one issue i see constantly with,shopify stores when it comes to seo,perspective is,product tags you've probably seen these,before here's how they look when you,edit,a product and what these usually are,used for,is for one organizing products,internally if you want to tag them,different things you can assign them,organize them everything like that,and two certain apps and add-ons,basically will use these for example,you're going to have one that,says the product to hidden so it doesn't,show in a product but it's used for,specific,functionality within that app default or,third-party apps basically and that's,pretty cool and,i don't have any problems with that,whatsoever the problem really comes,in seo and that is if you're just,creating them for,organization purposes especially if,you're using them,on the front end of the store which,you'll see sometimes we'll say like,filter by,and you'll have a selection of tags,basically we can filter by like,certain colors certain sizes set of,weights or anything like that,the problem is with that and the reason,is,is because by default every single one,of these tags,is indexable and that's the big,big big problem because let's say,you have this one product in five,different collections,they're multiplied across 500 different,products well suddenly,all those tags apply to all of the,different collections,and again every single tag across all,this from products so what happens is,suddenly you can have,100 200 pages and that's something with,like five tags some pages have like 30,different tags across all the different,products,suddenly you have hundreds of pages,being indexed in the google search,engine or other search engines right and,the problem with these pages is,they outright suck and i don't mean this,from like a mean way or anything i mean,from an seo perspective they're low,quality,fin content junk pages here's,why if you open up any of these pages,here's how they look by the way it'll be,slash collections,slash name of that collection slash the,name of the tag so for example it could,be,you website or column slash collections,slash,i don't know um sofas slash red,or orange or color underscore red or,color underscore,cream right that's your tags that's how,they'll be organized in,a url and you're gonna have tons and,tons and tons of these you can do a,quick google search to find them all on,your site,and basically these pages suck and they,suck because if you,open it up and look at it the title of,the page is like color,underscore red and it's not otherwise,whatsoever the title tag will be like,sofa is text color underscore cream and,there's no unique content on there,there's no way of adding new content to,that,and the page basically again sucks,so it really just isn't seo friendly,usually i see this across,almost all shopify stores even some very,big household name brands and stuff look,at the shopify stores they have all,these product tags,and every single one of them are all,indexable and again this can be,like two or three in some stores but in,many cases this is a hundred two hundred,three hundred different tags,all indexable or low quality pages that,don't really need to be there and add no,value to your search engines,therefore reducing the overall quality,of the site and really just wasting,cruel budget which is a whole technical,seo thing we don't really need to go,into too much detail,in this video so what should you,do about this well you may still want to,use product tags just for,again allowing people to filter them,down or just for internal organization,but what can you do about it well up,until recently the solution was very,simple so set them to no,index follow or to do some really,hacky customization with a theme and,essentially use these tags,as a way of adding additional,functionality to store,there's a few stores i've seen doing,this but it's really really difficult,it's not for typical users because it,requires development,but the only upside of that really is it,allows you to have proper url,directories,because by default again every single,collection is slash collection slash the,name of the collections you have,collection stats leather sofas but let's,say you want to have a,a cream leather sofas section right also,you have sofas then leather sofas well,you have such collections flash,sofas then you have another one slash,collection such leather sofas,will be really really nice if you could,have a slash collection slash sofas,slash lever right then you have slash,whatever other materials are on for,sofas right and,that would allow you to have a proper,directory structure which default,isn't built into shopify they can do,that though using tags the problem is,again,it's not really designed for that and i,really wouldn't recommend it in most,cases unless again,you're a developer and you know how to,do that properly because,it gets kind of complicated to customize,everything so by default here's what i,recommend again before we would set them,to no,index follow nowadays however there is,actually really good news so very,recently shopify enabled customizing,the robots.txt file which basically,controls how robots will crawl your,website,as in robots like search engines so what,you can do then,is now you can set it to block crawling,or product tags,so from a user perspective they're still,there they're still visible they're,still,usable for filtering down products when,you're on a collection page,but for search engines they can see that,the options there but they can't follow,any links kind of open up those pages,you can't crawl them so suddenly you,have all these pages there,but they're not being cruel so you're,not wasting pro budget so there's no,real issue with it,whatsoever so really this is the perfect,solution and practically every single,shopify store should be doing this again,besides the technical ones that are,doing a little bit custom development,but for the most part you should,absolutely do this is one of the first,spins when you set up your store and you,have an existing store you probably,already have this issue so i highly,recommend you go ahead,and implement this and what i'll do is,i'll include a link to the video firstly,so you can go check it out somewhere on,this video we can go check out the video,where it shows how to customize your,robots.txt file and it also shows how,to it gives you the code literally to go,ahead and do that and block the product,tags from being indexed now again this,isn't to say that product tags are bad,i'm not saying delete the product tags,in fact,i actually recommend using them again,for internal organization,and also for apps sometimes it can be,really really helpful the alternative i,guess is you could also use meta fields,which aren't indexable and don't have,the same problem but really,they're a little bit slower and usually,product tags are just more supported so,i recommend using prototypes,set up product tags but block them from,being crawled so you don't cause any seo,issues,so in short product tags are awesome but,they're not seo friendly whatsoever,and guess what it's really easy you,fixed that by just blocking them from,being cruel,and all it is is a simple little rule in,robots.txt which you can customize now,is absolutely possible as of recently,you can go ahead and do that and you can,block them all from being crawled,suddenly it reduces,hundreds of low quality pages on your,store almost,instantly very very very very simple fix,that's all we want to talk about again,prototypes are great use them,but make sure you're blocking them on a,robot ctxc level,that's a nice simple video and a really,common shopify seo issue that i see all,the time so i highly recommend you go,ahead and fix that if you'd like to see,more tutorials on how to set up shopify,for seo purposes make sure to check them,out on this channel,not only that i also have a massive 7,000 word guide to,all finn's shopify seo you can read on, we'll include a link below in,the description to that that is my,agency site,if you do need any help with this we can,also go ahead and either review your,site for a custom 10 minute review video,or,do a full-on seo campaign to do all of,this,for you depends what you need help with,and if you're a good fit to work,together so let me know,if you like this video again please do,me a favor tap the like button below,really helps out with,the algorithm and aside from that i will,see you in the next video
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