how to create custom pdf invoices thru shopify

HOW TO CREATE PDF INVOICES FOR SHOPIFY | TUTORIAL 2022 welcome back graduates today I'm going,to sh


Updated on Mar 06,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to create custom pdf invoices thru shopify

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how to create custom pdf invoices thru shopify catalogs


welcome back graduates today I'm going,to show you how to generate a PDF,invoice literally in your theme you,don't need any apps for it it's just a,one-time purchase and so what this,allows you to do is when a customer goes,in and creates an account at the very,bottom they'll be able to generate a PDF,now this you know eliminates the need to,go back and forth in communication oh,send me a new invoice or there's that,because Shopify themselves don't have,that solution right now they do through,apps and plugins but it's not through,their store through the theme itself so,this is specifically specifically for,Don and it generates a PDF that you can,save you can archive it and you can you,know print it off it's really cool so,let me just show you how that works so,if I go to the online store and I have,an account and once I enter in my login,I'm going to be logged in here and,you'll see that there are two orders so,I've placed in September and December,and they'll be able to your customer be,able to review all the orders and the,past orders they've ever created So,within this you'll be able to click the,selected order,so let's say for example,1004 and then down here download invoice,so when I click on this,this,gives me the PDF that I can download,oops took it took a second but I doubled,it but it's right over here and then,when you open it you'll have the logo,right over here and then text and a,summary of what the customer orders so,they can you know print it off save it,download it things like that which is,pretty awesome now if you don't have,this,if you don't have this,um then it'll just look you know similar,to the account and then not the not the,option so we're going to give you that,today so let's get right into it,so what you're always going to start out,with is a Don uh the readme file and,then our end user license agreement and,then also just the snippet itself,so the first thing it's going to say is,down here you're going to go into the,theme editor and you're going to click,on Main hyphen order now this is going,to be a sections and you're going to add,this whole RTF file beginning in the,very beginning of the code now if you're,working on some other themes it might,look like,customers slash order and in templates,not in sections,but specifically for Dawn,it's going to be in main hyphen order,so what I'm going to do is I'm going to,go to my online store,so now I have Don,701 version so what I'm going to do is,I'm just going to preview this and show,that you know I have an account and,right over here,I don't have the option to download it,just like this unlike the previous uh,what I showed you like here,so what I'm going to do is I'm going to,go into here and I'm going to edit my,code and I'm going to go back to my,readme file and I'm going to go under,main order,right over here and it's going to be,under a section so main order,and then what I want to do,I'll close out of this what I want to do,is add the whole RTF file that we wrote,for you above the whole section itself,so in this file right over here I'm just,going to open this up and I'm going to,copy and paste,and I'm going to add it right above here,enter enter,and then I can just format liquid so it,just looks a bit nicer and then I'm,going to click save now the next part is,the settings so I want you to stay in,here because I want you to kind of get,familiarized with this so you can change,out you can change the title download,invoice you can say get invoice or,download invoice it makes sense right,over here this is uh the default logo,which is our logo for an example and to,get this uh to get this link you can go,back into the settings,and go into your files and if you,already have a logo,let's say I want Peruvian so let's say I,want this logo instead I'm just going to,copy it and paste this link right into,the code,so I'll just paste that right into here,save it and then also your sender com,your sender company so that's your,company and then your address your ZIP,code all that information and then your,uh your customers information as well,right here and then the last part you're,going to have to just customize if you,want to change it up which you should,because it has our email just changes up,the text and we'll write hello,I'm just gonna say this so there's no,editing in the theme editor it's theme,code in the theme editor code right here,just this top part right here,so now what I'm going to do is I'm going,to preview my store with the new invoice,so I should see,um after Shopify updates,the download invoice option so I'm going,to download that,and let's see Peruvian it has a logo and,it has all the text here has the dates,when I ordered it and the summary of,what I ordered what the customer ordered,um and that's basically it so,um yes it looks really simple it is,actually really simple,um it does it definitely does help,um as you send out especially in this,queue for this time of the year,um invoices and it's just so so much,easier because you can tell your,customers oh make an account and then,they'll be able to just generate it,themselves and there are apps that do,this but they are you know monthly apps,things like that so this is a one-time,fee and it works really well with your,theme I hope you like this if you like,this video please like share and,subscribe it does help the YouTube,algorithm we do love you guys and please,comment below about you know new new,snippet ideas we definitely want to make,them for you and uh we hope you like it,thank you so much

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