how to delet epictures in bulk from shopify products

The Fastest Way to Bulk Rename or Edit Products in Shopify hi guys so in this video i want to show,y

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Mar 25,2023

The Fastest Way to Bulk Rename or Edit Products in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to delet epictures in bulk from shopify products

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how to delet epictures in bulk from shopify products catalogs

The Fastest Way to Bulk Rename or Edit Products in Shopify

hi guys so in this video i want to show,you the fastest and probably the,smartest way that you can,bulk edit products in shopify right so,if you have a store with,hundreds or thousands of products and,you need a quick way to rename,all those products or maybe to update,prices,this video is going to show you the best,way to do that so,first i'll just quickly explain there's,a couple of native built-in shopify ways,that you can,edit products in bulk but they're not,really good when you have hundreds of,products it's it's still really time,consuming,or a thousand or more products right so,um,the first way is actually just using the,bulk editor right so when you go into,products,and then you check the check box,at the very top and then you click edit,products,it's going to open the shopify bulk,editor right,so this isn't that convenient because,actually hang on i just did this wrong,but actually it still only lets you edit,uh 50 per page so firstly don't click,edit products click,select all 50 plus products in your,store right,so that's all 50 plus products in store,selected so apparently i've selected,1096 products that's how many products,are in this store,then i click edit products,and so it opens them up but it opens,them up,with only 50 per page and it's going to,take a long time and i can see,you know i don't want you want to clear,out all of this,um you know you have to wait for it to,update all the time i add the field that,like i want to edit,i don't want i want to edit the title so,you know here's the titles and then i,have to edit all these titles,and then click next page to edit the,next 50 right,and i'll have to do that what 20 times,to edit a thousand products,um and and you know that's besides the,fact that i want to somehow automate,renaming of these products right i don't,want to change each one manually,um so that's not very practical you know,another way that we can do it is using,the native shopify export import,right so again you go into products,and you go export and what it gives you,is,a huge uh csv file,that you can open up in excel or google,sheets and it's got all your product,data,so this is what it looks like right so,you can see that this is the product,handle the title,the the entire uh product description uh,the vendor you know and uh,and of course the the images and each,variant is on a separate line,as well so uh this first line has all,the product info and then for each,variant you have just,the part that's different so for example,the size and this is just hard to work,with you know like what if i just want,to change the product titles and i don't,want to,um i don't even want to see every,variant you know,i don't want to mess with the product,images and,and the other problem is when you export,and when you re-import,in shopify using this method um you're,overwriting,all your products when you re-import,it's like it just it feels kind of risky,you know you don't really want to do,that every time you know why can't i,just,export just the title and then re-import,just the title and not touch anything,else right,uh so the smartest way to go about this,is to use an app called matrix if i okay,and i'm not selling this app it's just,that,you know it's the only thing that lets,me do my job effectively,i just i just don't know how else you,would do it without using this app so,matrix if i or it used to be called,excelify right it's on the shopify app,store it costs 20,a month um and you know if you would,rather spend,several hours uh you know bulk renaming,just renaming your products manually,rather than,pay twenty dollars um for an app you,know and you can just subscribe for one,month,um twenty dollars is definitely worth uh,saving hours of my time you know now i'm,gonna demonstrate on an actual live,shopify store,how you can bulk rename your products so,because this is what i have to do,so on this store we have uh,we have the brand name showing up above,the product title,and so uh we don't need the brand name,inside the product title so i've already,done this work,before doing this tutorial obviously so,uh it's not showing up but,previously we had fendi logo knitted top,inside the title here,so we had to remove that from all the,product titles on 1096 products,right so firstly,let's go into matrix file here,so just install the app and this is what,you'll see uh you'll see that you can do,a new export,right and you can you can do an import,that's what this app does,um what's so good about it it's the fact,that when you export you can export any,part of the product information that you,want,right so that's very powerful so,where i was showing you the the native,shopify export and it's got all this,stuff we don't need and we don't want to,change,with matrix file we can,export just the stuff we want to change,so as you can see here,this is something that i've already,exported and we just have the product id,the title and the vendor right,it's beautiful it's it's organized it's,easy to work with,right and i can do some automated,operations inside google sheets,using this okay so whereas,i mean this would have been hard to do,something with because there's no like,good patterns or anything this this is,super easy to work with,okay i'm going to show you how so the,first thing you want to do is export,right you're going to go,new export and here's where you choose,the columns,that you want to export so you can,export all the product data or you can,export,you know just a couple of columns as i,did so simple is going to be,check basic columns in like 20 columns,you don't want that just go to advanced,and just remove everything except for id,title and vendor at least that's what i,did because i'm renaming,like i said i'm renaming the products,so and this is what we get after we,export um,you know you don't need to change any of,this stuff just click export,this is what you get uh the only thing,you really need is the id because that's,that's,that's the id of the product that it's,going to match on when you re-import,right,so as you can see we have products,with the title right,with the uh sorry the brand we have the,product title,with the brand in it right dolce gabbana,here tutu domand,and we have it here to do them on and we,want to get rid of all of this and we,don't want to change each one,right so luckily we already have this,list here,and i'm going to show you how we can,really easily get rid of,everything in this list from,this list if that makes sense so due to,demand is here,we're going to remove two to demand from,here okay so we're going to create,another column and we're going to say,okay let's get this first one we're,going to use,an excel formula or a google sheets,formula called substitute right,so you type substitute right you can,click here,and how does this work if you're not,familiar with formulas in google sheets,or excel,in between these brackets,you just you add some data so firstly,the first thing is what we want to,search right and sometimes it gives you,a little,a little hint okay so text to search so,we want to search we want to search,b uh b2 right so we go to b2,okay and then it's text to search for,so we want to so inside this we want to,search for the text to to demand,right so we go c2,because that's the cell with that text,and then because it's substitute the,third value that it takes is what you,want to replace it with,right and in this case in our case we,want to replace it with nothing,right so all we do is put some empty,quotes so like there's nothing in it,just like that and that's it,that's our formula so now let's click,off it,and as you can see it didn't get this,little preview there but,as you can see due to demand has been,substituted,with nothing right so,and we want to do this for our thousand,plus products,okay and so we do is we,ctrl c to copy and then,highlight the whole thing and then paste,right and it will adapt that formula to,every,row so see here it's b7 c7 okay for the,seventh row,and as you can see we've just removed,all of these vendors,from all of these products we still have,some issues,so for example because this is case,sensitive,it didn't pick up stella mccartney here,with the small c,right so yeah we also have the same,problem with kenzo,because it's kenzo kids here whereas in,the title it's just kenzo,so we just need to clean that up a bit,um we're not going to do that manually,either,we're going to go edit and we're going,to find and replace,and then we're going to find everywhere,that it says kenzo,uh this sheet and,you can test it with find it'll,highlight something with kenzo,as you can see and you're just gonna hit,replace all,and it replaced 31 instances of kenzo,with,again replace with nothing and we're,just gonna go through and clean up the,rest like that stella mccartney,and everything else so i hope you can,see how powerful that is,to to export and to be able to edit,things in google sheets or excel,um you know you can do a lot of things,here,you can obviously work with prices very,effectively,like for example if you wanted to,increase all prices by 10 percent or or,decrease oil prices by 10 for sale,you can easily do that with excel,formulas you know you can just say,this column multiply by 1.1,and that will create a list of prices,that are,plus 10 right um so,the last thing we need to do is,re-import so we're just going to grab,this entire column,um actually from here we're just going,to copy,right and then we're going to go,back into here highlight the entire,thing and we're going to go,paste special paste values only because,that's,that column is actually a formula right,uh so we only want the values from there,so we're going to paste values,and that's it and then we can actually,just delete uh both of these,columns because we don't need them for,the reimport whoops,messed something up but not important,and,this is it this is what we need to,reimport,so all you would do is file download or,save it,as a csv file or as an excel file it,actually doesn't matter it can be an,xlsx file,if you're using excel and then you go in,here you go add file,um upload that file,and it's going to ask you a few things,like,you can do a dry run at first right so,you can,tick that checkbox and do a dry run and,it'll let you know if there's,any errors in that import right but it,won't actually change anything,you don't really need to change anything,else,it will give you a file to download with,the results and so i'm looking at a,import that i've already done now and,and as you can see it says download,import results and uh,it's also csv file and it'll just say,you know for each thing it'll be like,successful or merged or pushed or,something like that um,you know and you can just see if there's,any errors in it after doing the dry run,and then if there's no errors then you,can just say import again,uh there will be there will be a button,import again,there you go um and that's it and it'll,go through,and for a thousand products i think it,took 13 minutes,to update on this store um,and yeah and that's it and we saved,hours of our time uh,that we would have spent if we if we had,manually edited those products,or we we saved ourselves a lot of stress,if we had,uh used this spreadsheet because you,know,you can see from what i did that this,wouldn't be as easy to work with,right,so yeah guys guys i hope that helped,um if you have any other questions about,how to do certain things in shopify,please leave a comment below,and i'll try to make a video for you,and yeah good luck

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