how to create a shopify store step by step

How To Make A Shopify Store (Step-By-Step) in this video I'm going to show you how,you can make a re

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Updated on Feb 04,2023

How To Make A Shopify Store (Step-By-Step)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a shopify store step by step

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a shopify store step by step

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how to create a shopify store step by step catalogs

How To Make A Shopify Store (Step-By-Step)

in this video I'm going to show you how,you can make a really good Shopify store,because if your store looks like this,you're not getting any sales if you,follow these steps in the video your,store will be better than 90 of other,drop shippers so let's get started,go on Google and search Shopify or click,the link in the description right now,it's only one dollar a month just type,in your email and start the free trial,then you can just skip these select your,store name wait and there we go the,first thing we gotta do is add the,product go to apps then the Shopify App,Store and search for zendrop then click,add app and install it then search for,your product mine is right here and this,is the reason I'm using zendrop because,of the 10 to 15 day international,shipping now click add to import list,then go to the import list then just,delete all of this for now,and click import to store,then go to imported products and you'll,see this will take a couple of minutes,so meanwhile we're gonna do the pages,click online store pages and click add,new page then you're gonna go to the,free copy and paste blueprint in the,description now to be honest I've got,most of this from the Ecom King a while,back so full credit to him Link in the,description to his channel but look at,the menu to the left click shipping and,delivery just copy this paste here then,go back and copy this,and paste it here then hit Ctrl F or,command F and type your store name then,you will get these highlights in the,text,just change this to whatever your store,name is then do the same with privacy,policy refunds and returns terms of,service then they get FAQ but don't,write anything yet then go to the,contact page and paste the text from the,blueprint,now go to navigation and edit the main,menu then click edit on catalog and,delete the link to all products and,select your specific product and also,change the name from catalog to shop,then add your FAQ page,and move it up here and click save,then go into the footer and delete the,search add your FAQ your product and,call it shop then add your contact page,and click save,now add a new menu and call it,information here you gotta add shipping,and delivery privacy policy refunds and,returns and terms of service,now go to themes scroll down and add the,sense theme and when it's ready click,publish and customize,then just delete all these sections for,now,and hide the email signup now go to the,footer and click on menu then change the,name to about and your store name,then delete the our store block and move,the image up,also delete the r promise block and add,a new menu then add the information menu,and change the name to information,then we're going to change the color so,go to theme settings then colors,and for this store I want a blue color,so go on to Google and search blue color,palette,I like this color and you have the color,code right here,go back to the store and find the accent,2 gradient and change the color to the,code you just found now copy it and,click a random place on the line here,then paste the color here and make the,number 75 percent click on the color,Mark to the right and make it white and,then I prefer this type of fade,then click on the accent 2 and make it,white and then make the accent one color,your store color as well then go back to,sections and go to the footer then,change the color scheme to Accent too,also click on the announcement bar and,make that accent two as well and change,the text to your offer mine is shop now,and get 40 off,then go to color again and make the,background one gradient completely White,and the same with background one,then go back to sections and click on,the header here I prefer the logo,position middle left,now go back to theme settings again and,hide the color then open the typography,and change the fonts for headings just,type ITC and select the first one and,make it bold,for the body pick Roboto and just keep,it regular,now we need a logo so I'm gonna find a,dog paw on Google I like this one so,open Photoshop or other editing software,make the width 500 the height 100 and,resolution 300.,so copy the dog paw paste it into,Photoshop hit Ctrl T to resize it then,use the magic wand tool to Mark the,background and hit delete,now make sure to write your name,correctly because I apparently didn't do,that in my other video and somehow only,one of you realized it even this guy,that copied my store didn't even realize,it a simple logo trick is to build the,first half of the word,then I'm gonna move it around a bit and,I think this is pretty good now just,change the color to white and hit save,then make another with your store color,and save that as well go back to the,store and click the image in the footer,and upload your white logo then click on,the header and upload your colored logo,here and just make it full size,this is already pretty good so hit save,click this drop down menu and go to,checkout and click open checkout here,and upload your colored logo as well we,can quickly view it on mobile and it's,pretty good down here you can see the,powered by Shopify we're gonna remove,that and if we go to the cart page we,are also going to change this line here,since we have free shipping then hide,this featured collection and the email,sign up now click the drop down and go,to page and default page,here are we also going to remove the,email signup and do the same on the,contact page,click save and control click on exit now,click here so we can view our store and,down here you can see the powered by,Shopify to remove that click the dots,and hit edit languages,search for powered and it powered by,Shopify clickspace,save that,and it's gone,now let's remove this on the cart page,so copy it and paste it here and then,type something like this week only free,shipping refresh and it's updated,now go to product and change the title,and delete these images and upload your,own you can take some pictures yourself,if you have the product otherwise just,find some online,reorder your images so the best images,are first,reorder the color so it fits the picture,so pink blue green and yellow,now this is very important if you have,variants the first variant should be the,best picture otherwise the variant image,will come up first and it will mess up,your image order then you can just make,these the variant image,foreign,save,and go back now select it and click edit,products here just type in your price,and your compared price,so let's go to the product page and it's,been updated also see this icon up here,we're going to change that by adding a,favican so go into Photoshop again and,make a 200 by 200 and here I'm just,gonna add the dog paw and make it blue,save it and go to theme settings find,favican and just upload it now refresh,and you can see it here now we're gonna,make the product page so go to app and,open the app store,search for Gem Pages add app and hit,install,then just select complete store and pick,your niche,now this is 29 a month but it has a,30-day free trial so that should be,enough to make some sales before it ends,so go to product page and click create,new template here just click continue,editing okay so click here and delete,this,so real quick here are all the elements,you can use or you can also use the,templates,but we're gonna make one from scratch,drag in a product and delete all this,then add a route inside the product and,make it a double,then go down to product and add the,image then make it 100 in size then add,an image list and go to style and make,it a slider,then add the product title and make it,35 in size also make it completely black,and left align it then add the price and,make it 32 then go back to your store,and pick the store color and add it on,the price then make it a semi-bolt 600,you can't really see it but it's there,also left a line,go to compare price make that a 32 and I,like a bit more gray color then add a,text block for a headline I'm just gonna,copy from my other multi-bottle store,so make it a 19 completely black and a,700 Bolt,then add an icon list and delete the,lowest two points just left align it add,your store color actually I prefer this,make the icon a 25 and the text 18. then,type in your benefits and now just copy,until you have three to five bullet,points then I'm gonna just copy the,benefits,then we need to add the swatches remove,the label and make border size 2 then,just play around with the size I'm gonna,make it 120 then Center it and now we,gotta add quantity again remove label,and make it a stretch,then add the add to cart button and make,it your store color make the text to 20,and make it a stretch then go to design,then under border make it black and make,it a three then add an image under the,add to cart and make it a good trust,badge so basically just your payment,methods and make it a bit smaller,now click on the product and then pick,the product,then add a text block and a good review,and of course Center it then add a new,row and make a double,so add an image heading and text block,so here just go more in depth with your,benefits,make the heading black and 600 then,insert your text Center it and bold the,most important parts actually just make,the heading a 700. then just copy it,twice and on the second make it reverse,I tried to upload my GIF but it doesn't,work so go to Shopify and then settings,then go down to files and upload your,GIF then copy the link and paste it here,now I'm just gonna insert the,description now you can see the text,doesn't fit the image size so click on,your heading go to design and click,spacing then under margin try to center,it so 40 is kinda in the middle and just,do that with the three pictures also,here I just copied the bullet points,from the benefits above and change the,text okay so now go to explore blocks,type fq and select this then you can,drag it here to make less space between,now go back to the blueprint and you can,see you need three to four questions,about the product and then three general,questions,so I have my questions already so I'm,just gonna paste it and then just copy,the text from the blueprint also,remember to change the email here,now click publish and just call it,product page now let's preview it and,this is our product page this is better,than ninety percent of other drop,shippers and maybe even 95 percent now,you can right click hit inspect and,click on the mobile here so you can see,how it looks on mobile now you can see,there's a lot of space here I would also,like the variance on one line the add to,cart is small here I want the headline,above the GIF so there's a couple of,changes so go into gem pages and select,the phone here,make this four instead of three make the,swatches smaller so they fit on one line,make the add to Carter stretch,and now watch this closely copy this row,then select the first one and go into,design then under visibility deselect,mobile then click the other row and,remove all except mobile this will keep,this product page on the other devices,and let you change whatever you want on,mobile,now Drag The Heading above the GIF and,remove the spacing now just repeat this,with the other blocks and this looks,good now actually let's just remove the,spacing here perfect let's publish,now we gotta make the home page,here we basically just copy elements,from the product page into the home page,so select image with text and add your,image then make the image a large then,select image second and make this,overlap,and now select the accent 2 on color,scheme so just copy your product title,and make it a small then add your first,description then click on the button and,select your product and type shop now,wait let's just go to theme settings and,make the accent to Black,then add a new section also image with,text,add your gif,then just change the color to Accent too,paste The Heading again and make it a,small then delete the body and create,the shop now button,now add a multi-column and call it our,customers make the heading size small,click on the first column and delete the,heading then paste a good review and,make it italic then underneath write the,customer's name in bold and add their,star rating just do the same here and,here,now click on the multi-column and delete,the texted button label to remove the,button then add another image with text,make this overlap and change the color,upload the image paste The Heading and,make it a small then add the bullet,points and you can just do it like this,then again add the shop now button new,image with text and upload the image,change the color paste The Heading and,make it a small then paste the,description and add a shop now button,the last section we're going to add is a,contact form change the name to need,help and make it small,and then click save and now the home,page is finished,we can look at mobile here,there's a mistake here go down to mobile,layout on the multi-column and enable,swipe this is way better I think this,home page is really good so let's hit,save,okay so let's download some extra apps,go to the App Store and search sdo ant,then find the sticky add to cart add app,and install so we have this but I prefer,it simple so let's remove everything and,change the color to our store color and,also add the color under confirmation,and you want it to show after 15 percent,then change over to mobile and do the,exact same like this and hit save,then the next step depends on your,budget you can download Ali reviews for,ten dollars a month or you can download,Judge Me for free I actually prefer Ali,reviews but since Judge Me is free I'm,gonna be using that in this video so go,to the App Store and download the judge,me AliExpress reviews click add app and,install now you also gotta download,judge me product reviews right here you,can see it's free or fifteen dollars a,month so click install and install again,click next and install widgets,so let's check if it's on our product,page the stars are here the adds a cart,and the reviews down here but the,product page is the old one so let's go,on to gem pages and click on the icon,here then product page and click assign,product then click add product and just,add it,now if we update the product page it,looks like this but the stars and,reviews are gone so go on to gem pages,and hit explore blocks then go into,elements and type Judge Me Now drag the,reviews right under the title and change,it to Star badge,then scroll down and add the reviews and,publish then go back to the judge me app,and click customize widget go to Google,and search star review color and let's,pick this color code so let's type in,the color code and click save,then go over to the judge me AliExpress,reviews click next and start importing,now then go to AliExpress and find your,product this right here has the most,orders and therefore reviews copy the,link and adjust the settings you can do,anywhere between 20 to 100 reviews but,I'm just gonna go with 30 since it will,otherwise take a lot of time then do,three stars or more and select your,product and then just hit import reviews,so let's go to the product page and hit,refresh and there's our reviews and we,also got the star badges but I don't,really like the text is yellow so go,back to judge me and customize widget,copy this here and paste it at Star,color and make this black and Save,refresh,and this is way better,so let's start going through the reviews,click on manage reviews basic rules is,delete reviews that's not in English,delete reviews that say something about,the shipping times go for 4.8 rating and,use common sense so delete reviews that,say they bought it on AliExpress or,something like that after going through,the reviews we have 14 left but I don't,really like that it's so wide and I,prefer all in reviews that looks like,this but on mobile there isn't a huge,difference if you're on a low budget,this is fine now we are completely done,with the store and need to set up the,final Store settings so go to settings,and hit payments then you need to set up,Shopify payments it's pretty,straightforward you just give some,information about your bank so you can,get paid basically just fill out the,information then I also recommend,setting up Paypal put on new accounts it,will most likely freeze the money for,some time just make sure that you have,enough cash to fulfill orders then go to,checkout then change to require first,and last name also make sure shipping,address phone number or requirement then,you can select this for email and SMS,Marketing in the future then click save,and go to shipping and delivery then,click manage and delete the US shipping,zone or whatever country you're in also,delete the rest of world shipping Zone,then create a new shipping Zone and,because you're using zendrop and have 10,to 15 day international shipping you can,just make a rest of world also the Zone,name doesn't really matter you can just,call it worldwide shipping then you're,gonna add rate and type free standard,shipping and the price is zero and click,done then add another and name it,insured shipping and there you can,charge anything from three to five,dollars I just go four point nine five,then click save and go to markets this,is very important right now you can only,sell to your primary market so under,International click manage and then,activate and you'll be able to sell,worldwide also this changes the currency,of the store so if someone from Germany,is going to your store the price will be,in Euros for him instead of dollars,I just remembered we need to make the,FAQ so basically just copy it from your,gem pages and paste it into the page,here,okay just like that and click save then,we can click view page and this is our,FAQ you can get it as a drop down just,like the product page but then you have,to pay for Gem Pages which cancels your,30-day free trial,one of the last things we gotta do is go,to settings then policies,then you gotta take your page and just,copy them in here you don't really need,the contact but I did it just anyways,also you can just leave the legal notice,as it is perfect now it's time to buy a,domain so go on to domains and type in,what you want your domain to be,domain is definitely the best otherwise,the dot Co is also fine the domain is,fifteen dollars a year I know you can,probably get it a bit cheaper on other,website but this is definitely the,easiest option,after you have bought your domain you,can set up your support email just click,on your domain and click add forwarding,email then call it support and write,your Gmail where you want the messages,to go,then you also want to go into navigation,and click view URL redirects then go hit,create and type slash sale and on the,bottom paste your product page link then,you go directly to your product page,then you need to start your Shopify plan,it's only one dollar a month for the,next three months and you still keep,your three day free trial now for the,final step is to like the video because,this took so much time to make but for,the real final step go to online store,and then preferences then scroll down to,password protection and click this box,here congrats you've just published your,own Shopify store that's better than 90,or even 95 percent of other drop,shippers now I have two important,announcements one after you have,finished your store go to my Discord,server there's a link in the description,and post your store in the website,Channel then me and the other members,will give you feedback we use the server,not only to talk about Drop Shipping but,also self-improvement and investing and,two next week I'm gonna test this store,with paid tick tock ads so you'll see,real results of how this store does I,upload videos every Friday at 4 pm ESD,so subscribe and click the Bell so you,won't miss the video next week by the,way this video right here has 1 379,likes so go check it out you might like,it as well thank you for watching have a,great day and I'll see you Friday

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