how to create bundles on shopify without an app

Create Product Bundles Without The App - 2022 Easy Shopify Tutorial! bonjour bonjour okay so in this

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 08,2023

Create Product Bundles Without The App - 2022 Easy Shopify Tutorial!

The above is a brief introduction to how to create bundles on shopify without an app

Let's move on to the first section of how to create bundles on shopify without an app

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Create Product Bundles Without The App - 2022 Easy Shopify Tutorial!

bonjour bonjour okay so in this video,i'm going to show you how you can code,your own bundles so it's going to look,something like this if people want to,buy bundles of multiple things,before we continue i have to give you a,little disclaimer yes you're going to,have something that looks like this,however your bundle isn't going to,reflect accurately in your inventory so,if you create this bundle this way the,freeway in cheap way it's not going to,when someone buys the necklace and the,earrings it's not going to remove one,stock from your necklaces product and,one stock from your earrings product you,will be selling necklace earring as one,skew so keep that in mind you know the,upside is it's free and you just follow,the code the downside is you can't track,inventory as well if that's a deal,breaker for you go check out bundler,right here it's an app or unlimited,bundles and discount by revi it's,another app we reviewed both of those,you can go check it out the more popular,one is the revie the cheaper one is the,bundler to basically use our affiliate,link and help on the channel that's what,it comes down to okay but back to the,video you want to create your bundles,and you don't mind about the inventory,tracking and you just want to do it on,the cheap well let's go then we're going,to go to online store right here um and,the first thing first we're going to,click on actions and we're going to,duplicate our theme right here,this is super important if you don't do,this,then if you mess up the code that's,going to follow in the next minutes and,you do an error there's no way of you,going back so always work on a duplicate,while we're waiting might as well be a,good time that if you don't want to,duplicate these teams you can just,install rewind it's an app that backs,everything up for you super amazing,affiliate link down below as well,helping the channel again anyway actions,edit a code there we go we're gonna go,to sections right here on the left and,we're going to go to product dash,templates it should be right here oh,then we're gonna do command find on a,mac control f on a windows the little,search bar appears and we're going to be,looking for,the word unless,right here this is what we're looking,for unless the product is equal to empty,this right here that's what we need,right above that line we're gonna hit,enter a couple of times to create,spacing remember spacing doesn't matter,in code and we're going to be pasting,this piece of code right here,now at the end of the video i'll tell,you exactly where to get these pieces of,code so you don't have to pause and,retype the script you can just copy,paste it at the end of the video first,let's walk it through so you have an,idea what's happening we click on save,once you pasted it now we are going to,add,a new snippet so right here on the left,we go to the snippets section we do add,a new snippet it's going to ask us what,our snippet is called and we're going to,call it product dash bundle dash card,liquid exactly like that make sure,there's no spacing in the back make sure,there's no spacing in the front exactly,like this and we create the snip and,we're going to be pasting this right,here,boom enter it should start with style,and it should end with a closing div tag,once that is done we save that then,we're going to create a second snippet,yes sir madam and this snippet is going,to be called drum roll please product,dash bundle dash collection dot liquid,we create a snippet and we paste the,next piece of code in there,it starts with style and it ends with,and if,we save that and you're never going to,believe what we do next we create yet,another snippet,it's the last one i promise and this one,is going to be called product bundle,price again within the names of the,snippet make sure to copy paste it just,keep it simple otherwise you're going to,maybe add a space too much or something,like that and it's going to be a mess,just copy paste this exact name and then,boom the third piece of code again at,the end of the video i'll tell you where,to get all of this save make sure you,save all three of them yes they are,saved perfect okay that's all we're,going to do in the,um code section next we're going to go,to the product section right here and,first we need to add tax so let's say we,want to sell the letter bag as a bundle,we're going to use the same tag for all,the bundles so tags are right here and,we always have to do the same thing so,we have to name our tag,bundle,with a dash and afterwards you can,change whatever is after the dash so you,can do bundle one or bundle bags for,example and that's going to be your,bundle with all of your bags or bundle,andrew because you like this channel and,you want to name it andrew you can name,it whatever you want as long as it's,bundle dash and then after that doesn't,matter anymore so let's do bundle,bags,adds bundle back so now we created a new,tag that's called,bundle bags,okay cool now i'm gonna duplicate this,and i'm gonna say you know um,bundle,because it's going to be a bundle black,leather back plus earring,you know,for the,i'm gonna set it as active,sure i can track the inventory and i'm,gonna duplicate the entire thing but,normally you would want some earring,images as well duplicate now we just,created a bundle product black leather,bag plus earring and actually let's add,a third product,again bundle bags is the tag,so let's duplicate that one more time,and they say bundle,you know number three,because,black leather black plus earring,plus shoes,i'm gonna duplicate the images the,inventory i'm going to set it as active,and i'm going to duplicate this,oh one thing i forgot is because this is,the litter bag the earrings and the,shoes i'm assuming the price is going to,be higher so,you know i will adjust the price to,reflect my accurate price point,i will,change my seo preview and blah blah blah,i would add some images of like shoes,and earrings in this case and on the,previous ones of just earrings you get,where i'm going with this,um,we save this and so now we can preview,this,and,we don't see the bundle because this is,not the right team so sorry about that,we go back to online store,remember we have been working on this,one not on the live one so we click,actions,and we publish it,are you sure you want to publish yes i'm,sure i want to publish are you sure you,want to like and subscribe to this,channel to get more free coding tips,you should it would be cool,products,let's go our black leather bag that's,our single black litter bag,let's see the bundle one,bundle number three,more actions preview,oh there we go choose a bundle that,works for you either i just want the,letter back either i want the letter,back plus earring plus shoes either i,want the leather back plus earring,oh yeah let's um let's do this,i want this option right here add to the,cart,cool you get your bundle product called,black leather back plus earring,300,and you want it in the color blue if i,just go to the zipped jacket,it's not a bundle product so you don't,have the bundle offering that's right,here what you can also do is you can,hide these products from your feature,collection that way it doesn't mess it,all up for that we can go to collections,and we can remove the bags now you just,see one bag in the collection and when,you click on it and you scroll down you,see all of the other options okay so,what have we really done here we kind of,circumvented the idea of really needing,bundles in the the core way you might,originally imagine so now a bundle is,not going to be,a collection of three three individual,products or skews no a bundle is going,to be its own product so like i said in,the beginning of the video if someone,orders a bundle that is black leather,shoes bag and uh earring it's not going,to deduct,one inventory of your shoe one inventory,of your earring and one inventory of,your bag is going to deduct,the bundle product or the bundle skew of,black leather shoes bags and earrings,this one now the main advantage of,adding this code is that little slider,down below so people can see oh but wait,a minute this is the single product you,know the black leather bag by itself and,they scroll down and they say oh but i,can also buy it in a bundle and you know,it's going to save me some money or the,price is going to be different i kept,the prices the same now i don't know why,i did that but you can obviously change,the price for each,and then you're going to be able to have,a higher average order value i talked,about average order value here is super,super important for your shopify store,so this is definitely a workaround i,hope it is useful for you if you click,the link down below all the code is,right there you can copy paste it it's,going to work make sure to work on a,duplicate version or have rewind,installed if you want to do that,and that's it if this is not working for,you for the um inventory reasons make,sure to check out a review of the bundle,apps,there is a monthly payment and this and,that but at least you know you have your,inventory tracking again this is the,free option i hope you enjoyed it make,sure to like and subscribe for more free,stuff like this see you in another video,ciao

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