopify WEBSITE? / Marketing Campaign Tutorial For Beginners everybody welcome back t


Updated on Mar 14,2023

HOW TO BUILD A Shopify WEBSITE? / Marketing Campaign Tutorial For Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a marketing campaign in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a marketing campaign in shopify

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how to create a marketing campaign in shopify catalogs

HOW TO BUILD A Shopify WEBSITE? / Marketing Campaign Tutorial For Beginners

everybody welcome back today i'm going,to create another shopify store for you,to specifically speak about marketing on,our previous videos we had set up the,customers and we set up the discount,codes for your shopify account now what,goes hand in hand with that is marketing,sending email marketing in that previous,video when we're setting up the customer,remember we asked if they were if they,accepted marketing preferences if you,consider marketing well today i'm going,to show you how to set up that marketing,for you for emails and etc right,all right so as always as i'm starting,new videos i am creating new trials for,you to show you from the beginning to go,so that's what we're going to do now so,if you don't have the shopify account,already and this is your first video do,subscribe,follow us,drop us a comment what you need to know,or what you want to know and how i can,help you to make money alright so also,you can find the link in the description,below as well if you haven't done so,already,alright so we're going to create,a new account here with the,email that we have,and we're going to,hit enter,and get started all right we need the,password,and we need another store name and i'm,running out of store names for you guys,let's say,uh,they brick,in your wall right,love pink floyd pretty fun,uh great listening,something to listen to while you're kind,of creating your store too so create,your sort the brick in your wall,and we're going to answer some questions,here that they want to know are we,already selling i'm playing around your,current revenue i'm not selling which,industry will be operating in it's your,choice i haven't decided yet and are you,setting up a store for a client again,you've heard me before in our previous,videos,if you're creating a store for somebody,else click the box if not leave empty so,next now our information right so your,name your,last your first and last name your email,address your telephone number right and,they want to know is it a registered,business it is a registered business,you can say enter my store if you have a,personal website as well enter it here,if not leave blank if it's not a,registered business leave this box,unclicked and you can go in settings,later on and update that information all,right so let our store load up,uh again i want to remind you where,today we're not really focusing on,themes we did that before we're not,focusing on products we did that before,right uh and we're just going to work on,marketing so you have this full-time,exactly about marketing campaigns right,okay,let's get started let's stop wasting,your time you have money to make right,so going to marketing,and this is,the options here now,i know when i first came into shopify,quite some time ago,uh i was like oh wow uh this is very,complicated right uh no it's not it,honestly it's very easy so just take,your time take a deep breath if you need,to grab a glass of water,however you're going to relax,and sit down and enjoy all right so to,create a campaign,campaign no it's not military it's,exactly like a marketing campaign so you,you have a goal like a military to do,right i need more customers i need more,money that's a campaign for you so you,can create a campaign and you can view,the templates as well so you can choose,either one all right so i'm just going,to go here from beginning now build your,campaign by adding a marketing activity,so shopify email create emails to share,promotions and updates with customers,facebook if you added facebook in our,previous videos for there you can do it,uh you can use the,dynamic uh retargeting ad,right a page post microsoft's smart,shopping it's recommended for you here,automatically optimize your shopping,campaigns pinterest,snapchat and yahoo product campaigns i'm,just for today,nothing really changes here i'm just,going to use shopify okay,so let this load we're going to make an,email campaign all right,uh you have a certain amount with a free,plan i think it's two and a half,thousand uh emails you can send,when you have these customers or just if,you have some kind of lead or some if,you don't know what lead is it's just an,idea of somebody that might want to come,check out your store right,now uh,that's what that's going to be,now the template so the starting point,just an idea right the first one here,the product restock here that's what it,looks like basically anyways,uh you you can choose these and you can,change these later on too as well and,you can view more let's go ahead and,view more let's look at what more they,have so you can do email type,uh when you select this it's going to,give you the choice of announcements a,blank holidays and occasions right,product highlights promotions i'm going,to choose promotions i'm promoting my,store i need to know,what more and if you want more you can,do announcements you can do holidays,products all of these right but for now,i'm just doing promotions so when you do,this it will show all the templates when,you select all of them or specific ones,that you select,okay so it's an email uh upcoming event,a product a discount if you have a,discount right i showed you how to do,that how to make copy that code you can,put it right here as well uh that code,you give remember when we went and we,were talking about notifications and the,emails how you can just kind of paste,the code in this location and it will,kind of edit that well that's it here,all right and also too by the way uh you,can automatically apply them to,a checkout anyways if you just want to,give it to everybody you can the same,more specific customers last time we did,specific customers,uh but you it's just one box you click,and you can apply it to everybody uh as,that comes to it as that promotion so,it's your choice,uh let's see end of sale a gift card,black friday sale ending cyber monday,right so this is black friday november,cyber monday again november,a discount,uh let's see maybe i want to do discount,so this is the template here,i'm going to select this,and there we go all right only page,shopify accounts can send email conveys,now i didn't go over that i didn't tell,you that but you do need to have,a paid account right so to send emails,through shopify upgrade to a page,shopify plan you can send emails once,your store is active for two weeks now,well,let's skip that right let's pretend that,we've already done that,uh so to who,uh all right so subscriber groups all,subscribers uh new have not purchased,yet returning this is where you're going,to go for people who do subscribe,uh as well preview text write a summary,of your email uh to display after the,subject line so,after the subject line underneath that,right we need some kind of now,let me show you something uh i can say,welcome to our store,we have a gift for you,okay,all right,uh now,from the brick now this is the brick and,your wall this is my information you can,edit it right here right specific to uh,be specific to the subject,say a free gift,okay all right now this is what the,email is going to be from the preview,text right now let's speak about this,all right so when you click on this the,brick in your wall when you select this,the header uh the store name,right or the logo,if we don't have a logo select image,uh and i'm going to choose my images,right so as doing so i'm going to have,it right here,let's see the bio logo,that's going to be my logo it's going to,appear,and i'm going to select done,and now my logo now i can make it bigger,or smaller based what however right so,that's my logo and let's make it smaller,it's our email,and the alignment how do you want it to,be so center,left,or right,i'm going to choose center and you can,change the background too and you can,even hide that header as well so you can,change that background color,alright uh that is,here,uh all right now what about something,for you now when you select this you can,move this around too so you'll just kind,of like grab and you can move right so,you see,you can move all of this just by,grabbing and dragging and dropping,so,the header you're not really going to,move the header right so it's just it's,called a header for a reason,all right so something for you when you,select this uh,when you do this,it's going to duplicate it right,now that i've duplicated i'll show you,how to delete right here the little red,trash can you'll delete,all right so delete that,give it just a moment,ah no okay all right,and well,we deleted both but there we go uh now,oh there we go we have it okay great,all right so something for you when you,double click it comes here uh,system font regular we can child that or,you can change that so let's select a,font uh something like times new roman,when we select times new roman you can,take a look and it will change all of,this text,system font whichever,and you have these choices,all right uh so we'll click done,all right the font size we can change,the font size with this little drag bar,all right uh when let's say,let's okay now here we go,something,just i'm going to be creative here just,for you,all right uh and we can come down right,i'm going to delete that now what about,the font size i can make it small,without bold,welcome,welcome,we,i'm gonna give another space,we,want,your,business,okay there we go we have that that's,this section,okay uh we can we can change the text,color i want to change it to red,all right we're going to change red,and there we go and anytime you select,something right so like welcome to,i want it to be like italics,the same if i want this to be red to the,same text color,red,so it should that's how you're going to,change this information right email,styles change will apply to all sections,for the content background okay you,don't want,all right uh create your email and now,we're going to select that again and,there we go we can change the alignment,and the background so it's just going to,be what's white here we can change it to,black green gray whatever color you want,to choose right,all right what about this a special,offer,highlight right we can go to the text we,can change the text color again to red,as well,and text color,let's,see all right here,red,all right and you're going to be able to,change that the link color as well let's,see we can change all of this,information,so do,let's change style to the color,and currently use whatever right so,that's how you're going to do that now,uh coming back now uh the text we can,hide the text,it's just a discount right no uh the,requirements what you must do right uh,so when we choose to select this is how,we're going to change the font to this,but it's not wanting to allow us to do,it for now for some reason so once you,create uh by the way,last video we showed you how to do a,discount right so if you already,selected that discount you've done that,you can actually select the discount,from what you've already created we,didn't do this here today but this is,where you would select it and it would,put it there,all right uh and this is this,information,now um,coming to requirements,it's going to be here so select a,discount the feature write discount,requirements this is this information,right uh now because we don't in why,this is not allowing us to change,because we don't have the discount,uh all right,so the button when we come to the button,how do we want the button to look this,is what it's asking you so here we go,apply discount right change the,enrollments this is the font okay i'm,choosing this font,i want to change,that button size the text size the style,do i want to have corners,do i want it to be rounded right solid,outlined,right select that but solid and you,change the text color and the background,color as well,now that's the button,and there we go,now here this is the address just double,click,display option shop address or not,phone numbers,we can add the phone number and the,social media link uh icons and you'll,just actually take if you have an,instagram,put this url right here facebook twitter,pinterest as well and the icon color you,can change,as well,uh so we can come here and this is how,you're going to do,the footer right so the system foot uh,regular you can change we've already,changed the text elsewhere so list this,one too,and it will change that information for,you and we come to done and this is the,footer so this is everything you're,going to see right here now uh these we,can say,we have something just for you select,and i want to move it right so you,remember,discount value right etcetera but we,don't have a discount right now,uh because we didn't create one,and that's fine but let's add a section,i want to add more,i want to add more to my marketing,campaign,just like when we're doing things how,you can add extra to your page the same,thing accounts here so we can add text,we can add a button we can add a picture,all right so,uh let's go to add pictures and we can,upload it in picture,right and we can come here,to,tom cruise and we have a new picture,right or whatever picture you have maybe,you have a product right,uh we can select this for,this again,whatever right you get the idea for the,pictures adding this all right uh let's,delete i don't want that all right add,another section to add another discount,you can,for example the discount value you see,the same,i'm going to add another section to show,you what about a gift card are you,selling a gift card you can buy a gift,card so if you're wanting them to buy a,gift card you can give them this choice,too,uh add another section and let's see we,added button,uh give a button,to learn more,right here you can do as well so when,you come to button you have the same so,a link for example to your products if,you created products all products right,and it will just be like learn more it,will send them to your products as well,change the font change the size the,corners for the button the same thing,applies to as the apply discount nothing,changes here,adding this selection,uh let's see you can have a divider,a divider is just a space like in,between right,between this we can divide that,and i want to duplicate this divider,because i'm going to use it again,and i can move this up,here right,and,anything else i want to make another one,just a divider in the email and i'm just,going to drag them up and put it right,here so you see how that works right uh,going back to adding sections,uh,product,we have a product here we go search all,products search products your store,doesn't have any products yet so once,you add a product right like in,past videos you'll be able to select it,right here,all right and going back to add sections,uh you have buttons and a text,so when we put a text here we can just,highlight,and just say,hello,we want to encourage you,encourage,you to shop with us or something right,shop with us,all right now we have that,uh so this is our text and like oh well,that's pretty blank well the same if you,want to change the font you can,go to done and to change the color if,you want you can change the text color,to like red right or whatever the link,color if you're putting in a link,in the alignment as well and this is it,pretty cool right coming back just to,make sure i didn't order an image just,see the text we did button discount,divider gift cards and products this is,it,and,let's see,i'm gonna move this up a little bit so,move this move this here we go and hello,we want to curse and you can see and you,can continue to do this and create more,and more and more and you can add a new,section just for the plus sign as you,see like anywhere plus right boom plus,plus so you can do both either add,section or the plus sign as it shows up,when you're hovering over it,and okay so we can send the test,and we can send here uh send up to one,more email once now,your store is blocked and can't send,test emails,that's because,we are here only for paid accounts but,you see how it's done so if you do if,you are ready chances are you're,probably going to pay for a pay plan,anyways but you're not quite sure that's,why you're doing the 14 days just kind,of get an idea,which is really great two weeks to,really kind of build your store if you,have this time,to do that it's really great to spend,that two weeks to do and then like,you've already created the account think,about it this way so you spend 14 uh 14,days uh creating the account you've,already you've added your customers,you've already added your products,you've played for the theme you've added,links etc write blogs even,you set up your settings that's two,weeks that's a long time honestly you,can do this in about if you take three,hours four hours and you already have an,idea with pictures with products already,customer base with a csv,you can really build this like really,good in like three hours so,14 days if you don't have any of that,information you can pretty much get that,information within 14 days build the,website and then you can just jump to,the paid plan,that uh that they have to offer on,shopify and then once you do that you're,i just showed you this honestly it's,just like 10 minutes right and uh but,i'm sure you already have an idea of,what you're going to say again two weeks,to do and start sending emails start,marketing start making money get get,customers build that base for you guys,right,uh so this is it uh now i'm going to go,back right so you'll send the test email,and you'll save it right so this is it,now this is what i created this is my,template,uh for here this is what i did now you,can edit activity,uh the same so let's come back,let it load and you're going to see too,right so free gift this is it right so,if you want to change that,uh so coming back that's a free gift,right this is it uh you can archive the,campaign,you can delete the campaign rename the,campaign whatever it's just untitled,because i didn't put a name yet,and you're going to see this too so any,kind of campaigns that you have and you,build and even if you're doing you can,even create them right now,uh within that 14 day period and then,once you do pay you just come right here,and you can just start sending them,right there boom it's it so you can,already have multiple campaigns built,into in all of this time and before you,start really,uh so look,let me stop,two weeks to build build your store,follow our videos right,okay you built a store you have your,customer base you have everything you,need all right build your campaigns your,marketing campaigns you just now know,how to do that you can have a big list,of these then when you're ready when,that 14 days finishes,you can get a paid plan and what that,paid plan is really going to help you,start just from the very beginning one,send marketing campaigns two it's going,to take that password off,so they can just come anybody can come,to your site which is typically what you,want right before marketing so right,there you're already ready to go on the,first moment that you pay for the pay,plan you already have everything billed,and if you don't have any customers,that's fine send a marketing campaign to,everywhere copy the links you can send,discounts to just random places if you,have leads you can even facebook your,friends right they'll come you can get,their information their friends and,family you can send it to them you can,build that customer base,so uh you have everything ready and just,the moment you pay for that paid plan,and you're right here you have,everything to go oh boom send this to my,customers right we showed you how to,build customers before just select them,uh here and you're going to send this,marketing campaign to them you're going,to send them discount codes you're going,to,you are going to make money right so,that is all uh for now rehab you have,marketing you have everything you need,so don't forget to subscribe drop that,comment below and let me know how i can,help you further alrighty guys i can't,wait to see you again have a wonderful,day

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